After removing the Acklay’s Protection I screw up and allow a JV AoE attack which kills my Geo Spy and I am feeling rather stupid. Poggle helps remove debuffs, but the Acklay reapplies, then the same dance with the JS who is Ability Blocked again. This B2 Rocket Trooper Taunts for 1 turn at the end of each of its turns. Grievous continues to crush the Galactic Republic killing the Clone Sharpshooter and I am all-in with complete Separatist Loyalty, a huge buff that is defined in the links above and a real key to success in these longer battles. This early start means this battle is a breeze as I have no trouble moving on. I somehow survive a round of attacks and the Jedi attack and weaken the Acklay more before Geo Soldier lands the kills shot and I (somehow) get the win. B2 is first for me and uses the Hailfire Tank which is at full strength, then the next two attacks hit the Staggered enemies to remove their TM. Here are the changes to my roster since the last time: 08.30.19 – In the early days of Gear 13 it was clear that General Grievous was a great character to take to g13 early, and I have yet to be disappointed even a little. Povestea unui proiect Erasmus Plus. My takeaway from this is that I definitely need those Mk 12 ArmaTek Fusion Furnaces on Poggle and Geo Soldier if I want to make this battle more of a sure bet in the future. Wow. Now the Acklay is in red health and my Geos are stronger than before. MSF: Dread The Darkness Live Blog – Round #2, SWGoH: Skelturix’s Galactic Challenge Guide – Jedi defeat Separatists. Phase 3 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. RNG is smiling on me today… I start spamming them with AoE attacks when possible and quickly remove the JV and Clone Trooper Medic allowing me to shift my focus on to their attackers. The first battle is so easy that I almost feel bad and Grievous already has two stacks of the Separatist Affiliation buff (click to learn more about Separatist Affiliation & Separatists Loyalty). The first real endgame PVE (Player Versus Environment) content released by Capital Games since the Sith Triumvirate Raid in February 2018, the Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle is incredibly difficult and requires characters at 6-stars or higher, often with 16,500 power or more in the Combat and Special Missions. After a few more attacks the Acklay is enraged and brings a JS and JC for the left side to replace the ones I killed, but GBA removes the enrage with the Acklay at about 85% health. One Jedi Consular and several Clones are no match for this team as I take out a Clone Sergeant and Medic and I believe a Sharshooter leaving a Clone Trooper and the weak Jedi Consular for the end, wiping them out with ease. 09.13.19 – The only real difference in my roster is that I have added Relic Amplifiers to General Grievous, B1 and B2. This proves to be a huge boost and this Combat Mission really has become “easy” at this point, as hard as it is for me to say that. SWGoH: New Conquest Game Mode set to join Galaxy of Heroes on March 1st, on "SWGoH: Geonosis Separatist Might – Phase 3 Separatist Droids Combat Mission Walkthrough", SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Rey’s Hero’s Journey Event, Rey’s Hero’s Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? My B2 called the Hailfire Tank and Grievous is up with an AoE which lands a Target Lock on all enemies. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? "Ghosts of Geonosis" is a two-part episode and winter premiere of Star Wars Rebels. Welcome to the BEST SWGOH Group in the Galaxy! Now GBA is up with no ability to remove the Enrage and I am in trouble. SWGoH: March Calendar Released, Dark Troopers coming to Galaxy of Heroes? Povestea unui proiect Erasmus Plus. Up to 33 stars can be obtained with significant reward thresholds at 22, 29, and 33 stars. SWGoH: March Calendar Released, Dark Troopers coming to Galaxy of Heroes? Every guild member that participated in the event will receive the same reward when the event is over. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle features four Phases which, at least at the start, last 36 hours each. The JV is my focus to start and after 4-5 attacks I am surprised at how well it is going. Next up is Geo Soldier and he targets the JS and the assists get the Ability Block on him as well which is a perfect start to the battle. The second battle sees me enjoying using this team a bit much and I forgot to note how many enemies, but I believe there were 4 or 5. After a few attacks both ways I use Sun Fac’s special to add a Blind debuff to the Acklay and I have him at about 35% Protection remaining. The fourth and final battle sees my B1 with 48 stacks of Droid Battalion and the team with 6 stacks of Separatist Affiliation as I face 6 enemies. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? Here are the changes to my roster since the first time I fought the Acklay successfully (above): 09.11.19 – Now battling with slightly strong Geonosians, I have added two Mk 12 ArmaTek Fusion Furnaces (Poggle & Geo Soldier) which is 6,500 health apiece, so I am hopeful that this battle will start to get easier…. My friends helped me to create lists of preferred squads to every location, and now you can see it on geotbmap as well. Capitolul 1. Another massive hit has the Acklay at about 10% health. The third battle is also easy at these gear levels (and the addition of a couple Relic Amplifiers). In the Middle Territory in Phase 3 there is a Combat Mission requiring the use of Separatist Droids as well as the Geonosians Special Mission fighting for Wat Tambor shards. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? Phase 4 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. It is the twelfth and thirteenth episode of the show's third season2 and the forty-ninth and fiftieth episode of the series overall. The Relic power from Geo Spy was evident and I was able to win without losing anyone while alos fighting it a bit more sloppy than before. There has not been any whale activity here yet, but GG and B1 are Relic level 2, and B2 is level 1. Now with Relics in the game, these battles are even easier than before. To fight in the Phase 3 Combat Mission you must have 7-star Separatist Droids and there is no power requirement. POVESTEA UNUI PROIECT ERASMUS PLUS. Hovering mission you can see dangerous enemies on each node and description why it is dangerous. I get an early Hailfire Tank attack and AoE from Grievous to gain significant momentum. The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in Phase 2 that may be updated over time. Capitolul 2. Your email address will not be published. Grievous gets an AoE, I summon the B2 Rocket Trooper and here we go. Note that has started a complete series of SWGoH Relic Reviews for key characters in the game, so if you are looking for advice on which characters to upgrade first or just how good the Relic stat increases are, check these articles out! I start with GBA up first and, while targeting the JV I remove the Acklay’s enrage which calls my Geos to attack JV and applies the much-needed Ability Block. Because my original goal was to help players see where they need to be to beat each of these Combat & Special Missions, I will not be continuing with the detailed walkthrough style and instead, when relevant, I will add additional notes on this Combat Mission below. 6.1 Combat Mission 1 - Sand Dunes; 6.2 Combat Mission 2 - Sand Dunes; 6.3 Special Mission - Sand Dunes; 7 Zone 3: Contested Air Space (Separatist) 7.1 Combat Mission 1 - Contested Air Space (Separatist) 7.2 Special Mission - Contested Air Space (Separatist) 8 Zone 3: Separatist Command. I land blocks on the two on the right and have the Acklay below 50% health, thanks again to Geo Spy, before they take turns.

