“Don’t you see?” he proclaims. Wiki-Bio of Mellie Stanley. We know Olivia stops at nothing to make her candidates succeed: She was a part of Fitz's rigged election, and she was prepared to take Susan down before her team stopped her. The next thing you know, Cyrus’ estranged husband, Michael, gives a national interview in which he calls Cyrus a liar, cheater, manipulator, user, absentee father, neglectful husband—not to mention a Trump supporter and everything but a child of God. Her tombstone will read, “She Died Trying.”. Poor thing. Well, Sarah and Payback don’t like that. Scandal Finale: Olivia Pope Didn’t Become President, ... Mellie will keep the White House! Her mother Lottie Mae Stanley raised her with her elder sisters, JoAnn Wells, and Nettie Stanley. 2021 Bustle Digital Group. YOUNG: When Mellie dreamed about being a president she never imagined it would be this lonely, she definitely imagined Fitz would be at her side, he … Olivia will be Mellie’s Chief of Staff. As pieces of her perfect life began to fall away, Mellie became even more fierce and ready to fight for what she deserves. "Mellie would definitely bring a lot of different elements to being president, just like Hillary Clinton would probably bring a lot," says Newbern, adding that he also loves Mellie… Cyrus was named the new vice president, while Olivia promoted Quinn (Katie Lowes) as leader of OPA. He started his affair with Olivia on the campaign trail and has been seeing her ever since, even though their relationship is hard to manage. In the premiere, Abby point blank is told that Olivia isn’t having an affair with the president. I was raped and established a career in higher education. But Mellie isn’t willing to give up that easily, especially after Elizabeth North returns from wherever she’s been to successfully talk Mellie out of listening to Olivia. She reminds Oli how boring and lonely it is, how you sacrifice all your wants and desires to fulfill the needs of the president. On his quest to have Mellie impeached, Cyrus poisons David and smothers him. Who will become president now? Mellie did not win the elections, but Governor Vargas will not become the new president of the United States in “Scandal” Season 6, episode 1. But frankly, I feel like the audience has been made to love her too much for her to win. Maybe someone else would take him up on that, but not Mellie. Spoilers reveal she will even be more influential than Mellie. Well, actually, that’s their second order of business because, first things first, Olivia melts into Fitz’s face, and they find the nearest room to go do what lovers do. That was all too clear in the series finale as the first female President Mellie Grant, a … Finally, at the end of season five, Grant won the 2016 Republican Presidential Primaries, and become the GOP Presidential Nominee, along with their running mate, Jacob "Jake" Ballard. Even if Olitz does end up being the romantic endgame in the show’s series finale tonight, in its later seasons, Scandal has become just as much a story about Olivia and Mellie … After all, she told him that she would never speak to him again and left him for dead. Cyrus makes an ally out of Jake by promising a position once he takes over the presidency. They rigged a national election so that an unsuspecting Fitzgerald Grant would become President of the United States. Which is the official authority that decides who wins the presidency. Mellie has come a long way on Scandal – from the President's wife in the background to Senator to presidential candidate herself. Then, in season four, Mellie is elected US Senator for Virginia. Assuming Mellie clinches the election, she’ll have to contend with her vice-president, Jake Ballard, who is still involved in some nefarious Eli Pope plan that’s yet to be revealed. Not only does Cyrus have Jake on his side, he also has the the legal counsel, Gary Clark, in his pocket as well. SPOILER ALERT: Do not read ahead, if you have not watched the “Scandal” Season 5 finale, which aired on Thursday, May 12. In her own party, there's Hollis Doyle and Susan Ross. So Elizabeth, who—surprise!—is working for those two goons, lures Mellie into a meeting with them, where they tell her she’s their Trojan horse. She is going to name her own vice president: Cyrus…but he says no. Oh, and while all of this is happening, the electors vote for Mellie to become the next president of the United States! The ruling is postponed due to a new witness coming forward: Rowan; he admits to being command. But Mellie was ne… Then he has Papa Pope arrested, and when Olivia stomps up to Fitz ready for a fight, Fitz coolly replies that he had Papa Pope taken into custody ... his custody. I thought Papa Pope was a dark MF but these guys take the cake. At the top of the episode, Attorney General David Rosen announces that Cyrus Beene is innocent of all charges related to Frankie Vargas’ murder, which means that, if the electors vote for him, Cyrus could become the country’s next president. Byeee! Does that make my rape a plot device to … She compartmentalizes: Listen, being president is no easy gig. The vice president has yet to relinquish his burning desire to become the most powerful man in the free world and