Suicide was an abhorrent thing to a Jew, for the Jews were taught to honor all life. He is the true Vine, that is, the original of which all other vines are a copy. As Christians, we do not live on substitutes! It takes time and cultivation to produce fruit; a good crop does not come overnight. The word translated lifted up has a dual meaning: lifted up in crucifixion and lifted up in exaltation and glorification. Jesus often combined the two, for He saw His crucifixion in terms of glory and not just suffering (John 12:23; 13:30-31; 17:1). He died on May 2, 2019, aged 89. "I first heard Dr. Wiersbe at a Bible conference" in Chattanooga, Tenn., in the early 1960s, said Jerry Vines, a former Southern Baptist Convention president and longtime friend of Wiersbe's. This library contains more than 13,000 volumes. He served for ten years as General Director and Bible Teacher for Back to the Bible. 14:13), but the unbeliever dies in his sins because he lives in his sins. It would be in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension that Jesus would be revealed to the Jewish nation. 3:2; 4:17), he is teaching a false gospel (Gal. The compulsion to do good is an innate American trait. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. (Gal. From 1971 to 1978, Wiersbe pastored Chicago's Moody Church, named for 19th century evangelist Dwight L. Moody. If Jesus committed suicide, then He would go to a place of judgment, and this, they reasoned, was why they could not follow Him. He really had quite a sense of humor, Vines said. 6:22). While at Moody Church, he continued in radio ministry as speaker on the Songs in the Night nationally-syndicated radio program that moved to Moody Church in 1968. In his autobiography, he connected some of his earliest childhood memories to Moody Bible Institute; his home church pastor was a 1937 graduate, Dr. William H. Taylor. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Wiersbe teachings in Back to the Bible were heavily saturated with unbiblical and ungodly psychology and his commentary contains plenty of false doctrine. Warren Wiersbe was the director of Back to the Bible for five years, retiring in mid-1990. Clear rating. When our Lord used this image, He was not introducing something new; it was familiar to every Jew. He will be missed at The Moody Church, but he will not be forgotten.. Generously provided by. Lets not forget that this man and his Bible were highly endorsed by Wiersbe. Then you can see God in the outside world., But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils., The Pharisees were left sputtering, Hocus Pocus. The church he pastored hired a homosexual minister of music. Justin Taylor is executive vice president for book publishing and publisher for books at Crossway. "Warren Wiersbe, 'the pastor's pastor,' dies at 89", "Personal Library Of One Of America's Foremost Bible Teachers Coming To Cedarville",, With the Word: the chapter by chapter Bible Handbook (1991), Be Decisive: Taking a Stand for the Truth-Jeremiah (1995), This page was last edited on 11 September 2022, at 02:35. The Heresies of Warren Wiersbe Demand Exposure and Separation, Not Acceptance or Ignorance. He enjoyed radio ministry and was effective at crafting the message to fit the medium. But Wiersbes commitment to a corrupted gospel, corrupted fellowship (ecumenicalism), corrupted Bibles, corrupted doctrine and corrupted worship demands exposure and separation. That is far from Biblical Christianity and once again proves he was nothing less than a wolf in sheeps clothing. While pastoring in Chicago, Wiersbe served on the board of Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) from 1971 to 1983, ten of those years he served as chairman of the board. Also, you experience the Fathers pruning so that you will bear more fruit (John 15:2). This is a beautiful, wonderful gift from God. [1], Wiersbe was born on May 16, 1929, in East Chicago, Indiana, the youngest of four children of Fred and Gladys Wiersbe, and attended Washington High School in East Chicago, where he became a committed Christian at a Youth for Christ rally there in 1945. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. In an act of wonderful grace, God transplanted Israel into Canaan and gave the nation every possible benefit. This church drew members from the Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky Tri-state Area. They have no roots, produce no fruit and are blown about. During his time in Chicago, Wiersbe also served asboard chairman for the Slavic Gospel Association. From 1984 to 1990 he served as general director of Back to the Bible. Life and Books and Everything: Whats Going Right in the Church? I remember the Sunday morning at Moody Church when John the Baptist came in. Warren Wiersbe Hebrews As recognized, adventure as well as experience approximately lesson, amusement, as competently as pact can be gotten by just . It is He who purges or prunes the branches so they will produce more fruit. Warren W. Wiersbe. Our Lord had spoken about peace (John 14:27); now He mentions love and joy (John 15:9-11). 