Even at the height of Voidwatch participation. It's good enough. Though to be honest, you'll want to build all of the categories... except "Mana Cede Effect". You'll start this page at the entrance moving back and forth down the hall... but after a bit you'll be able to make the circle around and start to really crank out the exp. BUT then they had the idea to allow iLv.119 items on the AH with a sort of caveat that a person couldn't just ding 99 and then be 119. If you have any questions feel free to message Odiin/Bolmster in game. Bards have many songs but only four non- meritable Job Abilities. Jump to: navigation, search. FFXI (and Nasomi by extension) run perfectly under WINE. Because, as you can see, I have not given you an example of a FC set for /WHM or /SCH. Since the change to Eclipse Bite, Double Punch, Predator Claws, Rush, Chaotic Strike, and Volt Strike into being ƒTP transferring BPs, Keraunos will be the best physical staff you can make.) (About +14ish, and as this lacks any Magic Attack Bonus this staff is rather worthless for magical Blood Pacts.) They are sitting at around ~1500ish HP. As you either are sitting in one spot cycling elementals and/or avatars... or you're cheating with a script to do that. Magic Accuracy: +27. The weapons are actually legitimately good and worthwhile. Ideally, you will want to fill any open spaces with "Quick Magic" options. Increases the amount of TP by 50 given to Avatars and Spirits when using Mana Cede. 's protection and "Quick Magic"+2%), and all four are only going to give you FC+2% at most each. Once again, I dropped the Lv.1 BP. I'll be out of it quickly. At Su2, you should have been able to reach the hard cap -30s thanks to the first -5s Gift (most likely thanks to -15s BPdelay and -10 BPdelay II). Increases attributes of Avatars and Spirits by 5 while under the effects of Astral Flow. Skill: +81 (537Total) ⇒ Favor: 512Tier+4 "Fast Cast": +66% (80%Total) The boys get down and dirty in the early leveling stomping grounds. Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:18 pm nasomi. Why? Decreases your spell interruption rate by 2%. Here is an example of gear for this level range: You can either continue with the exp bonus in Crawlers' Nest: Or you can go to the 99era camp in Bostaunieux Oubliette: If you left Crawlers' Nest at 64 then Bostaunieux Oubliette will be better, as it has a higher maximum page bonus. These are the three best subjobs that compliment SMN the most, hence why I call them the "useful" ones... as you will find yourself almost always on the one you favor. How I love you. (And by "little" I mean "nonNM". Can be summoned many times, as unlike Odin and Alexander, he doesn't consume all your MP. This is what I would call a "starter staff"... or at least I would... if not for the requirement to have at least 50 Job Points spent in order to just equip it. Not much to really say about Job Mastery. Remember. (Though if they ever add more "Superior Item" Levels, my money is for any theoretical Su3 being at 550JP and any Su4 being at 1200JP.) And when you're finally ready to start, I'd recommend focusing on getting INT and MND up to 15/15 before you add other stats... as those are your two main WS mods. 6. We get a few levels and try to convince David to talk to us. Last Edited: 13 Oct 2013 10:07 am. The only thing is that it lacks any Accuracy or Attack to further boost physical Blood Pacts, as this is only really good for those. Path A offers you the most "Magic Attack Bonus"; Path B is by far one of the best Magic Accuracy options available for Summoners; Path C splits the difference. So don't feel bad if you can't get some of these items. The bard’s AF1 is a dagger and for this reason having some levels in it is a good idea. If you are like me and find yourself on hard mage jobs more often than not; the MP&Refresh is a perfectly valid choice. 2. More Tali'ah pieces can be used in lieu of the above, especially good if you have those in the interim of making the above. This page has been accessed 159 times. A small note on the first equipsets mentioned: /equipset {FC}. You'll want it to be Page 1 so that when you swap macros, you'll be on the hub first thing. But even though you shouldn't be getting hit... better safe than sorry. (: MP+30~50; Snow-stone augment slot can't contribute to this ability.) Certainly not me, but if you want to spend your time that way... More power to you. (Especially the ones who don't have any additional effect, or larger potency versions.). So make and wear your Refresh Earring with pride!Should there ever come a point where there is another Refresh or TP Bonus Earring, it is likely that one or the other paths for Moonshade will come to disuse.And if you ever find yourself regretting or expanding your jobs selection to include more DDs, fret not. WE ARE. While it's not especially hard, the added inventory and less utility you'll get isn't as optimal in my