"[354], At 6 p.m. on the day he was executed, Bonin was moved from his cell to a death watch cell, where he ordered his last meal: two large pizzas, three pints of ice cream and three six-packs of Coke, which he ate while watching an episode of Jeopardy!. [201][202] This victim was savagely beaten repeatedly by both captors,[203] then strangled to death by Bonin before his fully clothed body was discarded in an irrigation ditch alongside State Route 99, south of Bakersfield. [138] Butts was amenable to this suggestion, and later freely admitted to taking great delight in watching Bonin abuse and torture his victims in the rear of his van as he (Butts) drove the vehicle. [394] Initially incarcerated at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, Corcoran in Corcoran, California, Miley was later transferred to Mule Creek State Prison. Bonin would later claim he murdered Markus Grabs in self-defense to Fraser. [149] They were then sexually assaulted, extensively beaten about the face, torso, head and genitals, and tortured before typically being killed by strangulation with their own T-shirts and a tire iron while letting them fade in and out of consciousness,[14] although some victims were stabbed or battered to death. [374] Although primarily known as the "Trash Bag Murderer",[375] Kearney is also known as the Freeway Killer. [351] Scarcely one hour prior to his scheduled execution, the Supreme Court refused to hear Bonin's final plea to overturn his death sentence, with the convened panel in almost unanimous agreement that Bonin's own attorneys had not failed to give their client adequate legal representation by not earlier discovering their submitted claims to have discovered evidence attesting to Bonin's innocence. Miley who viewed Bonin as something of a father figure[142] often accompanied Bonin against his mother's wishes to watch movies, buy clothes, and visit restaurants in exchange for their sexual relationship. [140], Discussing the actual murder forays, Butts claimed that, upon their successfully luring a victim into the van, he would typically drive a short distance before stopping the vehicle in order to assist Bonin in restraining their victim[145] before driving in an aimless manner[135] as Bonin abused and tortured their captive in the rear of the van. [307], Bonin was brought to trial in Los Angeles County, charged with the murder of twelve of his victims whose bodies had been found within this constituency, on October 19, 1981. In more extreme cases, orphans faced alleged assaults such as having their heads dunked in toilets and being threatened with knives by older children,[27][28][29] as well as being left with hematomas on their head and buttocks from beatings received by nuns. [272], Bonin then retreated to the kitchen for water, informing Munro they were to both kill Wells[166] before gagging and beating Wells in the hallway, stating, "You're going to do what I tell you to do" as Wells pled for his life. [267] On June 1, Bonin took Munro roller-skating with his girlfriend before abruptly informing Munro that night that he wanted them both to abduct, sexually assault, and murder a teenage hitchhiker. [339][341], After three days of deliberations as to the actual penalty to be imposed upon Bonin, the jury announced on August 22 their recommendations that he be sentenced to death on each count. [13] Bonin joined the United States Air Force with his mother's persuasion, who hoped it would cure his inclination toward chaos. [96] He also sought to raise money for the family of another prisoner, and reportedly applied willingly for at least one treatment program. John Fredrick Kilpatrick (15): Disappeared on December 5, 1979, and found on December 13, 1979, in Los Angeles County; strangled to death with ligature after being flagellated with string. interviews, reportage, and information never released to the public, The Grim Sleeper captures the long, bumpy road to justice in one of the most Douglas then outlined a number of salacious allegations regarding Bonin's torture of victims that were otherwise not supported with valid evidence. Initially doubting Bonin, Miranda began crying and begging for his life. His nude corpse was dumped shortly thereafter, in an alleyway alongside East Second Street in Los Angeles. [135], On July 31, Munro was arrested in his hometown of Port Huron, Michigan; he was extradited to California and charged with the murder of Wells. Bonin has not given a news interview since the early 1980s, when he was sentenced to death for raping and strangling 14 young men in Southern California. During his time in Vietnam, he raped two fellow soldiers at gun point. Serial killer William Bonin tours crime scene off Ortega Highway in Orange County, California, with court officials and jury in June, 1983. [207] The body bore signs of extensive blunt force trauma to the face and head, with ligature marks on the wrists and ankles indicating Fox had been bound throughout his ordeal. [259] They drove to a disused gas station in Huntington Beach, where they wedged Wells' nude corpse between a chain-link fence and a truck. [73], At approximately 4:07p.m. the same day, 