Welcome to ReptiFiles’ table of contents for all things leopard gecko health. Leopard geckos are not social animals. It's just a thought. I’m getting a gecko soon and I was worried that it might get a disease. You can find the feeder insect sizes that you need to offer to your leopard gecko here . Well done to those who answered correctly. Do you have questions about brumation and sexing? Thank you so much for your article. If you have a captive gecko at home, you may feed it wax worms, beetles, sowbugs, roaches, and silkworms. We perform preanesthetic blood panels in reptiles just like in any species. The turtle does not try to rub or scratch it or display recognizable characteristics indicating it's in pain. I cleaned her wound and shes in a sanitary cage at the moment. To help treat your leopard gecko’s respiratory infection, increase the temperature in the terrarium to 85-88 F. Also, you can wash the leopard gecko’s nose with a warm chamomile tea solution. This condition is potentially fatal but is treatable if caught early. I have a question on MBD. Dysecdysis is the abnormal detachment of the dead outer skin of a reptile. Leopard gecko mouth rot is also termed as stomatitis. Constant sneezing, however, can be a sign of respiratory infection. They shouldn’t have any bumps or bulges in their stomach. I have a 4-year-old (approx.) I believe he has a parasite (shedding problems and losing fatness in his tail). Make sure not to leave crickets alone in his cage with him because they bite, and remove anything that he could fall off of and injure himself with. Besides knowing how cute and awesome leopard geckos are to have as pets, there a still a lot of things that the average beginner leopard gecko owner and non-owner don’t know about them. This may occur with new acquisitions and also with animals they have had for a long time. Also how likely is our gecko to get a parasite? . Respiratory Infections in Leopard Geckos. If you guys have an opinion of what to do that would help. Leopard Gecko Behavior and Body Language. He is in the tank most of the time and only comes out when my son plays with him. It is a bacterial infection that can affect both the mouth and gums of a leopard gecko. Hopefully you never have to deal with any of these problems with your leopard gecko. The Leopard Gecko is not a medical resource. Cryptosporidiosis is an emerging problem in reptile medicine and has been associated with a wasting syndrome in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). Critically ill patients need to be stabilised/rehydrated first … My leopard gecko is female, about 13 years old and about the size of my hand. This is a symptom of MBD (, They should have all of their toes. My gecko has a little gooey spot of clearish stuff in her eye and it’s been there for a while and I don’t want to remove it because I don’t know what it is. Our leopard geckos are vividly colored, calm tempered baby geckos and adult geckos for sale online. As if it is not complicated enough to diagnose, cryptosporidiosis is also complicated when it comes to treatment.Having a definitive diagnosis is desirable, but treatment is also indicated when a tentative diagnosis of Cryptosporidium has been made. The most common Leopard Geckos Common Health Problems are: MBD by its initials is a very common disease in leopard geckos and reptiles in general, which are not provided with mineral supplements and vitamins in their diet. Hybridization of different species of the genus has also been conducted successfully in a … This morning I found an inch and a half long, 1/2 inch diameter white sack(?) A leopard gecko that is lethargic is more than just sleepy, they act almost devoid of any energy. Last night, she ripped it open and I don’t know why or how to move forward. Seeing that your leopard gecko has an unidentified bump, regardless of where it is located on the body, it is perfectly normal to have concerns. If your leopard gecko drops its tail (as shown in the photo opposite, photo courtesty of Helen), it is important to determine the cause and make sure that the gecko will no longer be stressed. Make sure there is nothing draining out of their eyes and there is no swelling. Crested gecko or leopard gecko? He got attacked by another one who had been housing with it for almost a year now. Full Care Guides For Your Pet Lizards! Furthermore, this can also happen if you keep your gecko in an enclosure with substrates that crumbles too much. Gecko bodies should have some thickness to them. In fact, a lot of people online might suggest that you should get a leopard gecko instead. I’m very concerned because it doesn’t look much like his pattern changing, rather than some type of disease forming.. Leopard Gecko Head Tilting. All right reserved, The Leopard Geckos Blog: Reptile Facts and