Do not be arrogantlie- James issues two commandsbothpresent imperative with a negative, which means stop an action already in progress or do not let it begin. The innermost secret thought has been bared. He who comes from heaven is above all." You see, when we're talking, we can't be listening. And as Solomon says, "Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain" (Prov. Those who trust God, who really believe Him, begin to be changed in their speech, as well. Phillips Are there some wise and understanding men among you? Hiebert explains "The present tense pictures human nature's domination of animal nature as a fact repeatedly being observed. It is humble, transparent, simple, gentle, and gracious to the core (James 3:17). (cf the first lie from a forked tongue Ge 3:1, 4) Presumably James had first hand experience with this incongruous speech among believers because in verse 10 with continues the thought of blessing and cursing he addresses them as my brethren and then explains that such duplicitous speech was not right in the body of Christ. Benjamin Franklin, If I speak what is false, I must answer for it; if truth, it will answer for me. See "Tongue Control"), Barton -No person can tame the tongue, but Christ can. Eventually the potter was ruined by the very scheme he had devised to defame the man he envied. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you (Eph. That's a good description of worldly wisdom but take time to read Johnstone's explanation below to get a fuller sense of what James intends by using psuchikosto describeearthly wisdom. Are you reading secular books (self-help, etc, which have now infiltrated Christian bookstores!) "According to his Doom: He would have spoke, (Ibid). Do not hold the faith: The glorious faith we have, the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, should never be associated with partiality (discrimination). We must know what our position is in Christ; we must reckon, or count, upon it as being true because it is true; and we must yield ourselves completely to Christ (see vv. An attack by one of these dangerous animals would fulfill every person's worst nightmare. "He that hideth hatred is of lying lips" (Proverbs 10:18). And why has your countenance fallen? [123] There is a different reading at the end of the James 3:12, adopted by Griesbach, though rejected by Mill and others: houtos oute haluchon gluchu poiosai hudor, "So neither can salt water produce sweet." This reading is favored by the Syr. Sophos was a technical termfor the teacher; in Jewish usage one who has a knowledge of practical moral wisdom resting on a knowledge of God and it was because of this association some commentators feel James is addressing primarily teachers, the ones who would be purveyors of wisdom. (James 3 Commentary). The emphasis is on giving, not gathering! (MacArthur New Testament Commentary James). THOUGHT - PRAY - Lord, help me to think before I speak, to check my heart. It follows that only believers can truly tame their tongue. E. Stanley Jones, Sharp tongues have a way of sharpening other tongues. (Eph 6:16+). The impossibility of this occurring should cause believers to realize how vital it is to learn to submit our tongue to the control of the Spirit. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! For I cannot think that you speak these things of ill-will, but because it is even so as you say. 15:58), we will be used by the Lord to keep His ship afloat in times of crisis. This attainment, infinitely above all others, constitutes true wisdom. Life is short. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason, the saying goes. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. To Jesus Christ, wisdom was that practical understanding of the mind of God, that entire sympathy with His will and purpose, which enabled men to walk in His ways and do His will "on earth as it is in heaven."" NJB James 3:6 The tongue is a flame too. There are many rationalizations for the unrestrained use of the tongue. Full of deadly is the combination wordthanatephoros (from thnatos =death+ phr =to bring) is literally death bearing or death bringing and is used only here in the NT. Washington Irving. NIV James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Of course the tongue of Jesus was tame, but not one tongue of all those born in Adam and with his propensity to commit sin (Ro 5:12+). (1 Cor 1:20), THOUGHT - Let's get practical. 