opinion.And with the new Baayami Set offering you ~30+ skill in each slot, a well augmented Telchine piece is replaced as soon as you hit 500+ Job Points. Because non119 weapons generally pale in comparison to any 119 option available. ), Ever since the December 2014 Update[20], the Celestial Avatars (and Carbuncle) have had one too many BPs for their Macro pages. Accuracy: +211 I'm on after 9PM EST a few nights a week. It's not really worthwhile IMO. Mdmg: +30 However... it comes with a relatively huge drawback: +3s to the recast of every BP you use. However, with that in mind, compare and contrast your nuking Merlinic pieces to the above for Garland of Bliss; as that is a WS, it's quite possible for your nuking augments to eclipse the above pieces for that. Not only that, but once you get more worthwhile staves, you can keep one for the Fast Cast. Also: I like to use the "echo" command for my /equipset commands. I couldn't stop playing tonight, it's just like the classic days of FFXI(minus the population of course). I think the additive usefulness of all his other Blood Pacts outweigh the loss of the Magic Bursted Somnolence. You will never use these. Now, while it may seem like there is no reason to bother with these guys, you should want to have all 8. I dive deeply into gearsets that you will want to work towards for Bard, as well as cover Merits, Job Abilties, and Job Points. And thus, "Superior Item"s were born. Generally when I level a new job, I'll quest the AF1 (Artifact Armor) and farm the AF2 (Relic Armor) and slip it until I'm leveling the job through the ranges where it can start to equip it: 50~60 for AF1 and 71~75 for Af2. At least there are Copper Vouchers that you can trade for the small cruor you'll need to get to buy your AF3. As the ancient past of Vana'diel now sleeps, the lifeforces of the avatars are bound in torpor. nasomi. This is the reason for the inclusion of the release command on this page: you can just poop out your Light Spirit, and then hit alt+0 twice and dismiss it when ready to actually do something. -enmity is tempting, but you shouldn't be able to pull enough hate for it to matter... and +enmity is a bad idea. Equipping that will push your Avatar's DT up to the true cap of -87.5%DT. Weapon Skill Damage is the primary raw booster for it, which is in rather short supply for SMN. Increases Avatar and Spirit physical accuracy by 1. But, how I did it is really what I feel is the best way to do it: cap it at Lv.1 and it should remain capped or near cap as you level. Well +15 Atk is even less worthwhile than +15 Acc. That singular test showed us that there is an overall cap to BPdelay (-30s) but due to it having more than one variable quantity, it was bad science and didn't actually test what this gift was.) Like I had theorized back then, it was most likely a "Job Trait Blood Pact Ability Delay" and not just BPdelayII. This is especially compounded when Garland of Bliss ⇛ Blindside makes Gravitation, a Level 2 Skillchain, which allows you to Apogee Magic Burst the more powerful Night Terror. While they may have half the perpetuation cost of the above Avatars... their casting is very limited. Pavor Nocturnus' Dispel? Hard mages tend to not be in melee range, let alone using a WS or even being engaged on the NM... And the type of person who is likely to berate your choice is probably heavily invested in their physical DD jobs. This article is a community collaborative guide. A Bard (BRD) uses songs as the job's main advantage to boost the party's stats. Furthermore, in regards to nuking, this staff has more than ample Magic Accuracy with both hard Magic Accuracy and Elemental Magic Skill. (And reminds me of the old FFs where the SMN would have the magic circle under them when they summon.) So the demand for auxiliary heals to be of the caliber of main healer's heals... is kinda... unnecessary. This guide is an expansion of my previous Gearsets page I had on here before. Remember all those sparks you got while leveling Lv.1~15? Final Fantasy XI Online Wiki Guide. Finally, the best thing I did was to set up Assault like I did. But you should work on replacing them (if only for the +7 inventory) with a fully augmented Gridarvor ASAP. In fact, let's look at that, shall we? And /RDM in addition to that allows you the most freedom of gear. [+] I recently wanted to give the Nasomi XI Private Server a try as I had played a lot of Final Fantasy XI when I was younger and was feeling a bit nostalgic. Guides are works of opinion. 3. There's also the fact that they are the way a Summoner utilizes the job ability Elemental Siphon starting at Lv.50. 4 talking about this. I would actually recommend a new SMN buy an, . Especially when it's under a 5 MAB difference. It takes 50 Job Points spent to be able to equip a Su1 item, which is mostly armor but also has the Arasy line of items whose NQ versions may be bought from Antonia in Upper Jeuno at (H-8). Depending on how good the party is, you can gain 100~300 Job Points in a single hour! "Quick Magic": +5%, Here is where I'm going to be the most demanding of you.... For I'm going to ask that you... do simple arithmetic. We are an End-Game Linkshell on the Nasomi Classic Era FFXI server. 