Curiosities. In this post, we will talk about iguana disorders and other health issues. Thus, Cryptosporidiosis has been associated with a wasting syndrome or “going light” in leopard geckos… A parasite is a organism that is living inside of your leopard geckos body. But common illnesses and health problems are worth being aware of. Respiratory infections are very common when reptiles are kept in dirty environments or do not have access to proper temperature gradients and/or humidity levels. Please help, as I am very worried. And the answer...Leopard Gecko! Although they had gotten along very well until now, we had planned on separating them because they were male, but the behaviour change happened too quickly. Health and Medications. Helodermatids: Heloderma suspectum (Gila monster), Heloderma horridum (Mexican beaded lizard). Thank you soooooooo much! A leopard gecko showing signs of panting or distressed behavior may have a respiratory infection. Gaping. Not responding to stimuli or if so just barely doing so. What tou are seeing is a ruptured membrane that coves the ear and it looks like there mat be an infection starting in there. Nasal discharge (severe cases) To help treat your leopard gecko’s respiratory infection, increase the temperature in the terrarium to 85-88 F. Also, you can wash the leopard gecko’s nose with a warm chamomile tea solution. Their skin should be colorful. This is a pretty common gecko health problem. I really didn’t know the different signs of problems that could occur so this post will be helpful for those who currently have leopard geckos. Ocular Problems Solid cellular debris under the eyelids can cause ulcers and bacterial infection, this is possibly related to hypovitaminosis A. I just don’t want her to suffer. The inner ear is what contains all the organs to regular balance. Leopard gecko can use tail autotomy, this is a defense mechanism that allows the tail to be dropped. Crested geckos are not the only suitable gecko for people that want to get a reptile. Thanks for letting us know about leopard gecko diseases. In this picture we are taking a blood sample from this vein, even though it might look like we are … Leopard geckos generally live between about 15-20 years. Juveniles shed frequently, up to every 10 days during rapid growth phases, and adults typically shed every six to eight weeks. Poor diet, parasitism, illness, and in turtles, a lack of vitamin A in the diet, can also play a role. Leopard gecko mouth rot (Infectious Stomatitis) is very common, developing when the reptile is stressed and its immune system is weakened. A leopard gecko that won’t eat and stops seemingly out of nowhere can be a stressful experience for both the keeper and the reptile. Treatment involves removing the solid debris, flushing out the eyes, broad-spectrum systemic and ocular antibiotics. Geckos, arachnids, and insects such as flies and beetles employ fibrillar attachments to achieve temporary adhesion for locomotion or transient attachment to surfaces. Messages 10. Iguanas live long lives but can also become sick or die at young age. Like many other reptiles, leopard geckos are polyphyodonts, meaning they continually replace their teeth. This allows bacteria to grow inside the mouth. ... Its nostrils and ear holes should also be free of discharge. I once had a leopard gecko that was a huge bully she would terrorize other geckos. Do not disregard advice from a professional veterinarian because of something you read here. My baby leopard gecko has a small injury on his head, it has become hard and somewhat crusty, and his skin appears to be shedding but it isn’t peeling off like it should. These include: Swollen tympanic membrane, film covering ear holes. Required fields are marked *. They, just like cats and dogs, become a part of the family; especially if you bring them out of their habitat and handle them frequently during the day. My leopard gecko has something black on one of his testicles and they seem swollen. The problem of hemipene prolapse is mostly likely to occur following mating by the male. But maybe they will be useful to you. Erythema, necrosis, and ulceration of the dermis, and an exudative discharge are common. Wheezing. Can disease be transmitted that way, from one gecko eating another? Treatment and control of cryptosporidiosis in Leopard geckos. Intense breathing with an open mouth. Leopard Geckos, in particular, ... sneeze to get off any debris that got stuck on their nose. The problems discussed below are the most … If I manage to get the eye open it will stay open for a little bit then puss up a little bit. This will tequire a … Thank you so much for the article! Also, how long can a gecko live after it develops a bone disease? Warning: The provision of this information is for the use of wildlife rehabilitators