15-year-old Russell Duane Rugh was abducted from a bus stop in Garden Grove. William G. Bonin, cruising in his olive-green van, chose young male victims who made the fatal mistake of accepting a ride from a stranger. According to Bonin, this individual escorted him to a restroom, where Bonin agreed to sexual advances from this individual under the condition that the older boy's hands were bound with a towel to make Bonin himself feel safer. In his confession, Butts claimed to have participated in the murders primarily out of fear, claiming, "It was either go, or become the next victim",[140] adding he only found the courage to confess upon learning Bonin was in custody. [380] Collectively, Bonin, Kraft and Kearney may have claimed up to 131 victims. [n 10] One victim, Darin Kendrick, was forced to drink hydrochloric acid; three victims had ice-picks driven into their ears[151][60] and another victim, Mark Shelton, died of shock from impaling. [52] His primary hobby as a teen was bowling, something at which he performed adequately;[n 3] this hobby would last throughout the course of his teenage years. He was released again in 1978. [192] Butts then threatened Hyden, stating he "entered the Death Van, and when someone enters, they don't go out alive." [228], Throughout his adult life, Bonin worked in a series of menial professions such as the aforementioned bartendering profession and taxi driving. [325] Despite an impassioned appeal by Charvet, on March 12, Keene formally sentenced Bonin to death for the ten murders for which he had been convicted. [181] Grabs was partially strangled, and revealed to have been stabbed a total of 77 times[180] again postulated by various experts to be an attempt to "kill" his homosexuality[182] before his nude body was discarded in Malibu Creek, close to Las Virgenes Canyon Road. [208] Kilpatrick's body was discarded in a remote area of Rialto. [33][34] Bonin was to remain at the convent until May 31, 1955, when he returned to live with his parents in a home owned by Bonin's maternal grandfather located at 465 Stafford Road in Mansfield, Connecticut. [42] Bonin was arrested months later for the two assaults on October 11, 1975. Bonin growled and squeezed Jones' genitals before disclosing his sexual motive and parking behind a closed shopping center. [339], During the six-week trial, Bonin's attorneys called two witnesses in his defense one of whom was Munro, who conceded Bonin had communicated with him prior to his testifying in this second trial, requesting he lie when called to deliver his testimony. )[390] Munro has repeatedly been denied parole and is incarcerated at Mule Creek State Prison. author interviews, editors' picks, and more. [n 14] Bonin lured Kendrick into his van on the pretext of selling the youth drugs. And like many monsters of old balance, his singular hunger was the innocent, more specifically, adolescent boys. On this date, the jury convicted Bonin of ten of the murders for which he was tried,[324] although he was found not guilty of the murders of Lundgren and King, of committing sodomy upon Grabs, of committing mayhem upon Lundgren,[325] and of robbing one other victim. Six officers from three of the jurisdictions in which the "Freeway Killer" had most regularly either abducted or deposited the bodies of his victims formed a task force dedicated to the apprehension of the suspect or suspects who, as one of the officers upon this assembled task force later recalled, was striking at an average rate of once every two weeks in the spring of 1980. [271] Upon Munro's return, Bonin convinced Wells to allow himself to be bound with clothesline[118] upon the incentive of being given $200. Bonin began asking him about "fags" and homosexuality before accelerating the vehicle and producing a handgun. [117] On July 19, 1979, Bonin purchased a 1972 Ford E-100 Shorty Van while still living in Silverado with his younger brother, whom he briefly worked for under his new plumbing business. It's no fun if they don't let me know how it feels. [332] On one occasion, Bonin informed the mother of victim Sean King that her son had been his favorite victim as "he was such a screamer". Seven of the 14 victims killed by "Freeway Killer" William George Bonin during 1979 and 1980: #1--James Michael McCabe; #2--Marcus Grabs; #3--Donald Hyden; #4--David Murillo; #10--Charles Miranda; #11--James Michael McCabe; #12--Ronald Gatlin. Michael Francis McDonald (16): Disappeared and found on January 1, 1980, in San Bernardino County; mutilated and strangled to death with ligature after being assaulted. Miley then returned to his native. Munro also later testified that Butts had actively dissuaded Bonin from discarding Wells' body in the nearby canyons due to the late hour, and general police presence caused by recent media coverage. 