1 Welcome! Just that their experience isn't one that validates an exclusive or near exclusive user of hard mage jobs to make their Moonshade into an earring that they are likely to never use outside of solo ventures that don't really matter. *Also: Be sure to always have the appropriate "kill 10 mobs in the area" Records of Eminence quest objective set, so you can increase your exp gain rate.*. Don't worry, as you should be using the area's Records of Eminence "Kill any 10 mobs" objective, you'll hit level 8 even with the occasional "dead kill". As you can see, 5/5 Casting Time Merits really frees up a LOT of space in this set. Then in the 99era it started to be more prudent to have access to every BP, as before the June 2012 update. See Bard Song List for information on where to find each song and other information. nasomi. Generally, I keep with the RSE pieces (and anything else I've equipped from the previous section) until I can start to put on my AF1 pieces. Birds or Raptors in [A] Misareaux Coast... No one exp alliances anymore. (Though to be perfectly honest, you can skip the cape. Nothing insane, and you'll likely never really notice it... You also get a lovely ★★★ above your name. However the real boon that this gives is the fact that that extra tier of Favor will reduce your BPdelay past the hard capped delay reduction of -30s. Burning Strike makes Ifrit your least MP intensive Avatar as it is a level 23 Blood Pact, dealing damage equal to everyone else's level 70s. Save your points for the other 9 categories and only put any into it if you can hit a new Gift tier with it, or if the other 9 categories are 20/20 (the max). Hot. This is because even though Tail Whip's Skillchain Property is the same as Spinning Dive's secondary Property, Tail Whip gives a very potent Gravity effect, whereas Barracuda Dive is nothing but a Lv.1 Spinning. Join us for a good time! No unread posts: 2016-07-27 Nasomi Census [ Go to page Go to page: 1 2] in Main Chat. The word "bard" ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Skill: +107 (563Total ⇒ 512Tier+4) ⇒ -8sFavor 4 Together they make for unparalleled damage, apart... Conduit is really the only one of merit. This is the example of how I have my Hub Page set up. Though why you would as they offer nothing except the ability to summon the six elemental gods, I have no idea. -enemy crit rate may be a tempting idea, given how paper thin SMN is, but... it doesn't do a lot in practice and any physical DD you may have leveled will thank you more for the extra 5% crit rate. While you can get Attack on Keraunos, you can't get both Accuracy and Attack. And for that nine month interim, Job Points were nothing more than "super Merits" which cost more to get, gave less effects (original cap per category was 10, unlike now which is 20), and weren't especially amazing... namely because they dealt with 1hr abilities and for many jobs (namely any with a Circle-type Abilities) focused on abilities that, generally, range from lackluster to utterly useless. Increase chance of spectacular "Fast Cast" effect by 25 percent.Troubadour: Increases the casting time for songs by 1.5 and doubles the effect duration. Clubs are just the strictly inferior option in all regards, as I've previously mentioned above. BPdelayIII: -10s. I decided that was dumb of me. Joy. (Remember, Skill and MP are the things you want the most of.) Same deal with the only two WSs that really matter: Garland of Bliss and Shattersoul. So there's that. The weakest of all Skillchains.) Here are the results! … As a WHM, I know first hand that cures need to be fast... so the old guide's method of hiding cures behind a secondary click can be the difference between life and death. So you can no longer have EVERY BP on each page (except for the summons... as those have either 1 less than everyone else, or are missing all BPs for levels 76~98). It turns the otherwise useless ability into a true powerhouse of a boost, giving out a massive Base Stat boost. The editing of collaborative guides should keep the overall direction and general opinions the same. ], [ Go to pageGo to page: Now keep in mind that a capped Favor Tier (575 Skill +4 Tiers) is supposed to give you an extra -10s[16] off of your Wards and Rages. Alchemy is a craft that uses a wide range of materials to create of a variety of enhancing and enfeebling potions as well as healing medicines. These are the subjobs you'll find yourself on from time to time... but usually you're on one of the three above. Shattersoul is also a simple WS. This is namely because, just look at /RDM's set.There's essentially only four open spaces (which makes you lose the. The Job Point Category is garbage. Why I recommend you make this a physical and hybrid BP staff is because while the extra "Magic Attack Bonus" may be tempting, especially in regards to hybrid BPs... Espiritus and Grioavolr are generally strictly superior options for magical Blood Pacts, as they have larger MAB and Macc possibilities.