Anyone convicted of a felony (Federal law defines this as any offense punishable by more than a year's imprisonment, whether or not the sentence actually was more than a year, but not including "open ended" offenses that the court treated as a misdemeanor. ARIZONA RECIPROCITY INFO . 1. Arizona has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the nation. Possess a “deadly weapon” or “prohibited weapon” and is a “prohibited possessor” … Jail downtown and getting charged with Misconduct Involving Weapons, a class 4 felony. However, Arizona law explicitly prohibits the possession of firearms on public k-12 schools. New BROWN LEATHERETTE EDITION for 2015–2017 The first major cover change in 25 years -- the famous blue book turns BROWN! The Arizona Gun Owner's Guide All the gun laws in plain English (If you own the blue book it's time for a new book.) M. Misconduct involving weapons under subsection A, paragraph 15 of this section is a class 2 felony. Arizona Gun-Free School Zone Law. There are no minimum requirements for what a safety course must include and no requirement for hands-on training with a gun. If you unlawfully fire a weapon you may be charged with this Class 6 felony. If the police are ever in the house for any reason, and they find a felon there, and guns there, then the felon is getting booked into the 4th Ave. In addition, there is no requirement of permits or application for license to purchase, posses, or carry firearms. Ref: Arizona Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm Laws ARS 13-3107. The sole exception pertains to the carrying of firearms, where a permit is needed to carry a concealed handgun. Arizona and federal law bar gun possession by the following classes of persons: 1. Under Arizona Law A.R.S. Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm – Laws & Penalties. **Your Arizona Lawyer no longer handles gun rights restoration cases - This blog is strictly for informational purposes** Restoring Your Right To Own A Firearm After A Felony Conviction. Convicted felons are prohibited from possessing firearms in the State of Arizona. Prohibited Possession or Use of Firearm Laws Phoenix Arizona . Other Arizona Gun Law Issues With the exception of supervised firing ranges and hunting grounds, this offense can result in up to 1 year in prison. Consider this data: Americans own more than 390 million guns – with 120.5 civilian firearms per 100 people, according to a study by the World Population Review. In accordance with Arizona gun laws, the registration of firearms is not necessary. PHOENIX – Arizona has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the U.S., one of three countries that consider gun ownership a constitutional right. Arizona state law and federal law prohibit those convicted of a felony to possess ammunition or a firearm. If a stun gun is used during a crime in a way that makes it a “dangerous instrument” under Arizona law—meaning that it can readily cause serious injury or death—the defendant could face more serious charges, such as aggravated assault (a felony) rather than simple assault (a misdemeanor). L. If a law enforcement officer contacts a person who is in possession of a firearm, the law enforcement officer may take temporary custody of the firearm for the duration of that contact. If he is in the same house with the guns, he is in "constructive possession" as my colleague mentioned. To get a concealed-weapons permit in Arizona, individuals must be 21 or older, a legal U.S. resident, have no felony convictions or mental illness, and must complete a firearms safety course. § 13-3102 a person may be guilty of misconduct with weapons if they knowingly:. Guns are allowed on private school grounds unless prohibited by the institutions themselves (most do). Arizona Gun Laws for Felons. Every change to Arizona gun laws since 1989 is included in one easy guide.