February 12, 2021; Uncategorized 65822 views 2 days ago LIVE. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Territory Battles. 1,352,000 Territory Points. I kill off both Jedi on the right attempting to block them again and then land an Expose on the Acklay with Geo Spy up with his special ready. Capitolul 3. I take out the weakest Jedi, Eeth Koth (go figure) and then move on to Ponds since he has some crazy rocket attacks AoE that hits hard. Capitolul 5. Note that has started a complete series of SWGoH Relic Reviews for key characters in the game, so if you are looking for advice on which characters to upgrade first or just how good the Relic stat increases are, check these articles out! Now even stronger than before, I am looking to ensure this battle is a win every time. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Territory Battles. Capitolul 6. SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Wie wählt man gute Mods? You can use this site on mobile devices, I … Hailfire Droid (Full Strength) to start and debuffs everywhere, then a couple of attacks later B2 hits and AoE which triggers all of the Stagger debuffs and I am off to an awesome start. Geo Spy is awesome and gets two of his big hits in and I am already onto the Acklay’s health seemingly fast. Your email address will not be published. Capitolul 4. The first battle goes according to plan with Grievous getting two kills for 2 stacks of Separatist Affiliation, and the second battle mirrors the first leaving me at 4 stacks. Rewards are based on the total number of stars reached. The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. Battle time and I have a JS and JC on the left, JV and Kit Fisto on the right. 08.28.19 – Let me start by thanking my buddy Warrior for his video on the Acklay Special Mission. The Acklay now has about 40% health and 10% Bonus Protection while my Geos have all health and have recovered about 10% Protection of their own. I now have 50% protection on all Geos, ability block on both the JS and JV and the Acklay at about 40% health and this is heading in the right direction…for now. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? The 4 remaining are all Entrenched so I go after the Clone Sergeant and Sharpshooter first, gaining more kills for Grievous and upgrading my buff to the quite valuable Separatist Loyalty. Povestea unui proiect Erasmus Plus. The total power of my Separatist Droids for this battle is 107,365 with General Grievous as my (obvious) leader. 20 Mk II Guild Event Tokens for DotE. Phase 2’s Combat Mission with Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress was a success for me and now I am fighting the Acklay Special Mission for just the second time (first time I have logged the results). Facing the Acklay I also have to deal with a Jedi Vanguard (JV) and Jedi Sentinel (JS) on the left and a Jedi Consular (JC) and Ima-Gun Di (IGD) on the right. As I finish this battle I have 69 stacks of Droid Battalion and 5 stacks of Separatist Affiliation heading into the next battle. The Acklay is again Enraged, and I am able to remove it just in time and apply another Ability Block on the newest JS to join the party. Combat mission points don’t scale up according to the GP requirement ... part about this is that now in every other territory battle we will be getting a fraction of the rewards we get for Separatist Might. {{squads[item].name}} Dangerous enemies {{enemies[item]}} The Jedi Vanguard is accompanied by 5 Clones, 2 of which are Elite and 3 already are Entrenched. At this point with just Ponds and the Elite ARC Trooper left I take out Ponds first and can focus 6 versus 1 on the ARC Trooper for the surprisingly comfortable win and 1,352,000 territory points. Experience; Why; Spoonbender; FAQs; Experiences; … The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. Droid allies reset their cooldowns at the start of their turn for 2 turns, and Separatist allies gain 50% Turn Meter. 08.16.19 – The first battle sees 5 enemy Clones, one with loaded TM hitting my MagnaGuard immediately and gaining an assist. Battle time, and unlike the other Combat and Special Missions, this one has just one battle/phase/tier/encounter. The Acklay Special Mission is notably very difficult and has a reward of 20 Mk II Guild Event Tokens as the prize for beating it. I dare say the battle was rather “easy” on my third try. Phase 3 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. Phase 2’s Combat Mission with Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress was a success for me and now I am fighting the Acklay Special Mission for just the second time (first time I have logged the results). My third time around, taking a bit of a cocky “I got this approach” I steamrolled through the first three battles and lost IG-100 MagnaGuard on the 4th battle, but the 1,352,000 Territory Points were never in question as the other stayed alive for an easy win. Now facing two JCs on the left and a JS and JV on the right, all of my Geos have about 30% protection left. I did not make any gear changes to my Geonosians since the last battle, but Geo Brood Alpha is now Relic Level 2 and Geo Spy Relic Level 5. I was not about to go into this and make a fool of myself, and I want to see my guild gain the extra 20 Mk II Guild Event Tokens since only a couple of our members have defeated this mission in the past. The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in the Phase 3 Combat Mission that may be updated over time. 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