he does not think Mellie will be a person who can stop him. If the president is facing impeachment, then he is of no value to Mellie in her quest to become president because his baggage becomes her baggage. On Thursday night's episode, she reported that she's doing well with women under 40 – and she can get other demographics on her side, as well. I’m so tired of Sarah and Peus and the stink they’re leaving all over this show that I’m going to spell “Payus” differently every time I type it. Some might applaud her for her work as a Senator; others, not so much. Attorney General David Rosen breaks down ... Olivia wastes no time trying to convince Mellie to get on board, but Mellie is done running for president. She appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to read mean tweets about herself, which resulting in uproarious applause. Luna Vargas hired Theodore Peus and Samantha Ruland to make sure her husband Frankie Vargas lost the election because she didn't want to trapped in the life as First Lady when her husband takes the oval. I think it is absolutely fundamental to this episode. Not at all. Absolutely. The “Scandal” finale set up the presidential electi… After surveying the damage, Olivia goes to see Fitz while Jake stays behind to clean up the mess in Mellie’s office. In my mind, Olivia does … Fictional Mellie was raped and went on to be FLOTUS. She is displayed as a crass, rude, irrational, and professionally/socially inept woman. There are several contendors on each side, most interestingly the Republicans: current Vice President Susan Ross, Trump clone Hollis Doyle, and former First Lady Mellie Grant. These guys have made things too dark, and that’s saying something for a show whose lead character literally has to wear a white hat from time to time to remind herself that she’s not just a murderer, liar and cheater. I understand that telling Mellie, "Your VP will be Luna" would expose Luna as the mastermind. Can’t Mellie call a meeting with Sarah & Peabuddy and have Jake just off these two jackwagons just like they did Liz or is this some multi-headed HYDRA shit? Luna Vargas will be Mellie’s vice president. Mellie Stanley born Mellie Jeanette Stanley was born on May 24, 1989, in Pennsylvania. That means she’ll be their way into the White House, and she will be the president, but they will be in charge because she will fear them. Fitz tries to warn Mellie on Cyrus' plans but she does not believe him. Olivia knows how to make America love Mellie, and it's working. Of course, for fans of the show, this would spin things around given that Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) is the current President. First he has Angela removed from the case. While Fitz does care for his wife Mellie, he is not in love with her, and has remained in his marriage at the urging of his chief of staff Cyrus Beene to maintain his approval ratings and to help his chances for a second term. Christine: Originally I was going to say no, because someone has to hold the power, but Olivia’s speech to Mellie made me feel differently.Olivia has become … Mellie is involved in nearly everything on campus from philanthropy and social justice to Greek life and a cappella. As of now, he does not pose a threat to Mellie; this would of course change if she wins the Republican primary and they face off in the election. But she has been told by Fitz [Mellie's husband and the president] that she is "ornamental and not functional." The good news is that this week’s Scandal episode appears to bring us one step closer to getting rid of these two clowns once and for all. Now, if Frankie was already sworn in and killed on Inaguration Day (or after), Cyrus would've been next in line to be president and Mellie would've had no path to the presidency. The only one in the limelight is Governor Francisco Vargas. Mellie has her work cut out for her if she wants to become president. Now, if Frankie was already sworn in and killed on Inaguration Day (or after), Cyrus would've been next in line to be president and Mellie would've had no path to the presidency. Jake manages to convince Charlie to sign the confession, putting Mellie in the center of the scandal by threatening to harm his family. On Thursday’s Scandal, Cyrus makes his return to the White House a memorable one, Olitz prepares for a wedding, and – holy Shondaland! If you want a POTUS with clarity and purpose, vote Mellie. Melody \"Mellie\" Margaret Grant is the 45th and current President of the United States. Yes, we’re still scratching our heads about that one. Even if no one in the Scandal world supports Mellie for president, there are plenty of fans who do. With first lady Mellie Grant (Bellamy Young) having forged his signature -- twice! Harsh. Phew. Help me out. And just like that, I’m back on the Olitz train, and I hate myself for it. Young told Variety in May that her character would learn about Cyrus' nomination in season 6. -- in order to protect the presidency from wing-nut Sally … I’m actually OK with this sequence of events. With that out of the way, Sarah tells Mellie that a) they’ve bribed all of the electors to vote for her, b) she (Sarah) will be her new chief of staff and (c) if Mellie alerts the authorities