+10 Blood Pact Damage is the best nonNirvana statistic you can get in the weapon slot, and hybrid BPs' magical damage is determined by their physical damage hit(s). With that you'll be able to solo any and all of Abyssea should you choose to do so.). Many guides will tell you what is the absolute best gear available in the game... which isn't really helpful to you unless you have powerful friends and/or deep pockets. From BG FFXI Wiki. And with the death of Abyssea as the endgame, Summoner lost the one place where it could tank any of the NMs around. The bards songs are used for enemy debuffs and group rebuffs alike. Join us on our journey with our official main jobs equipped! ), Obviously you'll also want to eventually cap Staff and Evasion Skills and the like, but that can easily wait until 99 as they aren't that important compared to Summoning Magic. The BP I dropped from Ifrit's repertoire was Punch. Sure +15 Attack/Magic Attack Bonus sounds nice and all... but you can have capped pDIF all you like, it won't matter if you can't hit something. And as they make up the only Blood Pacts Diabolos has, I saw no reason to keep Camisado. Which is 2 less skill tiers than 575+4. And there isn't much that SMN cares for at these low levels but MP. These are pretty much garbage. This is because the Maff+10% is multiplicative with MAB, not additive; making it one of the best rings for Weapon Skills. You can try, but 76~99 is just easier to gain the exp first and then cycle all those levels at 99. Once again, this was a favored grinding spot in the 99era. Get two even, a path C for magic and enfeebling; and a path D for physical and hybrid. 5 ), And should you have any doubt as to my assertion, why not take it strait from the, "Fenrir is, just as we are, one of the new energies born to the world of Vana'diel. Leadership. In the 99era, Empyreans (aka Relics V2) were generally the more easier to make into a functional level (Lv.85+, as that's the version that gains the Weapon Skill). General Merit Point Categories. Increases damage dealt by Blood Pacts by 3. It's one of three jobs where Square had radically different ideas on how the job should be played. Not only that, but both make for excellent cure pieces. free up a rather large portion inventory you might have devoted to Fast Cast gear, once the most monumental weapon building process in the game, which is 1MP/tic less than if you're lucky enough to get a Contemplator during a Campaign, can be by far the best nonNirvana enfeebling staff, you likely aren't needing a guide in the first place as you are either a veteran to the job in question, or learned enough to be able to recognize what the best gear there is, it's not really worth the inventory space, IMO, it's very likely that Beckoner's Horn +3 will increase total Favor tiers to the point where the maximum -10s becomes available, it's not too shabby for Hybrid BPs either, is just slightly more potent than a second Varar, equaling roughly the same as if you had ~480 MAB, can serve as a slightly less potent alternative to the second Varar, added inventory and less utility you'll get, Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia missions' combined Epilogue storyline, Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia missions' combined Epilogue storyline quests, the BCNM where you can fight him for various rewards, transfer their ƒTP to each additional hit, Originally planned to be the Avatar for the Seekers of Adoulin Expansion, (Or you can just read the Wikipedia article about the allegory here. Up to this point I've made sure to include only free, NQ, or easily obtainable (aka cheap off the AH) for the gear selection in the leveling guide. Why? This is also the last time you'll be getting Gift levels quickly. So first things first. Is this a common problem or can I do anything different? You don't really have much choice for the generic Merits anymore... as you can just max all of the ones available for your job now. 3 ], seventythree19 Paths A and B are for BLM and SCH, with C and D being the SMN relevant paths. And as you can see, this set is near identical to your Alexander Set, so any valid substitutions above for pieces from that set are the same here. MND: +168 My keyboard has a circular bubble around the 6 key, like a shield, so Alexander with his Perfect Defense sits there. So you'll want all 8 to be able to make full use of that effect. Though I can see why Square thought of the job that way, as it evokes the classical FF summoning style. Recast: 10min. Making it ideal for fighting