working in conjunction with veterinarians, and for veterinarians abroad who may not have easy access to such information or to other vterinarians who are knowledgeable about … We weren’t told when we got him at the pet store. Prolapse in leopard geckos occurs around the vent area. We were lucky. The adult Leopard Geckos body should be … Hemipenectomy in a leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius). The common leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) is a nocturnal, ground-dwelling lizard native to the rocky dry grassland and desert regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal.The common leopard gecko has become a popular pet, and due to extensive captive breeding, is sometimes referred to as the first domesticated species of lizard. There are a number of symptoms that can indicate an ear infection in your bearded dragon. Although sometimes it can be a sign of certain infectious diseases and low levels of vitamin A in the diet. Does anyone know if the gecko who ate the tail might get sick from it? It’s always best to take your gecko to a vet if you notice any symptoms or anything that is unexpected or different to what you are used to. So he almost cured him. I wish I would have saw this sooner . Lethargy and slow movement (pain in the joints). Your leopard gecko might become a picky eater due to different reasons. (a) Transfixing suture is placed at the base of hemipenis (b) Hemipenis resection and closure of the corresponding sac. Infection can occur on the leopard gecko eye or under the eyelids, as well, and, in some cases, a leopard gecko eye problem is indicative of a respiratory infection or other systemic infection. The shed skin should be removed in large pieces over a short period of time (one to two hours) and most will be eaten by the gecko. I used lidocaine wash to help the pain before washing out the sand. He is probably just tame and comfortable with you . So my sons pet geck looks just like the one in the picture you described about parasites. Even though the ear looks completely different from a human, it works the same way. In some cases, leopard gecko eye problems occur as a result of trauma to the eye, from a scratch, bite or abrasion. Before we get into the ‘heavy’ stuff, it is useful to know that leopard geckos are one of the healthiest reptiles. My leopard gecko seems to be a little dazed and zoned out when I take him out. Your gecko can develop a respiratory infection if you keep them in a very cold or too humid enclosure. If your gecko has watery stools or its tail shrinks, these may be signs of gastroenteritis. About 2 months ago, she had a hole right in front of her right rear leg. Marked swelling is seen at the tympanic membrane, and caseous material is present. Your VMD should also be seen for the routine care visits such as annuals and semi annuals as well for maximum pet welfare. Thai physician Varanya Nganthavee, 25, discovered a gecko (pictured) inside a patient's ear on her first day on the job at Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok on Monday. I hadn’t really given any thought to this subject as our pet gecko Mordecai is still young. This may be a silly question but can you tell me how do we know if Mordecai is a boy or girl? This is because their arm and hands are fused together. I really didn’t want to have to write this article about leopard gecko diseases and illnesses because it’s kind of depressing to think about. This was very heartbreaking. Their eyes should be clear. This is caused when the gecko's enclosure is either too cool or too humid. A lethargic leo could be described as sluggish, slow, inactive, fatigued and sloth like. A leopard gecko can indeed make an excellent pet and also is considered to be low-maintenance. Typically, it will start in their front legs and they will walk on the back of their hands. The vet should prescribe antibiotics as well as a probiotic. I noticed last night when I was feeding her and cleaning her cage out that she has a very large lump by her ear. Leopard gecko respiratory infection is a health issue that occurs because of bacterial infection in your gecko’s lung. Some leopard geckos won’t eat crickets for up to a year and will try them after, so if you are offering other staple insects and your leopard gecko is growing fine, then don’t worry. I hope this helped and your gecko gets well soon. Their jaw bone should be firm. This pinkish-red, fleshy part of the eye is called the conjunctiva, and bacterial conjunctivitis is common in leopard geckos, who can get it from dirty water or any dirty environment that harbors bacteria. Your ‘he’ may actually be a she. So if you’re at all concerned, think of your gecko first and get that professional advice. Leopard geckos are unique in that they possess true moveable eyelids