Perhaps you dream of fighting in a war against your friends, if his or her face is revealed, it is possible that she is against you or demons are using his face against you. Dreams And Their Meaning/Interpretation. READ: Psalm 109, Proverbs 13:18, – BIBLE DREAM, the word of God is the light. If you dream of war, it can indicates fear and loss of control. It will happen much sooner than you were hoping for. But if the fruits were ripes in the dream, consider your ways open. Isa 40:31, –  ALCOHOL DREAM: To drink alcohol is to harbor sin and fornication. You can now  pay your offerings, tithes, sow a seed into this ministry. Sometimes, seeing yourself riding a bicycle in the spiritual world could stand as a symbol of humility, or test from God. This can also be a pointer to incomplete deliverance, misfortunes, depression, backsliding. TREATMENT: Every strange child(ren) in place of my real children, disappear by fire, in Jesus name. TREATMENT: Ps 46:1. It can be a tricky little endeavour to write your vows, but it’s worth it when you get up there at the ceremony and spill your heart out to your love. Celebration gives entrance for new positive things. If you discover that some people surrounded you to celebrate your success, progress and finances, this means you are expanding in God’s blessings and favour. Maybe you need to find the right purpose of your life, so you can get back on the right track. A promised land is a land flowing with milk and honey. Are you a person that always procrastinate, reluctant to take a risk? Because in your dream, the bike or bicycle is a medium of getting to the place or country where your man is residing. – LIZARD DREAM,  Lizards are your secret and close enemies in dreams. This symbol tends to relates to covenant to the dark places of the earth. Every strongman focusing on my marriage and child bearing, break and release me, in Jesus name. When you are gradually selling off your bicycle in your dream, you are paving the way for all kind of losses, near success syndrome and fear to be a major obstacle in your life. Fast and pray for 3 days. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Depending on the nature of the dream. You need to pray hard for marital connection. Pray for good-spiritual fragrance. Or in the process of killing the lizard, it quickly went into a cracked building, it means you are unable to destroy your enemies. If you yourself was the person riding a bicycle to your village, farm, or overseas, it means unending stubborn problems. It is the work of the devil to cause the death or prolonged sickness of your husband. Furthermore, if you find out that you are planning to attend a job interview and your dream is pointing to a bicycle brake failing, you have to pray hard. Here are some of our favourite vows we’ve ever heard to give you some inspo for when it’s your time to write your vows to your spouse. Every curse in my life, I reject by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. If you are a riding a bike in the market, you are likely to encounter some attacks in your home. Every time this dream appear to you, you need to reject every arrow of untimely death fired against you. Do you experience sudden attack on your marriage, ministry or setbacks in your finances? In the case of a bicycle, it is a good symbol depending on the outcome of theme. TREATMENT: I vomit any liquid, ice cream that has been taken to my body, in the name of Jesus. And a man that suck a woman’s private part, watch out for three things, demotion, sack, and untimely death. Have you committed any abortion in the past? What are the consequences of copyright infringement? it is an indication that your blessings is in the hand of the man of God. To dream of buying bicycles represents the happiness and wealthy living you are about to experience in the near future. When you dream of fighting with people in a war, it is telling you there is a big trouble. Curses that abort good things, issued against me, break and scatter to pieces, in Jesus name. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) ”FAIR USE” in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. On a more serious note,if you see an angel around you in the dream, it means the angel of God is guiding and delivering you from certain spiritual attacks.Do not fear or dismayed, you are under divine insurance. In some cases, this dream might be asking you to obey the voice of God and to concentrate on the line of your dreams in life. If you have established a certain covenant with God before you had this dream, God may decide to purnish you for this. Bicycle accident is a symbol of calamity. (Is 54:15-17, Matt 11;12). This also mean that you will suffer another round of marital delay and regrets. Negatively, obviously, the digging part could be deadly and destructive. You can also obtain Dua after having a bad dream from this page. Therefore you must pray against any power forcing me to take a decision against the will of God. When a person eat or licks ice cream, he is inviting the enemy to operate and cause sorrow in his life. PRAYER: Every inherited foundational problem in my father’s house or mother’s house causing slow progress in my lineage, die, in Jesus name. It symbolizes such child will be great and his star will shine. It could be something bad is about to happen to your properties. A football game represents confrontation, competition, and ambition but also that you have to be careful in choosing your friends. READ: Acts 16:25-40, Oba 1:17, Ps 59:1. Do you had flat fire while riding on a bike then it indicates storms. Dreams about riding a bicycle in your dream indicates that the powers in your father’s is actually working against your efforts. –WEDDING GOWN/DRESS DREAM, Revelation 19:7, Unfortunately when such child grows up, it may have serious challenges in fulfilling his or her destiny. That symbolize fruitfulness. The milk in which the strange is breastfeeding or sucking, it is your glory. The same meaning still applies to adult that comes across this revelation. Think deeply and see where your problem could be coming from and take a targeted prayer to destroy the strongman bringing limitations on your way. Luke 12:33-34  – RAIN DREAM, If you dream that you are beating by the rain, count your blessings and name them one by one. Our content is under copyright law. From this dream, it shows that the dividends of your handiwork is reward. That kind of dream indicates you will keep eating from head to mouth until there is a divine intervention. If you dream that you are nursing a strange baby, it means there is a spirit child or children causing marital problems in your life. If you need prayer, please email General symptoms are untimely death, marital disappointment, struggles, demotion, curses etc. Maybe in your set goals, you are very scared of taking a new decision that would announce you. There is a different between challenges of life and spiritual attack. READ: Gal 5:22-26, Leviticus 26:4-5. In most cases, it could lead to poverty and mental disturbance. TREATMENT: Every