many little mobs (that you won't need to AoE) as each one should die in a single hit. And now? All with +5 to Blood Boon to boot. Growl giving everyone all stat boosts, either mage oriented or melee oriented based on the moon. Why the "Summoning Magic Cast Time" and not attack or magic accuracy? Something you'd only wear for the second it takes to cast something? It may also be completely out of your reach as Reisenjima's Geas Fete offers fights against some of the most powerful Notorious Monsters the game has ever seen.Aeonics are really a "crapshoot" like that: either they are 100% easily obtainable as your group of friends is good enough to do so, or they are 100% unobtainable as you either don't know anyone or all the people you know can't do the content. (Seriously though. You won't regret it. But with JPs? Then you can drop your Accuracy Merits for one of the other groups. "121" version? Near the middle of the 75era, having essentially immediately given in to the players' chosen playstyle, they split the Blood Pact timer into the Rage and Ward timers we know and love today. As you can see, they mostly consist of 109 RF pieces. Refresh: 10~11/tic resting; 9~10/tic w/Avatar Though you're basically doing the same general thing, as dictated above, in all of these, I should make special mention of a few things: Try to read up on the above content before you try to tackle it. FFXI Auction House Online. Jump to: navigation, search. They're a little difficult if you're perfectly at 50... but are super easy for a 99+ character. (C3/4 being the two examples of "interrupting" a BP's animation.) Even worse, you don't even need Hvergelmir to unlock it! Everyone has to start somewhere... and Luckily, the first 100JP are the easiest to get. And with the April 2014 update[2], those differences dropped to essentially nil. Speaking of multi-job staves for conserving space... this staff is probably the best option for the inventory challenged. However it wouldn't be until December of that year[15] that it would actually realize that idea with the addition of Job Point Gifts. ], [ Go to pageGo to page: Because that hasn't really been relevant since the 75era. Now at 1200JP, you can reach it much easier. A bard without an instrument or a player with the sub job bard can only keep one song up at a time, as opposed to instrument players that can use two. Personally, I'd recommend the Fast Cast group if you're wanting to change it up (+15 acc won't ever make or break you, but it does add up. And most of all, effective. (Back then the only test done was with capped BP Ability Delay I in addition to BPdelayII and this gift totaling -15s. Night Terror's Merit BP level damage? It's up to you which you find yourself most comfortable with. His Wards are the most varied of any Avatar, but sadly are some of the most useless. Any editing should only be done to increase legibility or formatting (such as typos); the opinions therein should not be changed. FFXI - Nasomi Private Server r/ ffxinasomi. I'll detail the syntax that I have set up with my macros in this section, and I'll suggest what armor and weapons to use via the /equipset commands listed here in the next section. It's just too good. So if you don't want to scroll to the right, just don't open all the macros at once.). 195. So don't try and force this to be a physical staff, it's just not worthwhile when you can get a superb and better option in Keraunos. And as should be obvious, "{FC}" will be whatever number you have as your FC equipset. While I used to recommend NEVER doing the Lv.20 fights, and I still recommend unlocking the gods via their full fights, the ability to use Home Point warps out to each of the Cloisters makes the utility of keeping the Mini Tuning Forks less valuable than they used to be. Furthermore, while it doesn't take long, should you not have completed the first chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, using the Home Points to warp that much over and over can get quite expensive. Especially not when all his other BPs are actually super useful. 9. A bard without an instrument or a player with the sub job bard can only keep one song up at a time, as opposed to instrument players that can use two. As it comes from one of the most powerful Notorious Monsters in the game... it's not really realistic to try and farm one for most people. Group 2 Name Description Nightingale: Halves the casting and recast times of songs. Bye bye FFXIV, time for me to get back to one of the best MMOs ever in its prime - FFXI! And if you do have such resources available, you likely aren't needing a guide in the first place as you are either a veteran to the job in question, or learned enough to be able to recognize what the best gear there is.That being said.The jump from my recommendations to what is the "absolute best" is generally just a +1 variant, and I will be making note of other gear available that is