or tries to cede the presidency to Cyrus, “we will kill your children.” See what I’m saying? All rights reserved. The grand White House, beautiful children, and the most powerful husband in the world. Good thing Marcus gave her a pep talk because Mellie is ready to fight back. It is possible Mellie will win the election, which would make for an amazing amount of drama in Shondaland. Does Olivia have too much power? The Blacker the Content the Sweeter the Truth. As you mentioned, Olivia and Fitz are … She was married to the former President of the United States, Fitz Grant and together, they have a deceased son, Jerry Grant Jr., a daughter, Karen Grant, and a son, Teddy Grant.Melody Grant seemed like she had it all. She runs for president during season five and is defeated. 4. But Fitz is gonna Fitz. Nonetheless, Olivia continues on with the interview in which Vargas’ widow petitions America to allow Cyrus to take his rightful place as president. Mellie may be the president now, but she has no control. If Mellie were to win the Presidency, the report states that she may be heralded as one of the best U.S. Presidents on television. She’s a Business and Enterprise major with a self-created concentration in Business Law and a minor in Sociology. After Michael’s interview, Fitz Grant visits Cyrus and reminds him that he offered him the presidency the night of Vargas’ assassination and it’s still his. ABC's Scandal wrapped up its sixth season by introducing a new president — and a new, darker version of Olivia Pope. Some might sympathize with her because she was cheated on and because her son was murdered, while others won't care. But what will it all come to? At the end of the day, though, she appears to be a worthy candidate, and will certainly not go down without a fight. Mellie (Bellamy Young) is the president, but she’s not really in charge. Scandal’s over now, but I still need more answers! This clandestine clan includes energy tycoon Hollis Doyle, Supreme Court Justice Verna Thornton, First Lady Mellie Grant and White House Chief of Staff Cyrus Beene. Every decision she makes is going to have to go through the mystery woman. Mellie … However, despite all her shortcomings, she is also ambitious and opportunistic, applying for jobs that she is often unqualified for. Why does Mellie stick around to try, at least in her mind, to save Fitz's presidency? Olivia Carolyn Pope is a fictional character created by Shonda Rhimes for the political drama television series Scandal.This character also played a small role in the series How to Get Away with Murder on its 4th season produced by Shonda … 2017-01-23T01:36:45.000Z. ... How do they know know? Mellie approves of the bill on gun control to law. She is regarded as a the black sheep and wild child of her family. Mellie is issued with a subpoena, realizing that Cyrus must have framed her. He reiterates to her that Sarah and Peabody want Mellie in the Oval Office, and they’ll kill both Olivia and her father if they don’t get their way. Her past as the First Lady and Senator could both work for and against her. Where does her relationship with Liv stand? Harsh. Cut to Papa Pope sitting, safe and sound, in the Oval Office. Olivia Pope continues to … Does Mellie want them to be a team? Mellie Grant acts as first lady in early seasons, before she is successfully elected as a Virginian senator. Marcus' support and love are exactly what she will need in her fight to stay in the White House. Jake is imprisoned for his actions in B613. Not satisfied with picking out china patterns, she's got her eye on the real prize—becoming the first woman President of the United States. She's president elect because even though she lost the popular vote, she won the electoral college. When Cyrus sends Mellie … Mellie takes back the power. Two babies I think," he cooed before adding that Mellie was a "vindictive, grasping power-hungry monster" who only wanted the presidency, not the president. With first lady Mellie Grant (Bellamy Young) having forged his signature -- twice! If Mellie were to win the Presidency, the report states that she may be heralded as one of the best U.S. Presidents on television. An alcoholic Cyrus resigns as vice president. Elsewhere in Washington, Fitz’s current fling, FBI Director Angela Webster, tells Fitz that she has a warrant out for Olivia’s arrest based on evidence that suggests she paid Tom Larsen to kill Vargas so that Mellie could get into the White House. Also factoring into that is Mellie’s intense desire to become the next president of the United States. Then he says that their next order of business is taking down Punk. Sons and daughters of any future British monarch will have equal right to the throne, after Commonwealth leaders agreed to change succession laws. Helen "Nellie" Bertram, played by Catherine Tate, is a character who appears in the U.S. television series The Office. So now Cyrus gives a press conference where he says he hopes to be president, and despite the fact that he hasn’t always been a good man, he will strive to honor Vargas’ legacy. Tonight is the 2017 premiere of Scandal and we finally get to find out if Mellie gets elected to be President … And while it looked like Mellie