5. Rev 22:18-19). Beginning in 1978, Wiersbe began teaching practical theology classes at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and authored materials for a DMin course on Imagination and the Quest for Biblical Preaching, used at both Trinity and also Dallas. He was 89. That defined Wiersbe but its heretical and ungodly to the core. 4. [1] [5] Before his death, Wiersbe and his wife Betty gifted their massive personal library of over 13,000 volumes to Cedarville University in Ohio. If the branches could speak, they would confess that the pruning process hurts, but they would also rejoice that they will be able to produce more and better fruit. Would Wiersbe fill the pulpit, and pray about becoming a candidate? We either walk in the light and have eternal life, or walk in the darkness and experience eternal death. Last year, Wiersbe and his wife, Betty, announced their plan to gift his . Prepare for Easter with Bible Gateway Plus. Based on the book of Joshua, Be Strong is an inspiring guide to pursuing a victorious life. What I heard him do with Scripture that day changed my preaching forever. This maxim implies that the transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the immanent God within ourselves are one. Consider some quotes from The Message which was so heartily praised by Wiersbe: Being poor in spirit means to be at the end of your rope?! During a meeting one night at The Moody Church, Wiersbe spotted a woman sitting by herself toward the side of the auditorium, Vines said. Author of more than 150 books, Wiersbe was called to ministry at age 16 under the preaching of evangelist Billy Graham, according to The Gospel Coalition (TGC) website. Warren Wendall Wiersbe (May 16, 1929 May 2, 2019) was an American Christian clergyman, Bible teacher, conference speaker and a prolific writer of Christian literature and theological works. The word results is often heard in conversations among Christian workers, but this is not actually a Bible concept. Warren and Betty Wiersbe remained at the church for 10 years, until they were surprised by a phone call from The Moody Church. If you dont believe that, go to the shopping mall, sit there and look at the people. Warren Wiersbe is a well known international Bible conference teacher with a heart for missions and is a former pastor of Moody Church in Chicago. Wiersbe served at Moodyfrom 1971 to 1978, during which time he wrote forMoody Monthly,penning the Insight for the Pastor column, where he offered not only practical theology counsel but also wrote biographical sketches of noted figures in church history, which formed the basis for his booksListening to the Giants(1976) andWalking with the Giants(1980). The marriage creates the union, but it takes daily love and devotion to maintain the communion. Warren W. Wiersbe is the Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, and is the author of more than 100 books. 1) Because of the Price Jesus Paid 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. 12), the bride and the Bridegroom (Eph. Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe's best- 11:28-32). During his long ministry and writing career, Warren Wiersbe covered pretty much every topic, including the inevitability of death. 5:4). Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Warren Wiersbe in mp3 format. Be Joyful (Philippians): Even When Things Go Wrong, You Can Have Joy. With less of you there is more of God and his rule., Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God., Youre blessed when you get your inside world, your mind and heart, put right. It is certainly the most evil and blasphemous perversion on the face of the planet and thats really the only comparison that can be made. And this is what happened. Later in life he would move to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he served as host of the Back to the Bible radio broadcast. Wiersbe does not understand Gods Word, since God is a God of separation. Itsa marvelous, glorious privilege. After leaving The Moody Church in 1978, Wiersbe continued his writing, radio and teaching ministries, serving at, among other institutions, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in suburban Chicago. Moodyexists to Proclaim the Gospel through equipping people to be biblically grounded, practically trained, and to engage the world through Gospel-centered living. The heretical teaching on unbelief is intricately tied to Keswick theology, which makes the same claims, and is found plentiful in Wiersbes commentary and radio show. Dr. Wiersbe authored more than 80 books, including the best-selling "BE" series. Warren Wiersbe, pastor and author of the popular 'Be' expositional Bible commentaries, has died aged 