that are "crinkled" [10] and no spectacle [16]. Respiratory Infection Symptoms. Unsure about the head injury but I think having a humid hide for him should help with the stuck shed, and if you already have one it may not be humid enough. In the wild, a sick or weakened reptile is a target for predators, so they have become experts at pretending to be well. Leopard geckos also are prone to gastroenteritis, which comes from a bacterial infection. Their mouth shouldn’t be gaping or anything. The problems discussed below are the most common … Leopard geckos generally live between about 15-20 years. But I do not know about diet of leopard geckos. Will this go away on its own? If you start supplementing their diet correctly with calcium the disease will no longer progress. A leopard gecko that won’t eat and stops seemingly out of nowhere can be a stressful experience for both the keeper and the reptile. Whenever I try to gently clean his eyes out with warm water, his eye will open for a little bit then close back up and ooze blackish- gray pus. It’s divided into five subspecies and each of them has distinct aesthetic features.. Crossbreeding of different subspecies created the variety of leo morphs we know today. Take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Proteus spp, Pseudomonas spp, Citrobacter spp, Morganella morganii, Enterobacter spp, and other bacteria have been isolated. Bearded Dragon Ear Infection Symptoms. There are a variety of heath problems that may affect our geckos, some of which may need to be diagnosed or treated by a vet. Parasites are not very common with leopard geckos. Do you have questions about brumation and sexing? Hi, I have a leopard gecko that is about 13 years old. The wound may heal without requiring treatment since the tail is designed to break off, however it can be treated with neosporin to prevent infection . Although the leopard geckos are resistant, if you have a bad terrarium setup, they can develop a respiratory infection (temperatures below 75 degrees F). Some of the symptoms of this disease are: If you suspect that your gecko has MBD, you should: Impaction on leopard geckos is nothing other than intestinal obstruction caused by the ingestion of substrates. It may surprise you to learn that leopard geckos can suffer from oral health-related problems, just like humans! Please, any ideas or suggestions would be great. My leopard gecko will not/ cannot open his eyes. Ear infections occur frequently in turtles, especially box turtles and aquatic turtles. You notice that you can see the bones in their body. She had a lump on her lower belly for constipation about 4 years ago and healed great. Bubbles in the nose. And the answer...Leopard Gecko! If you’re getting multiple geckos, think about increasing your tank size. This is a great article. I had to house her alone because one of my leopard geckos lost their tail and I suspected bullying. If you’ve ever owned a reptile then you know of the frequent hunger strikes and out right refusal of food. Since they live for up to 20 years they are one of the easiest lizards to own. TREATMENT PREVENTION & CONTROL Lizards Snakes ... (fat-tail gecko), Eublepharus macularis (leopard gecko), Gekko gecko (tokay gecko). Do not kiss a Leopard gecko or bring it close to your face. thing where he poops, he’s shedding currently and refusing food today. Start with a 20 gallon (76 L) tank (30” x 12” x 12” or 76 x 31 x 31 cm). Thread starter Shaneab408; Start date Nov 29, 2010; S. Shaneab408 New Member. The best way to care for your iguana is to prevent any diseases or treat them early. There shouldn’t be any extra skin around them (. The tip of the tail or the necrosis of the fingers due to the blocking of the blood supply can cause the loss of this limb. Gently massage the lower part of the belly. It had just got done healing completely. CRYPTOSPORIDIUM INFECTION IN A COLONY OF LEOPARD GECKOS, Eublepharis macularius Rob L. Coke, DVM* Copperfield Animal Clinic 15606 Ridge Park Drive Houston, Texas 77095 USA Timothy E. Trlstan* Texas A&M University College ofVeterinary Medicine College Station, Texas … Dull colors and less shiny skin than the surrounding skin. A healthy gecko will be bright and alert with clear open eyes and nostrils and a clean vent. Sometimes I wonder how it’s possible for my leo to go so long without food. Is he okay? Swollen stomach (in case of females, do not confuse with the gravidity). Almost like they are in a daze and not paying attention to anything around them. Soaking The Leo in warm water will not resolve the problem. Signs of Health. Curiosity and involuntary ingestion by the baby leopard geckos (Baby leopard geckos in the process of learning and familiarizing with the environment, can ingest sand or another loose substrate. It will need amputation. I