evil rope tying me down, break by fire, in Jesus name. I refuse to be arrested by the devil. – ANGEL DREAM, It is the wish of every child of God to encounter the true angel of God in their dream. You can also call for prayer on: Get Evangelist Joshua Latest Book on this website. Lets look at the good side. When you are to deliver a message for example, and your bike broke down is a symbol of  satanic bondage. The bicycle is a dream symbol of the body, mind or explaining ones background state. Every dream is to alert or encourage to take some immediate actions. Care for the baby and take the baby as your child. The operation of the devil reveals that there is serious spiritual problem. According to this dream state, the bike could be a clean car. The hidden meaning here is telling the dreamer that your divine time is tickling fast, and hence you should make a quick steps towards it before you loses the opportunity. If you were able to climb up with the rope, it means all your stubborn challenges are over as God has taken you away from satanic bondage. Devil always look for another best alternatives they can deceive or put something into the mouth of their victims in the dream. If you dream that a goat is always eating what you kept, it means the goat is used as the household enemy to steal and destroy your wealth, blessings and prosperity., Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. We care about the health and happiness of our employees, and sports provide a great way to experience healthy activities while celebrating our national and … Being in a bicycle for a long distance travel, it means the spirit of your ancestors are actually delaying you. – CRYING DREAM, If you cry over the death of someone in the dream, it means there is a bad news coming towards you or the family. TREATMENT: Every spiritual bullet of the enemy against me, backfire, in Jesus name. The Bible says no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. TREATMENT: Ps 34:7,Ps 91:11, – AIRPORT DREAM, If you dream that you are at the airport about to travel out of the country, it means your desire to leave the country to your preferred country would manifest soon if you pray and work hard. It could lead to death, memory loss and severe sickness. – MARKET DREAM, if you see yourself buying and selling in the dream. God is using this dream to pass a message to you that everything you need in life are revealed in His word and not only in pastors mouth. When a woman is arrested in her marriage, her marriages suffers. May that not be your portion in Jesus name. – FIRE DREAM, Fire in the dream means disaster and tragedy. I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. If you see a Dove in the dream, it means Divine Visitation. Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which is particularly recommended by doctors for the functions of the body. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. It means the person is about to experience downfall, limitation and demotion. Dreams of falling off a bike, if you are a pregnant woman, it symbolizes early sickness, miscarriage or fear of the unknown. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Since fire is synonymous to death and destruction. Also if peradventure you poo or shit outside the toilet, possibly on the ground, it is a mental disturbance and curse. – SEXUAL DREAM, If you sex a person in the dream, it means loss. If the tyre got flat, then indicates  you may not have the opportunity to move out of your present environment. The appearance of bicycle is not a common dream experience. Maybe in the process of paddling, the bike broke down, it signifies a great disconnection from the power of prosperity. When we eat, it stores in our body but inability to excrete them out, it begins to cause health issues etc. TREATMENT: My instrument of prosperity and beauty, be restored by fire, in Jesus name. TREATMENT: Barricade yourself with the blood and fire of the Holy Ghost. Kissing goes with love and lust.This indicates that you are in a romance with the spirit spouse, which can hinder your marriage. But if you experienced a person took away your bike and ride on it, whether known or unknown person, it means your enemy is riding on your horse and can indicates you starting all over again. Please take your time to pray against every curse of thou shall not excel. If you are a career person or a  manager, dreaming about watch could indicates time management is important. Book Review: Biblical Dream Interpretation With…, Biblical Dream Interpretation And Their Meanings, Biblical Dream Intrpretation Of Blood Moon, MEANING OF EATING FOOD WITH STRANGERS IN THE DREAM, Spiritual Meaning Of Birds Attacking You In Dream, Join our best Life changing telegram group, Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube, DREAM ABOUT BICYCLE – SPIRITUAL MEANING OF RIDING BICYCLE, DREAM ABOUT RIDING BICYCLE – SPIRITUAL MEANING AND INTERPRETATION, DREAM ABOUT BICYCLE or BIKE BEING STOLEN – SPIRITUAL MEANING, DREAM ABOUT BICYCLE BRAKING – Biblical Dream Interpretations. And similarly, If you are a single woman and you dream is associated with fear in riding a bicycle, then it is likely you will encounter a delay in locating your destiny husband. TREATMENT: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers from 6am to 3pm. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. If someone gave you watch in your dream, its possible that the Holy Spirit is giving you an extra time to make amendment , live a righteous life. Our content is under copyright law. Dreaming about bush can bring blessing or limitations to the dreamer depending on the outcome of the theme. There is a problem when you fall off from a bicycle. You saw lots trees in the bush, it means the spirit of fruitfulness and growth. Bicycle is used for riding, but if you ride it, it is a warning never to give up on your current situations. You might be worried about something and you can’t find a way to deal with it. But more often than not, pray against any false allegation. A faulty bicycle in your dream may be connected to stagnancy and non-achievement. So what this means is that, when you give birth, the baby will be so stubborn. because it tells you a wandering spirit and suffering have actually arrested you. READ: Psalm 56, 59 and 51. No right is given without my recognition. Maybe the problem is financial issues or because your wife is simply a stubborn woman. To see another person spoil your bicycle as is a warning sign. If you bath with sponge, it therefore means you are in another realm. if you wake up happy, it means that the Lord has fought your battles and however, it’s a sign of prayer answer. The agenda of the enemy can only prosper if you refuse to strive harder. O Lord, put me on the high way of speedy progress in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus. TREATMENT: Deal with your foundation. Biblical Spiritual Meaning of Bicycle in a dream: Deuteronomy 28:6  Ask for grace to finish well. To see yourself riding a bicycle, shows things will soon get better.