8:64; 2 Ki. (THEY COULD NOT BRING FORTH "FRESH WATER"!) (Ps 52:2-4), Hide me from the secret counsel of evildoers, From the tumult of those who do iniquity, 3 Who have sharpened their tongue like a sword. This "extraterrestrial" wisdom isthe gift of Godand is only given to believers(Eph 2:8), Proverbs commentson the Source ofwisdom from above, "For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Thomas Scott, Wisdom in ruling is justice; wisdom in speech is discretion; wisdom in conduct is prudence; wisdom in evaluation is discernment. The only other use of eirenikos is Heb 12:11+ "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." It is impossible to find an English word to translate this quality. It is interesting how the ancient Alexandrian Christians understood Gen. 1:26, where man and woman are created in the image (eikon) and likeness (homoiosis) of God. Although rivets seem insignificant, they are essential for holding the ship together and keeping it afloat. In Romans 6:13, Paul said that we need to make a choiceto present the parts of our body as instruments of righteousness to God, not as instruments of unrighteousness to sin., Today and every day, choose to present your bodyincluding your unruly tongueas a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:2) to be used by Him as an instrument of blessing. Christ only, always, living in me. "As a thorn that goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, So is a parable in the mouth of fools" (Proverbs 26:9). 15:11; Eccl. then am I in this man greatly deceived. Reprinted by permission. But if we do not heed Paul's command (only possible as we are empowered by the Spirit)to "not let sin reign (present imperative with a negative) in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts" (Ro 6:13+), then we are giving our fallen, sinful flesh an opening from which to spew forth "bitter water." As the apostle James put it, Every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind (James 3:7). Lest we think that Christians do the blessing and non-Christians do the cursing, we need to remember that James was writing to Christians. Why would a Christian be a troublemaker?. My brothers, this should not be. That will mark the beginning of harmonynot havoc.M R De Haan II (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. The waters of Marah were bitter, unhealthy and poisonous but the water from the cleft rock different: wholesome, sweet and plentiful. When it is once past, it is gone forever. James. - The rhetorical question expects a strong negative reply. The fetid fruit of worldly wisdom is similar, because you can "smell" something is not right in a church body, but it may take a while to discover. 2:5; Jas. "A righteous man hateth lying" (Proverbs 13:5). All the conflicts, crimes, battles, and wars of the world are evidence of the devastation caused by human wisdom. Jeremiah (Life Application Bible Commentary James). BBE James 3:14 But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true. He asks (3:13a), Who among you is wise and understanding? Perhaps some of the self-appointed teachers were thinking, Im glad that you recognize my talents! Then in his no-nonsense style, James springs the trap (3:13b): Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. (James 3:13-18 Wisdom for Harmonious Relationships). The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. (Morgan, G. C. Life Applications from Every Chapter of the Bible). Verses 1-26. over a ten foot frame. And so, the same Bible that says, "Be ready to hear," says, "Be slow to speak." Sophosdescribes the ability to use knowledge for correct behavior (1Co 6:5). Christian pity is the reflection of God's pity, and that went out to men and women not only when they were suffering unjustly but also when they were suffering through their own fault. in earth (epigein), and. (Exploring James), Guzik -James points to the ultimate impossibility of such a contradiction. A bitter word may hate instill; The words which this wisdom utters may be of Gods glory, but their real aim is mans glory. 3:17; 1 Pet. But James used the word in a specific context. Well, when this man didn't balance, he began to explode with blasphemies, and the lady said, "Who in the world is that?" Reprinted by permission. That man may not yet have had much biblical training, but he knew one truth for sure: The term Christian troublemaker is an oxymoron. Society does the inventing and reinventing of words. 5:22; Matt. A dictionary merely lists and defines the words of our language. Be arrogant(2620)(Katakauchaomaifromkata= against +kauchaomai= to boast) means to boast against. Don't say that you are wise when it isn't true. Douglas Moo -"As the fig tree cannot produce olives or the grapevine figs, so the pure heart cannot produce false, bitter, harmful speech.". This, I believe, comes through Scripture (ED: AND I WOULD ADD PRAYER, ESPECIALLY CORPORATE PRAYER ON CORPORATE MATTERS). 1. 