This can be terrifying, but … if you count dirty or torn money in the dream,it is a serious financial setbacks. It's not always obvious what you're dreams are telling you, but the art (and science) of dream interpretation can set you on the right path.Herein, we've rounded up the expert dream interpretations and dream meanings of common dreams. Destruction Dream Explanation — Seeing a city destroyed by an earthquake in a dream represents the carrying of a death sentence for someone there, or it could mean violation of people's rights or freedom in that town. If a dream is showing you a thief driving your car, it is symbolic of someone taking control of your life, which could lead to some relationship difficulties, whether it be for a … If you hit someone else with a white car, it denotes that, you have said or done something bad to someone whom you consider to be very important. It could potentially signify co-dependence in your waking life, or that you are putting others’ needs ahead of your own. It might also indicate some new opportunities coming your way. This dream is a sign that very soon you will have to face a lot of problems and you will also receive bad news in the near future. A tree in your dream might also represent your family ties and your connection to your family members and relatives. It could indicate the end of the relationship with that person. You are afraid to let others down. If you have seen in your dream that your car was broken in the car accident, it is a bad omen. Dreaming of your car being broken in the car accident. If you have a dream about someone in your life causing destruction or you yourself causing destruction then it means that you are just feeling some strong feelings. Dreaming of someone known to die in a car crash – If you dreamed about someone you know, dying in a car crash, your dream is probably a very bad sign. I had a dream about the cute new guy. Healthy trees in a dream indicate growth and expansion, fallen trees, signify loss of balance, and dead trees indicate the ending of something or someone. To dream that your car is buried suggests that you are feeling weary about pursing someone else's dreams instead of your own. Whether they're remembered or not, dreams occur when the brain enters a state of rapid eye movement … Because a car is a symbol of your identity – a car stolen in a dream is a sign of uncertainty about the future. I walked up the stairs next to him and he was looking down/ at my lips, I was looking at him and I leaned forward so my lips where by his ears and then guy hugged him, I learnt over the railing of the stairs and he put his arm round me, lightly caressing my arm and then I turned with my backfacing the stairs and he starts caressing my … Risk may seem scary, but your dreams indicate that you are likely ready to take a big risk in a new area of your life. You are afraid to let others down. Dreaming of dying in the car crash. Saving Someone From a Car Accident: If you dream you are saving someone from the wreckage, this could mean that you are feeling like it is your responsibility to fix something that has become unmanageable. To crash a white car in your dream is an indication that, you and someone else has differences in opinions and the way you treat life. TREATMENT: Matt 7:7-8 – MONEY DREAM, If you dream that someone gave you money,not too bad but if you wake up with a strange feeling on your face, then it portends the dream is bad but if not, it shows financial favour. Take advantage of a dream like this and really let loose, then who knows, maybe the feelings will be gone by tomorrow and they will have been dealt with effectively. Everyone dreams. In some cases, this dream signifies the difficulties this person might go through because of some past actions and these difficulties might affect you as well. To dream that your car flipped over or rolled over implies that some significant event is preventing you from achieving your goals. Crashing can be worrisome for most of us, even in the dream world.