haven’t ever had to deal with a leopard gecko that had a serious health problem. Sometimes I wonder how it’s possible for my leo to go so long without food. For now you can clean the area wuth some Betadine scrub and then apply some Neospirin. I am extremely concerned. Leopard geckos are nocturnal lizards in the family Eublepharidae. Make sure they are not pregnant if you do notice a bulge. Another factor that can cause respiratory infection is the use of substrates of small granulometry (dusty), which can be aspirated (stone dust, fine sand, etc). A healthy gecko will be bright and alert with clear open eyes and nostrils and a clean vent. But after reading this article I now know there are ways to fix them. Difficult breathing. You’ll want to keep your leopard gecko in a well-ventilated terrarium with a screened lid. Cool post. If you suspect that your leopard gecko suffers from impaction you should: One of the main causes of respiratory infection in leopard geckos is low temperatures and high humidity. The Leopard geckos we sell come from pristine, hand-picked breeders, bred for both docility, size, and color. Remove it before the solution cools then rinse and dry the gecko. The Leopard Gecko is a participant in the Amazon USA Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide websites with a means to earn commissions for advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I wish I had had time to research all of these sooner. How To Tame Your Leopard Gecko – Step By Step Gui... How To Tame Your Leopard Gecko – Step By Step Guide, determining the gender of your leopard gecko, Oh No! If the leopard geckos tail is getting very thin they could be getting sick or have a disease or illness. I would recommend keeping your gecko in paper towel substrate. Having these bumps is completely normal for your gecko and simply means that there is a reason behind why he or she is not metabolizing, or cycling through, the calcium right away. You can now get vet advice online – so it’s super quick to get help. There are a variety of heath problems that may affect our geckos, some of which may need to be diagnosed or treated by a vet. Have a look at this video on determining the gender. A medium sized and thick-bodied gecko, with adults normally … Since you can't, try soaking your gecko in a 50/50 mix of warm water and unflavored PediaLyte. I am going to take him to the vet, and I am glad I read this because they did not inform me about taking a stool sample. Leopard gecko’s have a transparent channel connecting their two ears together, so that light can shine through from one ear to the other. It is a very sad thing to think of your leopard Gecko having a desease. If that doesn’t help you can always take him to a vet. Their tail is losing thickness. If they have it and their limbs and they are rubbery or have trouble walking is there a way to reverse it? Gecko adhesion, especially that of the Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko), is the best characterized of this class of smart adhesive systems.Gecko toe pads are composed of millions of fibrillar stalk-like setae – … I had not witnessed violence from them, so it was extremely shocking to wake up the other day and find one of them dead. Leopard geckos often squint if they have trouble getting rid of the inside of each eyelid. My leopard gecko has a swollen bump on his right front leg – any idea what that problem can be? Glass Dancing. Signs of Health. SUPER IMPORTANT: I wrote this article to help fellow gecko owners be more aware of things to look out for. The best solution is to see an experienced herp veterinarian. The Leo needs to be seen by a Herp Vet for an antibiotic injection and some oral antibiotics. Leopard Gecko Anatomy. Two groups of 20 geckos, one that was fecal positive for oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp., and one, whose … The tail is necrotic and cannot be saved. It sounds like your leopard gecko might have a skin infection. My son’s Leopard Gecko’s tail which until a week ago was fat and healthy, has shrunk down some. Leopard geckos are probably the most popular pet lizards in the world, and for good reason. Even the most experienced and effective gecko keepers occasionally have geckos with health problems. In the wild, leopard geckos may take up small amounts of soil or sand when feeding, which are passed through the body. The Leopard Gecko, ... healthy Leopard Gecko will have bright eyes without any discharge and its mouth will have no visible signs of trauma or infection. Leopard GeckoTokay GeckoIguanaBearded DragonRussian TortoiseRed Ear SliderSavannah MonitorBall PythonBoaRat SnakeSkinkGarter SnakeAnolesChameleonCorn SnakeMilk Snake & KingsnakeSulcata TortoiseHouse GeckoMoorish GeckoGolden GeckoLeopard Gecko What does a Leopard Gecko look like?