3:2; Jas. Society pays the price for this twisted thinking at all levels, for it always leads to confusion and every evil thing (v.16). When we fear we have crossed a Rubicon with someone, we can seek their forgivenessand Gods (Matthew 5:2324; 1 John 1:9). But the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. Judges And so James issues a command inaorist imperativewhich means "Do this now!" ")., and in the statement in the second chapter of the same epistle, that a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God (1 Cor 2:14+). It has no place for God or the things of God. 1:18-2:16). 3:8; Jas. But even if you dont visit Southeast Asia, youre in peril of something else that is just as deadly (James 3:8). 16:13; 1 Chr. No wonder James called the tongue "an unruly evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:8). Every now and then you read a horrible story of a child mauled by some wild animal that had supposedly been domesticated. 7:3; Zech. Isn't it interesting that the Spirit uses the same verb to describe a demon possessed man and the tongue of men which he has already described as set on fire by hell. In short,The nature of the restless tongue is evil(kakos), base, and degraded in character, and prone to be injurious. : Pass. A bitter spirit will keep you from being a better person. (a) Eupeiths can mean always ready to obey. It is interesting that lists the following words as the antonymsof gentleness - acrimony(rough and bitter manner), harshness, bitterness, sharpness, narcissism, unkindness, animosity, anger. We may even hear the preacher talk about not slandering others, but before we leave we will say things concerning others that amount to slander. "Prove it now!" THE SECRET OF A CONTROLLED TONGUE BYTHEODORE EPP. 1:5; 2 Tim. If one word, innocently misspoken, can cost millions, think of how much damage malicious words can cause. McGee -When a man can sing like an angel on Sunday and then talk like a demon during the week -- you label him as you want to -- the Bible calls that man a hypocrite. A gracious word may smooth the way; In this context the moral character is clearly evil. 7 The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with all your acquiring, get understanding. Faithful: Say you so! The idea is something that is emitted since venom is ejected or emitted from a serpent's fangs. A Christian who makes the greatest impact on a watching world, and who furthers the cause of Christ, is one whose. Home; Shop. If it bites you, you take two steps and die (BUT SEE NOTE). That is true, and it had already been said in the declaration that heavenly wisdom is first pure, then peaceable. Reprinted by permission. James said, Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. "Scoffers set a city in a flame; But wise men turn away wrath" (Proverbs 29:8). If the tongue is inconsistent, there is something radically wrong with the heart. ", This person behind the curtain reminds me of a problem we as Christians experience today. When we see someone with more wealth than we have or with qualities we lack, we become jealous. No fountain yields both salt and fresh water. 1 Kings The father bowed his head and led the children in the blessing. This is the very word Jesus uses when he explains to Nicodemus "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again (anothen - from above)he cannot see the kingdom of God." It came from the teller who had attempted to balance and he hadn't balanced. Wisdom is the beauty of holiness. ", Robert Johnstone -As the false, exhibiting itself in envying and strife, (James 3:16) thus brings in confusion and every form of evil, and in this way proves itself to be from beneath; so the true wisdom, showing itself in peace and peacemaking, thus brings in righteousness, and proves itself to be from above. (Hiebert), Unwavering (impartial - NIV)(87)(adiakritos from a = without + diakrino = to separate, distinguish, judge) means making no partial distinctions, impartial. Amplified For wherever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and selfish ambition), there will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices. "Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister" (Proverbs 7:4). GNT James 3:17 , , , , , , . James was not addressing a hypothetical situation that might arise in the future, but rather a real situation that already existed. Lord, I need Your help that I might control my thoughts and words today. If the Holy Spirit is on the throne, then out of our innermost being flows that river of living water of which the Lord Himself spoke (John 7:37-39+)." Anon. But Jesus can. Johnny Hunt Devotional -Words of encouragement are priceless: You can do it! You are a winner. Great job! Words of blessing are powerful. ), Another Prayer - So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. According to its derivation, the original word strictly means belonging to the soul. The contrast with spirit and the spiritual, which is expressed in the passages that I have quoted from First Corinthians and from Jude, and implied in that now before us, is the key to the exact meaning. Into what are we growing? 