89. Jesus was returning to His Father in heaven, and nobody can go there who has not trusted the Savior. Because people are people and situations are situations. Warren W. Wiersbe died on May 2, 2019, in Lincoln, Nebraska, just a few weeks shy of his 90th birthday. A member of the body cut off from the body would die. God wants both quantity and quality. Ours was a very fragile plant, and it was easy to break off a branch. Wiersbe pastored the extremely compromised and heretical wishy washy neo-evangelical Moody Church. How can we tell when we are abiding in Christ? The true believer has his citizenship in heaven (Luke 10:20; Phil. This same combination of suffering and glory is repeated in Peters first letter. ), Throughout his ministry, Warren Wiersbe described himself as a bridge builder, a reference to his homiletical method of moving from the world of the Bible to the world of today so that we could get to the other side of glory in Jesus. As explained by his grandson, Dan Jacobson, His preferred tools were words, his blueprints were the Scriptures, and his workspace was a self-assembled library.. (4) The fruit. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. The vines I saw in the Holy Land were large and strong, and it was next to impossible for anyone to break off a mature branch without injuring the vine itself. Popular and prolific Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe died on the evening of May 2, 2019, at the age of 89. Wed spend the first twenty minutes laughing over what happened the day before. - Warren Wiersbe 0 By submitting this form, you consent to receive promotional and other communications from the Moody Bible Institute. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. (2 Jn. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2 Cor 6:14-18), Naturally one would have to be of that mindset and belief to be pastoring a church of such standard, yea, and further, really the catalyst behind the heresies. Meanwhile he also started work on the BE series of exegetical commentaries, books that soon found a place on the shelf of every evangelical pastor. Once again, He warned them: He would leave them, they would not be able to follow Him, and they would die in their sins! I personally know of Mennonite evangelical churches that are guilty of this practice, and they reflect the same spirit. These are all unBiblical and apostate organizations that demand separation, NOT fellowship and association! When he invited her to sit closer to the rest of the crowd, the woman said, Young man, Ive been sitting in this same pew for 50 years., Vines recalled Wiersbes recounting of his response: Before I caught myself, I said, My, you must be terribly tired by now.. Reflecting on his own ministry, Wiersbe once said according to TGC, Im not an athlete, Im not a mechanic. During a meeting one night at The Moody Church, Wiersbe spotted a woman sitting by herself toward the side of the auditorium, Vines said. by. No person or organizations embracing such a large range of error and false teachers should be trusted, or entertained, or learned from or yoked together with. It means to keep in fellowship with Christ so that His life can work in and through us to produce fruit. There is no place in the Bible that even remotely teaches repentance in such a manner. He also preached regularly at the annual Pastors Conference hosted by First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., where Vines was pastor. But I can read and study and think and teach. Because we love Him, we keep His commandments, and as we keep His commandments, we abide in His love and experience it in a deeper way. The believer who is abiding in Christ has his prayers answered (John 15:7) and experiences a deepening love for Christ and for other believers (John 15:9, 12-13). This must be transcendental, because it doesnt make any non-transcendental sense. But it was his faithful preaching of Gods Word that helped The Moody Church BE a church God called them to be. For less than $5/mo. This is a beautiful, wonderful gift from God. and to fight for His cause and kingdom. From the time he was saved in 1945 at a Youth for Christ event where Billy Graham was preaching, Warren Wiersbe was a man of the Word. When you learn the joy and theprivilege of Bible study, you dont haveto be paid to do it. All Im doing is using what hes given to me to teach people, and to give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. 1. 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It is not surprising that Peterson told Religion News Service on July 12, 2017, that he did not believe that homosexuality is sinful. He published his first article for Moody Monthly magazine in 1956, about Bible study methods, and seemed to outline his ongoing writing philosophy. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. 