equivalent or even better than what I suggest. This has the potential to be the best Magical staff available. Weirdly though, unlike the other two, it actually is weirdly useful. Not only will you have to take the time to get multiples of them, just for a single WS... but any piece you do get is much more worthwhile used as a BP piece or a nuking piece. Attack: ⨤85~90 Keep in mind, however, that the completion bonus is reset should you leave the zone, but NOT if you log out. As mentioned above in the Avatars Section, Titan has two lines of Blood Pacts: Rock/Megalith/Crag Throw and Rock/Mountain Buster. That being said, I still recommend that you DO NOT complete the Lv.20 fights to gain the ability to summon the gods, as not only will you need to fight them all again to gain the ability to fight Fenrir but you must also fight them all again twice more (for a grand total of 4x) in order to get what is essentially the. Wards on the other hand is where Carbuncle truly shines. Seeing as how easy this staff is to get, and how its drop rate is very good at that, this is the staff I would recommend you get as your "starter" staff. That being said, all of the last two on this list have the potential to be the best Magical Blood Pact staves available, and are generally easier to get a hold of than Marquetry Staff is. Increases Avatar and Spirit magic damage by 5. I have seen some strange things on Nasomi that don't seem to fit with retail or the equations for damage online. 6.1 Advanced partying! The only other weapon available to a bard is a staff. "Quick Magic": +5%, "Fast Cast": +56% (80%Total) As you should have noticed by now, I have set up this guide with the needs and advice geared towards the new or returning player. So while you can't use the Chatoyant later, it can still be used for curing. And furthermore, as this is NOT BPdelayII, you won't be needing to reach the two caps of BPdelay and BPdelayII. Skill: +60 (210/WHM•Total 199/RDM•Total 464/SCH•Total) Which means at 99, your Avatars will be taking -53.5%DT. To rig things so that it only gives our Pro/Shell, before you summon it, have Garuda use Hastega II and cast regen on everyone. Page Tools. You may have noticed that I break away from the style I have described in other buffing Ward BPs. The Light and Dark Avatars gain comparable magical BPs from levels 75~80 or so, but they tend to not follow as strict a mold as the "Celestial Avatars" do. Ifrit has the only hybrid Blood Pact Rages: FC for the insane numbers, BS for one-shotting the little guys (15~30k with no de/buffs). Why? It doesn't have replicating ƒTP across all hits, so multi-attack effects are less effective than on the WSs that do. Remember, this is only a guide. BPdmg+8 is almost the maximum you can get on more focused staffs, and +15 skill not only matches the highest available skill in the staff slot, but it also translates into a bit of Accuracy when this is used for physical Blood Pacts. (Though by this point there were other options than just the Empyrean set as Reforged Artifact Armor had been added, Summon still favored AF pieces over most any random drops.). Even with the pet adjustment, making Summoner and Puppetmaster's pets' level based on their ammo slot's item level, and Beastmaster and Dragoon's pets' level be based on their main hand weapon; Summoner was still bound to 113 pets at best (compared to BST and DRG's capability to have 119 pets and every other job's 119 weapons). If Fenrir is the "physically focused Dark Avatar", then Diabolos is the magical. You may even be lucky enough to find a group already in progress! Which is fine too. Final Fantasy XI's world of Vana'diel is built upon the ideas of Plato's The Cave. And ever since the November 10, 2016 update[27], that "Double Attack" and Critical Hit Rate augment really boosts your best Blood Pacts further than any other NonNirvana staff currently available. And as such, having capped casting time is useful... but it's not the life or death that it is on WHM/RDM/SCH. As this is the first Avatar page I'm talking about, I think I should clarify some choices I've made with my choices. Nasomi severely restricts which plugins/addons can be used, so you aren't missing much. Job Specific Equipment - Eden Accurate Bard Song List (Also available: Japanese-English Song List) Bard: Guide to Songs 101 Bard Guide by Tattersail Shattering Stars/Bard Guide to Dispelling Effects Jobs And as the random augment system is terribad... and this staff is heavily outclassed by a myriad of random drops (detailed below), don't bother with it if you don't already have it... and if you, for some reason, do have it... quickly ditch it for one of the many easy to get, and better staves below. पुरानी बस स्टैंड पर रुपयों से भरे बैग को बदमाश ने किया पार, चैन की बंसी बजाने में जुटी पुलिस Which the vast majority of people just don't have. As for why I didn't list Path C... because it sucks. 1 Siphon: +110 nasomi.