1995)", "Accused Freeway Killer William Bonin Vowed While He Was Away in Prison", "United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit: Department of Corrections, Respondents-appellees Argued and Submitted", "O.C. Several family members of Bonin's victims later recounted that Bonin had remained remorseless throughout his trial, seemingly deriving pleasure from their anguish. Officials say Miley, 54, an accomplice of serial "Freeway Killer" William Bonin, who terrorized Southern California 36 years ago, has been killed in prison. [62] He would later summarize his relationship with this young woman as a "big mistake"[52] and a personal failure of his, primarily fueled by his mother's pressuring of him. Munro was a runaway from St. Clair, Michigan, who had been evicted from his family's home in early 1980. [141] A subsequent coroner's investigation revealed Butts had unsuccessfully attempted to take his own life on at least four occasions prior to his arrest. [224][225] Bonin then forced Macabe to sleep in his arms. [79][42] During the arrest, Bonin repeatedly advised her to incarcerate him before sobbing and insisting he was not responsible for his actions. He was sentenced to twenty-one terms of life imprisonment. William Bonin is known to some as the 'Freeway Killer,' thought to have raped, tortured and murdered a minimum of twenty-one boys and young men before he was executed in 1996. His genitals were mutilated and he had eight skull fractures inflicted by a blunt instrument. While driving, the suspect became visibly angry before asking the minor whether he "knew there were homosexuals in this world" and homosexuality. The police followed Bonin until his van parked in a service station parking lot close to the Hollywood Freeway, then discreetly approached the vehicle. In early 1966, Bonin dropped out of high school and obtained employment with the help of his father. [61] Stationed in Phu Loi Base Camp, he served five months of active duty in the 205th Assault Support Helicopter Unit during the Vietnam War as an aerial gunner, logging over 700 hours of combat and patrol time. [337] As such, Brown stated, the four Orange County victims had been killed by the same individual who had killed Miranda and Wells, and his accomplices in these two murders, Miley and Munro, would testify as to their accompanying Bonin on each of these murders. The first execution of a prisoner took place in the prison way back in 1893. Bonin was declared dead at. [266] Munro later described his initial impression of Bonin as being "a good guy; really normal". [223], Norris, acting as prosecutor, sought the death penalty for each count of murder for which Bonin was tried, stating in his opening speech to the jury: "We will prove he is the Freeway Killer, as he has bragged to a number of witnesses. At school, Bonin was known to classmates as a juvenile delinquent who was often in trouble or absent, poorly dressed and unkempt, aggressive with peers, had no observable friends, and was often bullied for his strange behavior. In reference to the evidence found within the van itself, Brown stated to the jury: "One can truly say from the evidence found within the van it is a virtual death wagon. [262][n 16], The same day Pugh had informed police of Bonin's involvement, Bonin invited 18-year-old homeless drifter James Michael Munro whom he had encountered while cruising for young male prostitutes[264] to move into the Angell Street home he shared with his mother and older brother, but only in exchange for sex. [77][73], On January 12, 1969, at approximately 9:00 p.m. it was reported that Bonin had picked up 18-year-old hitchhiker Jesus Monge, asking him about homosexuality before offering him twenty dollars to orally copulate him. [299] On August 22, Miley by this stage 19 years old was arrested in Texas and subsequently charged by California authorities with the murders of Miranda and Macabe. They found another one, a strangler victim. On this date, Charvet argued for a modification of the sentence recommended by the jury. The abuse seems to have been bad, but not nearly as gruesome as the abuse he dealt out. [268], A police investigation into Bonin's background revealed his extensive history of convictions for sexually assaulting teenage boys. WWE is a sports entertainment company based in Stamford, Connecticut. [115], Through his frequent attendance at Fraser's parties,[112] Bonin became acquainted with 21-year-old porcelain factory worker, occultist, and part-time magician Vernon Robert Butts[118] and 18-year-old Gregory Matthews Miley. According to accomplice James Munro, Bonin would engage in acts of. In addition, the youth had been slashed across the throat, extensively stabbed about the chest and stomach, and strangled to death. [172], On August 4, 1979, Bonin drove from Silverado Canyon to a drive-in movie theater to spend time with Butts in Westminster; he soon suggested that they rape and murder a teenage hitchhiker. "[200], Bonin is not known to have killed again until on or about November 1, 1979, when he and Butts abducted and murdered an unidentified young man with brown hair, whom Bonin claimed to be 5 ft 6 in tall, and eighteen years of age. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. [21] In cross-examination, Douglas conceded he had only related these claims to authorities after pleading guilty to the filing of charges of voluntary manslaughter and second-degree burglary against him and that he had been released from custody the previous month. During the assault, Treadwell was bludgeoned with a tire iron. He left no suicide note. [49][13], On November 17, 1968, Bonin confronted 14-year-old Billy Jones in Arcadia, California, at 9:00 p.m. while driving his mother's white Chevrolet station wagon. [97] Switching his job for employment as a truck driver at a Montebello delivery firm named Dependable Drive-Away in December 1974, his employment was terminated in February 1975 for wrecking a trailer. [99] McVicker accepted Bonin's offer to drive him to his parents' home in Huntington Beach. It is full of quotes from the police, victims, and the perpetrators, which make it a real story rather than just facts. David McVicker had also contacted authorities by this time to report his suspicions Bonin may be the Freeway Killer. How & Why Bonin covered for accomplice Eric Wijnaendts, who helped him with two murders. [265], Inside Bonin's van, investigators discovered numerous artifacts attesting to his culpability in the Freeway Killer murders. These included his attorney, chaplain, and a prospective biographer. harvnb error: no target: CITEREFPeltoButler2022 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFPelto2022 (, San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, California, Long Beach Veterans Administration Hospital, California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, Corcoran, List of serial killers by number of victims, List of serial killers in the United States, "Freeway Killer: Bonin Convicted for 10 Killings; Awaits Sentencing", "The Beat Goes On: Decades Have Passed, but Housewife and Mom Jane Howatt Remains Determined to Piece", "California Murderer Gets Death Sentence", "Freeway Killer's Story: Ghastly Tale of Horror", "The Mother and Two Brothers of Convicted Freeway Killer", "William George Bonin, Petitioner-appellant, v. Arthur Calderon, As Warden of San Quentin State Prison; James Rowland, Director of the California Department of Corrections. "[386][387] In the years following Bonin's execution, McVicker has actively campaigned to ensure that his accomplices, Miley and Munro, remain incarcerated. [135] In contrast, Bonin held Butts in high regard for his social popularity and for empowering him,[52] describing the young man as very intelligent. In his closing argument on behalf of the prosecution, Norris described Bonin as an insatiable, callous individual who acted with malice aforethought, and who derived extreme pleasure from the suffering he inflicted upon his victims. He was also found without shoes, socks, or underwear. Lpez had agreed to these conditions, and Bonin had confessed to him on January 9[309] that he was indeed the Freeway Killer and that he had killed 21 victims. Each successive appeal proved unsuccessful,[349] with the U.S. Supreme Court refusing to overturn Bonin's death penalty convictions in August 1988 and January 1989. [42], Bonin regularly attended group therapy sessions while incarcerated at Atascadero. [151] Despite claiming in his formal confession to investigators shortly after his arrest that he had basically participated in the murders out of fear of Bonin, Butts also informed investigators he had considered the killing spree "a good little nightmare", adding that Bonin "really loved those sounds of screams. William "Bill" Bonin or the Freeway Killer was an American serial killer, Vietnam veteran, sadist, and odd character who committed the torture, r*pe, and murder of at least 21 boys in southern. William Bonin was a twice paroled sex offender and truck driver, who is better known as an American serial killer who abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered at least 22 young boys and men in. The interior of the van had also been extensively stained with human blood. As his departure was imminent, however, Bonin's case was dropped. [314][n 18], Against overruled objections from Bonin's defense attorney, Fresno-based reporter David Lpez waived his previously sought immunity under California's shield law and agreed to testify on behalf of the prosecution as to the details of seven interviews Bonin had granted him between December 1980 and April 1981. This murder spree took place over 10 months and could have continued had it not been for the surveillance and effective detective work of police. [105] This second victim rejected Bonin's offer of $35 for sex before exiting Bonin's van and telling him to leave. My mother never stopped him. [95] While in prison, Bonin was subject to further psychiatric examination which dealt with hostility toward his father and older brother, further noting his sexual behaviors were compulsive in response to stress. He spent fourteen years on death row before he was executed by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison in 1996. Bonin strangled the youth before inserting an ice pick into his nostrils and right ear.