would win the state, Frankie ended up walking away with a majority of the votes to become the 45th president of Shondaland. Right now, Mellie … Mellie Mesfin is our new Student Body President. While some constituents originally thought of Mellie as stuck up and "arrogant," she's working to improve that image. Scandal is keeping us on our toes this season with a presidential election not unlike the one actually happening this year. Mellie has several obstacles to overcome: Her past, her current image, and of course her competitors. No respect intended. Which is the official authority that decides who wins the presidency. Because Mellie’s presidency will go down in flames immediately if he does. “They’ve already won,” he warns her. She went through hell and had a very naïve notion of being president instead of being the president. First and foremost, I think she loves him to her detriment, … However, they figure it out. Will Mellie become the President on Scandal? Mellie, of course, goes for her hooch, hidden in a huge walk-in closet, as Oli, who will be moving in to the White House soon, to be the president’s girlfriend, walks in. Mellie calls Olivia over to explain what happened to Elizabeth and relay what Sarah and Peyote told her. Olivia is still concerned with getting Cyrus into the White House, but Fitz is concerned with keeping Olivia out of prison for a crime her father committed. There were plans to make Jake Vargas’ vice president and that fell out because Olivia scooped him up and realized making him Mellie’s vice president was the only way to save him. Thankfully, Mellie becomes the first female President, and we really see that message and how monumental it truly is for everyone. So Mellie’s headed to the White House, and Olivia and Fitz are back together. Meanwhile, Olivia is living in my bed. Both of them have proven that they have staying power: Hollis is becoming popular a la Trump, while Susan is an underdog who is managing to race ahead, especially after winning the Republican debate earlier in the season. With Cyrus in his corner, Vargas has a good shot in winning over Mellie. Things are never that simple in Shondaland. Girlfriend, you’re playing with fire—the fire that burns for Liv in Fitz’s heart. Fitz and Olivia are driving off into the sunset!—while leaving a … She was there to be the president, and she wasn't about to take a backseat to Cyrus or anyone else. Never content to leave terrible enough alone, Olivia coordinates a press conference with Vargas’ widow to endorse Cyrus, but her father begs her to stop. Mellie, however, also has a heavyweight on her side: Olivia. Of course, for fans of the show, this would spin things around given that Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) is the current President. This is the group that pulled off the greatest conspiracy of all time. Her Campus got the inside scoop on her presidential goals, life aspirations, and advice for other … Are those her and Fitz’s kids?! She's president elect because even though she lost the popular vote, she won the electoral college. "Some Gladiators have made buttons that I love very, very much. First off, let's look at her competition. But how does this random Peus person, who presumably has never been involved in U.S. politics before/the general population has never heard of before, being VP help Luna's goal of pushing Frankie's agenda forward? Akilah Green is a recovering Washington, DC lawyer-lobbyist turned TV writer-producer living in Los Angeles. Because, moments later, Sarah bludgeons Elizabeth to death with a fire iron. After receiving a call from her father, she gets a stern warning that she needs to let Mellie win. You have a very impressive pedigree [Young attended Yale and Oxford] and so does Mellie. Just as Mellie thought she was going to cinch the election and become the next President of the United States, her opponent won a key portion of California and the tides shifted. But Mellie was never meant to be anyone's trophy wife. He sleeps with … Everything was happening according to plan and Olivia seems set to become one of the most powerful women in the United States, something which she plans to enjoy thoroughly. “To me, my first thought was, ‘Oh, Olivia Pope becomes president,’ and these young black women are seeing this portrait of the first black female president. I know what you’re going to say: Mellie is absolutely responsible for her own choices, and she did not in any way need to give up her promising law career to become a political wife. One day, when Cyrus comes home, James is already there to do a story on Melrus in which she will announce her bid for president. Mellie has come a long way on Scandal – from the President's wife in the background to Senator to presidential candidate herself. Olivia suspects that her father was behind it. Plus, if Fitz was able to remain president after his affair was revealed and he got a divorce, I'm pretty sure Mellie will be able to stay president even though her VP tried to … While there's a lot going against her, she also has a lot of support. Of course, Olivia Pope has decided that getting Cyrus into the White House is the white-hat thing to do, so she advises Mellie Grant to concede.