Aspect Analysis of John Locke’s Social Contract Theory. It discusses what is the social contract theory and the reason. Thus, with modern governments adhering to free and fair election principles having their basis be based upon the social contract theory (Mwita, 2011). The Social Contract literature essays are academic essays for citation. However, as social contract theory of Hobbes is discriminating, therefore, it is unjust and exploitation of human rights if the ruler or government have absolute rights without depending upon the will of people (Falaky, 2014) Marx has criticized the social contract theory of Thomas Hobbes based on the following points. Ward Churchill’s criticism of social contract theory clearly applies to classic social contract theories that we discussed. The classic form of social contract theory suggests that there is a stateless society from which individual’s wish to escape by entering into a social contract. Two of the most prominent “social contract theorists” are Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke (1632-1704). The Social Contract Theory is what is called a meta-narrative by post-modernist writers in that it attempts to give an overarching explanation of law’s legitimacy which makes a number of assumptions about human nature, the structure that law ought to take and what the social contract agrees upon. The theory suggests that the moral and political obligations possesses by an individual depend upon the contract or agreement that the individuals so to form the society. Social Contract Theory The social contract model is based on the underlying premise that society, in pursuit of the protection of people's lives and property, enters into a compact agreement with the government - where the latter guarantees the society protection, and the society in turn pledge to live in peace and harmony (Dooley & Paten, 2014). Society came into existence because of an agreement entered into by the individuals. This essay will discuss whether or not the values and principles will apply to both venues. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Social Contract. Then the paper points out the State of Nature according to Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. College of DuPage Social Contract Theory Discussion – Assignment Help. Locke’s political theory was founded on social contract theory. Social contract theory is undeniably a part of the criminal justice system at present and in the projected future. Locke’s theory, along with other reputable premises, will forever compel the reflection upon the nature of people and the connection to one another. their own version of the social contract theory. Social contract theory, I will argue, is an illogical concept that cannot be the basis of states. An essay or paper on Three Social Contract Theories. The Social Contract Theory The roots of social contract theory are deeply embedded in the classical political philology. The social contract theory is a treaty or an agreement that developed a set of laws, organized a functional society, and created the need to be governed. I will define this as the idea that a state is based, in some way, on consent of the governed with an explicit or implicit contract. How can a business entity minimize the risk of breaching its social contract? Essays for The Social Contract. SocialContract Theory SocialContract Theory Hobbesresponded by depicting human nature totally based on the state ofnature, implying what is most beneficial to a person. However, Rawls adds the veil of ignorance concept to his more modern social contract theory. Social Contract Theory according to Erckel (2009) is the view that an individual’s ethical or political responsibilities depends on an agreement or a contract among them to … John Locke argues that we should study our place in the natural world to shape our system of ethics and politics. or between persons. All of these philosophers used "the state of nature" as a thought experiment for thinking about political legitimacy and shared the conclusion that governments have their origin in an implied social contract. This assignment will require you to do the assigned readings, reflect, answer questions, do some research in newspapers on a current event, and then apply the material to the current event. The contract theory can change if the people believe that it is time for a change (in our society it would be by voting or getting out and protesting if we felt things needed to be changed). Conceptions of the Social Contract Theory 936 Words | 4 Pages. In this contract the people agree upon rules or laws to live by there is usually some sort of government that will help to enforce and administer these rules and/or laws. Essays on Social Contract Theory. The most important contemporary political social contract theorist is John Rawls, who effectively resurrected social contract theory in the second half of the 20th century, along with David Gauthier, who is primarily a moral contractarian.