15:19-20)." "The king's favor is toward a servant that dealeth wisely" (Proverbs 14:35). The words we speak reveal our hearts, especially when we are under pressure. The new believer was surprised. When I saw this truth, I was forced to admit the truth of the next line: "But the tongue can no man tame " I asked the Lord to keep mine cleansed so that it might praise the Lord in holiness. It comes from a rebirth of our hearts and spirit to a life truly taken captive by God. 1:3; Zech. If the Lord Jesus Christ is a stranger to you, the best that you can hope for is to become a philosopher, like Socrates of old. Hardly. Interesting! 4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; 5for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. I travel on the wings of the wind. 15:44 ("it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. To do it, he goes straight for the heart (Mk 7:14-15; Ps51:10) and the mind (Ro12:1-2). The more he saw the less he spoke My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. Curtis Vaughan. Seek His guidance before you express yourself. Truth(225)(aletheia)has the literal sense of that which contains nothing hidden. Deeds is ergon which is used 12x in James, most concentrated in the discussion of faith and works (ergon) -Jas. reliance on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Such a life also will be full of "good fruit" (karpn agathn). But as noted with my brethren James is clearly addressing believers among whomit is not fitting or right for theirtongue to exhibit such untamed speech. Practically speaking, believers need to imitate Jesus' example of gentleness (cf 1 Cor 11:1) and the only way we can manifest gentleness like He being enabled by the Holy Spirit. The Lord patiently reminds us through the Holy Spirits presence, for example, that we shouldnt say negative things about others. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New . Ah, brethren, this is because we have taken in Satans conception of manliness instead of Gods. Knowledge consisting of words is an earthen vessel full of holes. (Word Biblical Commentary). Louw-Nida says it means "pertaining to being gracious and forbearing." Till we're glorified at last. Enduring them makes our faith and relationship with our Savior all . It comes from heaven (1:5). 6 Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; 7 but we speak Gods wisdom in a mystery (THIS SPEAKS OF THE GOSPEL - THE FIRST DIVINE "WISDOM" THAT ONE MUST RECEIVE BEFORE HE CAN RECEIVE FURTHER DIVINE WISDOM! James 1:5. He was the brother of the *apostle John. If you sow Gods wisdom, youll reap peace. 11:38). Davids companions suggested that God had delivered Saul to them, and they urged David to kill him (vv.4,10). It really isn't in me." Nothing less wide of range than this is involved in the word pure here. Remember that the tongue speaks only what is in the heart. If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that much of our conversation is nothing more than empty talk. All rights reserved). (Ibid), Paul has a description of the wretched condition of the tongue of the unsaved man in Romans 3, Their talk is foul and filthy like the stench from an open grave. The evidence of the true wisdom in control (James 3:1718) But Hiss for Hiss return'd with forked Tongue I will give you a further discovery of him. It exists among our members as a world of malice, defiling the whole body and setting the entire course of our lives on fire, itself set on fire by Gehenna. The person with godly wisdom is not "playing the part." My brethren, these things ought not so to be. "Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own conceit" (Proverbs 26:5). Have Thine own way! Your motives must be pure, or you are not acting with godly wisdom. It is as active and potent for evil in old age as ever it was in the days of our youth. 1 En. Amen. All rights reserved), O Prince of Peace, keep us, we pray, It is cloaked in Church talk, but it is dangerous and its origin is Hell. 27:2, 90:26; 4 Ezra 7:36). Dave Roper -How oddthat blessing and cursing pour from the same aperture! Stulac -Earthly origin, in frequent New Testament usage, implies inferiority to heavenly origin. In 2:13, James used the verb of the triumph of mercy over strict justice in the coming judgment; here the picture relates to the triumph of arrogant pride over others in the interactions of daily life." It has an attitude of humility (v. 13). Moses records For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. 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