[205]. "[319], Upon cross-examination, Bonin's defense attorney ensured that Lpez conceded that his testimony was based upon what he had recalled from the interviews as opposed to any handwritten notes, although he strenuously denied he had received any form of payment to testify. William George Bonin, Petitioner-appellant v. Arthur Calderon, Warden of San Quentin State Prison. William George Bonin, a.k.a. David McVicker told his story in an episode of, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 15:09. [348] As such, the state of California opted to use lethal injection as an alternate method of execution to the gas chamber, branding the gas chamber a "cruel and unusual" method of execution.[349]. Psychiatrists noted his defensive, aggressive attitude toward other patients and refusal to acknowledge his homosexuality. [2] As a result of these concerning behaviors, the relationship was short-lived. I particularly like the way the facts are given in a fresh, clean way, with . On this date, he was formally charged with participating in three further murders committed in this county. Former employees (family name letters A-C) in WWE consist of professional wrestlers, managers, play-by-play and color commentators, announcers, interviewers, referees, trainers, script writers, executives and board of directors.WWE talents' contracts range from developmental contracts to multi-year deals. [31][68][14], Bonin served nearly two years in the Air Force before receiving an honorable discharge on October 25, 1968, at age 21. William George Bonin was a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War. [102], By May 1980, Pugh had been arrested for auto theft and was housed at the Los Padrinos Juvenile Courthouse. [80][n 4], He was indicted on five counts of kidnapping, four counts of sodomy, one count of oral copulation, and one count of child molestation against the five individuals he had abducted and assaulted or in the case of the final youth he had abducted, attempted to assault since the previous November. Furthermore, a forensic examination of the interior of Bonin's van and, later, sections of his home revealed extensive traces of bloodstains. James Munro, Bonin's lodger and coworker, assisted Bonin in the murder of Steven Wells. [311] The various experts who had examined Bonin would also find conflict with one another's assertions, with Dr. Park Dietz opining that fellow Dr. David Foster largely mischaracterized and exaggerated the evidence relied in proving Bonin was extensively abused as a child, and was mistaken in assuming Bonin's Babinski reflex and other symptoms which were initially speculated to indicate attention deficit disorder or another minor disorder were indicative of extensive brain damage that influenced Bonin's crimes. [229] None of these jobs lasted a significant length of time, and he was frequently unemployed. He grew up with an alcoholic father and absentee mother and was primarily raised by his grandfather, who was a convicted child molester. Although Pugh withheld the fact that he had accompanied Bonin on one of his murders, the information he provided led St. John to deduce that Bonin might be the Freeway Killer. Bonin also shares his nickname with two other killers, who were believed to be a single serial killer. [154] Later that evening, Bonin drove from Downey to Hollywood with Gregory Miley with the specific intention of committing a murder with him. Lopez's book also includes his candid insights into the. His fully clothed body was found alongside Highway 71 in the outskirts of Chino,[212][186][213] although his body was not identified until March 24. In an interview with . As a child, Bonin was neglected by his parents and sexually abused by his grandfather. ", "Southern California's Most Infamous Killers", "San Quentin's Killer Bridge Parties: Kraft, Bonin and Two Other Serial Murderers Play a Mean Game of Cards", "Wilson Denies Bonin's Plea to Halt Execution", "Lethal Jab Ends Life of 'Freeway Killer', "Here are the 13 Men Executed in California Since 1978", "Where are the Serial Killers and Sexual Predators Vonda Pelto Dealt With Now", "Condemned: But Not Without Friends to End", "Trail of Death Now Twisting Through the Courts", "An 18-year-old Who Reportedly Led Police to the Prime Suspect", "Courtroom Cleared at Accused Killers' Hearing", "Eric Marten Wijnaendts Pleads Not Guilty", "Prosecutors to Seek 'Freeway Killer' Indictments", "Victims' Families Monitor Freeway Killer Case", "Twenty-one Killings Admitted, Newsman Says", "Patrick W. Kearney: The Trash Bag Murderers", "Bonin's Mom to Repay Son's Disability Benefits", "Sole Survivor Of Notorious 'Freeway Killer' Speaks Out", "Freeway Killer Accomplice Gets 25 Years", "Freeway Killer Accomplice Gets 25-years-to-life Sentence", "Gregory Miley, Accomplice of 'Freeway Killer' William Bonin, Seeks Parole", "Inmate Death at Mule Creek State Prison is Suspected Homicide", "Accomplice of Notorious 'Freeway Killer' Fatally Beaten in Prison", "Homicide suspected in Mule Creek Prison Inmate's Death", "Gregory Matthew Miley, Accomplice of "Freeway Killer" William Bonin, Seeks Parole", "Accomplice of California 'Freeway Killer' Slain in Prison", "Crime Articles: Have You Heard of the Freeway Killer? Stained with human blood vehicle and producing a handgun about the chest and stomach, and prospective... Facts are given in a fresh, clean way, with in Vietnam, he raped fellow. 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