10:1). Refresh and try again. You can follow him on Twitter. I do not believe our Lord is teaching here that true believers can lose their salvation, for this would contradict what He taught in John 6:37 and 10:27-30. When we lived in Chicago, we had a small grape arbor in our backyard, but what we cultivated was nothing like what is even today cultivated in the Holy Land. This certainly involves the Word of God and the confession of sin so that nothing hinders our communion with Him (John 15:3). He also experiences joy (John 15:11). Chicago, IL 60610(800) DL-MOODY, I have read and agree to MoodysTerms ofUseandPrivacy Policy.*. The amazing thing is believers today can experience personally that same love! A local Cincinnati radio stations broadcast his Sunday sermons as the Calvary Hour. His Sunday During his tenure the church grew from a capacity of 800 people to one that could hold 2,000 worshipers. . Actually, just the opposite was true: It was they who were going to the place of judgment! Part of Dr. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at [1][5] Before his death, Wiersbe and his wife Betty gifted their massive personal library of over 13,000 volumes to Cedarville University in Ohio. Just invest little mature to right to use this on-line declaration Warren Wiersbe Hebrews Commentary as capably as evaluation them wherever you are now. At that time, the steel town of East Chicago was the most industrialized city in the United States. (2) The branches. 25 Oct 1998 (aged 45) USA. The points below cover some of the more important reasons why one should not read or endorse Warren Wiersbe but rather warn about this man who by all appearances was a false teacher and wolf in sheeps clothing. Do Humans Have Free Will? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? My early childhood was one of difficulty. They thought He was planning to kill Himself! In a precocious turn of events, the young Wiersbe was already a published author, having written a book of card tricks for the L. L. Ireland Magic Co. of Chicago. He was already well known to the Chicago churchand to the MBI community. Scripture is actually quite clear that professing Christians that dont separate from heresies and heretics (which are mostly dangerous unregenerate and ungodly sinners, even wolves in sheeps clothing), are professing only, nominal, merely Christian by name: 3. forming a succession plan that was hastened by Easteps sudden death in 1962. Just before his 16th birthday in May 1945, Wiersbe attended a Youth for Christ rally where a 26 year old Billy Graham preached the Gospel. He was the youngest of four siblings. Follow Christ's journey to the Cross. You may not see it, you may not know it. Jesus was in the world, but He did not belong to the world (see John 17:14-16). In 1961, D. B. Eastep invited Wiersbe to join the staff of Calvary Baptist Church in Covington, Kentucky. The Lord has plainly and emphatically instructed the born again believer to stand for doctrinal purity, to rebuke error, and separate from it (e.g., Rom 16:17; 1 Cor 15:33; 2 Cor 6:14-18; 11:4, 12-15; Gal 1:6-9; Eph 5:11: 1 Tim 1:3; 4:1; 6:3-5; 2 Tim 3:5-9; 4:3-4; 2 Jn 1:9-11; Ju 1:3; Rev 2:6; etc). Wiersbe even wrote a glowing endorsement of Charles Ryrie's so-called "exegetical scholarship" in the forward to Ryrie's book So Great Salvation, in which Ryrie claims that the repentance God calls us to is a changing of our minds about Jesus, but not turning from sin (So Great Salvation, p. 94). Wiersbes soteriological and sanctification teachings were a mishmash of Keswick theology and Calvinism. - Warren Wiersbe 1 Trials When a Christian shows mercy, he experiences liberation. This pruning process is the most important part of the whole enterprise, and the people who do it must be carefully trained or they can destroy an entire crop. Many Christians pray that God will make them more fruitful, but they do not enjoy the pruning process that follows! Dr. Wiersbe is author of more than 80 books, including the best-selling BE series. Jesus boldly made several claims to deity (John 8:26). But worse, he is actually giving credence to apostates which is so far removed from true Christianity (2 Cor 6:14-18), one can only conclude he was one in similitude. Our abiding in Christ certainly ought to produce His love, joy, and peace in our hearts. His Be commentary series covered most books of the Bible and has sold more than 4 million copies, according to series publishing company David C. Cook. Site by Mere. Even a Roman soldier, beholding the events at Golgotha would confess, Truly this man was the Son of God (Mark 15:39). He encouraged and taught, by example, thousands of pastors and multiplied thousands of laypeople in the convention to do biblical exposition, Vines said. 18 Jul 1953. People regularly mention him, his preaching and his influence in their lives. Eugene Peterson, translator of The Message, was a universalist who recommended the ungodly heretic Rob Bells book Love Wins, which says that hell is in this life and most men will eventually be saved. Our Lords reply may be expressed, I am exactly what I said! In other words, Why should I teach you new things, or give you new proof, when you have not honestly considered the witness I have already given?. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. You make a decision and then you discover youve been chosen. The second half doesnt even make sense and has zero relevance to what the Greek Scriptures say. Rather than withdrawing from those who teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words (1 Tim 6:3-5), cleansing himself from dishonourable vessels as commanded (2 Tim 2:20-21), avoiding and marking those who teach and preach contrary to sound doctrine (Rom 16:17-18), and having no fellowship with the unfruitful workers of darkness (Eph 5:11), Wiersbe, by his own admission and actions, fellowshipped with them. [1][2] Wiersbe is perhaps best known for his series of 50 books in the "BE" series: Be Real, Be Rich, Be Obedient, Be Mature, Be Joyful, etc., and other theological works. Many are at the end of their rope but they are not broken or poor of spirit before God. Wiersbe was a heretic and a false teacher. His most famous series was the BE series of expositional commentaries, which covered the the entire New Testament and most of the Old Testament, from Genesis [Be Basic (Genesis 111); Be Authentic (Genesis 1250) to Revelation (Be Victorious). From 1961 to 1971 he pastored Calvary Baptist Church of Covington, Kentucky south of Cincinnati, Ohio. The Bible commands separation and exposure of all false teachers and heretics and compromisers and thats my point here. His preaching and writing are deep enough to make a Ph.D. professor think and practical enough to help a Sunday School teacher struggling with a passage of Scripture. 2:20-21), or worse yet, we are identified with the false teachings and the false teachers themselves (2 Jn. He was unscripturally associated and yoked with extreme heretics and apostates such as Christianity Today (where he was even one time editor and regular contributor from 1978-82, a publication guilty of such things as promoting theological liberals and "evangelical Catholics" as true Christians, a publication absolutely loaded repeatedly and thoroughly with heresies and heretics), preached at Billy Grahams Cove, was a staff evangelist with the extremely ecumenical and heretical organization Youth for Christ from 1957-61 (which has long partnered with the Roman Catholic Church and has had Catholics on staff), a board member of the extremely heretical National Religious Broadcasters, preached at Willow Creek Community Church, Wiersbe has warm fellowship with Catholics, liberals, and other apostates. [4], Wiersbe married Betty Warren on June 20, 1953, and they had four children. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. There is a fourth contrast. It is good for either bearing or burning, but not for building (read Ezek. His impact is still felt at The Moody Church and it will be for decades to come. ), all the volumes in the BE Bible Study Series. 2:21; Ezek. Known as the pastor's pastor, Wiersbe passed away Thursday, May 2, at the age of 89 two weeks before his 90th birthday. There is also a future vine, the vine of the earth described in Revelation 14:14-20. He quickly learned to liven up Sunday school lessons with magic tricks as object lessons (not the cards! he would say). Humor is based on contradiction, seeing the other side of a situation. Blessed is the man that Godblesses from the Word, because that isgoing to last forever. The theologian, who authored more than 150 books, passed away on the evening of 2 May. Among his contacts with Southern Baptists, Wiersbe spoke at the SBC Pastors Conference in 1977, when Vines served and president. God reveals His truth to the babes and not to the wise and prudent (Luke 10:21). For Wiersbe, the promise of eternity became the motivation for his long ministry as a pastor, author, and radio speaker. He also taught courses on preaching at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. (3) The vinedresser. Cedarville University celebrates the legacy of Warren Wiersbe, one of the foremost Bible teachers, professors and authors of the 20th century. 1:8-9). This is a beautiful, wonderful gift from God. He was 89. 16:17; Ti. Wiersbe's death occurred on May 2, 2019, in Chicago. Motivation for his long ministry as a pastor, author, and they had four.! Pastored Calvary Baptist Church of Covington, Kentucky eternal life, or walk in the and! Transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the Bridegroom ( Eph and:! For 19th century evangelist Dwight L. Moody John 15:9-11 ) will bear more fruit 2 of 5 stars 5 5. God reveals his truth to the Bible I remember the Sunday morning at Moody Church be a God... 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