In the beginning of the story, Penelope's most prominent qualities are passivity, loyalty, and patience (along with beauty and skill at the loom) – the age-old feminine virtues. interest. "The Odyssey Study Guide." In His symbols are the spear and shield. Course Hero, "The Odyssey Study Guide," July 28, 2016, accessed March 2, 2021, Nevertheless, Zeus endorses Poseidon’s plan to prevent the Phaecians from ever helping travelers again. Some of the tests in Odysseus’s long, wandering She has been watching over Odysseus since his days fighting in Troy. King of all the gods, and the god of sky and lightning. the Sirens’ song, for example, but Odysseus gets an earful of the Penelope is the wife of Odysseus and the mother of Telemachus. The Phaecians help Odysseus because they are good hosts, not because they have any desire to thwart Poseidon. However, Poseidon is his brother—and Poseidon is determined to punish Odysseus. this display of strength is part of a larger plan to deceive the Early in The Odyssey, Zeus explains his vision of justice. At every turn of Odysseus's journey, Poseidon tries to thwart him, even gaining the blessing of Zeus at one point to continue to do so. However, Zeus ultimately sends Odysseus omens that he is on the right track and gives him support. Zeus is the ruler of the gods and is also the god of hospitality and those who are lost. He agrees, and the god Hermes will be sent to Calypso to ask her to free Odysseus. The Odyssey is deeply concerned with the moral code binding hosts to treat strangers and travelers kindly. Athena is his daughter, and he will usually come to her aid when she asks for help for Odysseus. Accessed March 2, 2021. knows that he cannot overpower Polyphemus, for example, and that, host of strapping young suitors in his palace, so he makes the most Whereas the Iliad tells the Athena directs Odysseus to return to his palace - but in disguise as a penniless tramp. Why do the suitors rebuke their ringleader for hitting Odysseus? The submission to temptation or recklessness either Poseidon bears a grudge against Odysseus for blinding his son, the Cyclops Polyphemus. ordeal seem to mock reliance on strength alone. Though he does use violence to put out Polyphemus’s single eye, "The Odyssey Study Guide." Odysseus was favored by the goddess Athena for cunning and intellect. Ares - God of war. Her symbols are the owl and the olive branch. 2 Mar. He holds assembly on Mount Olympus and negotiates the desires and grievances of the gods. Achilles in the underworld is a reminder: Achilles won great kleos, or glory, during his life, but that life was brief and ended violently. a temple while the Greeks were plundering the fallen city. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. The final scene of The Odyssey finds Odysseus making a sacrifice to Poseidon in the hopes that the god will finally leave his family in peace. Xenia (Greek: ξενία) is an ancient Greek concept of hospitality.It is sometimes translated as 'guest-friendship' or 'ritualized friendship'. Course Hero. The protagonist of The Odyssey, Odysseus is a classic epic hero. The gods mete out suffering fairly, he says, but some mortals suffer more as a result of their unwise or wicked actions: “From us alone, they say, come all their miseries, yes,/But they themselves, with their own reckless ways,/Compound their pains beyond their proper share.” In some cases, The Odyssey shows its characters suffering as a result of their own actions. Upload them to earn free Course Hero access! brute. He allows Athena to help Odysseus, and he allows Poseidon to hurt him. Athena - Greek goddess of wisdom, defense, and war. was the work of an Achaean himself: Ajax (the “Lesser” Ajax, a relatively It is fit that Some literary critics have, please I need help for the final assignment Complete a final clean, revised, documented (MLA or APA) research paper. The Power of Cunning over Strength. Antinous said to Odysseus, “That was a good hit from an old swine like you, but don’t get any ideas or become above yourself, or you’ll soon be out on your ear.” Later that night, Odysseus and Prince Telemachus held a secret conference. on mind than muscle, a tendency that his encounters showcase. He In Course Hero. Odysseus, on the other hand, by virtue of his wits, will live to Inspired by Athena, _____ devises a plan to test the suitors, challenging them … He punishes Odysseus when his crew eats the Cattle of the sun god Helios. Poseidon is the god of the sea, which is unfortunately where Odysseus spends much of his time on his journey home. homes. pleasures that the world offers. lines of the epics. The Odyssey Study Guide. The poem’s most dramatic comeuppance befalls the suitors, who are killed for insulting Odysseus and consuming his wealth. many of the pitfalls that Odysseus and his men face are likewise Most people figure he's dead. Odysseus kept his disguise, telling Penelope a pack of lies about his adventures. Odysseus has now revealed himself in all his glory (with a little makeover by Athena); yet Penelope cannot believe that her husband has really returned—she fears that it is perhaps some god in disguise, as in the story of Alcmene (mother of Heracles)—and tests him by ordering her servant Euryclea to move the bed in their wedding-chamber. If the Iliad is about strength, the Odyssey is obstacles that arise out of mortal weakness and the inability to Glory and honor have been the most important things in his life up to this point, but now he yearns for his family and home. 28 July 2016. The conduct of Achil, Oates has specifically mentioned the "Death and the Maiden" folktales as one inspiration for this story (see "Death and the Maiden" under " Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory "). Odysseus has weaknesses—a tendency to give in to temptation, for example—as well as strengths. ... Odysseus, in the disguise of an old man, asked to try. with depicting his protagonist tormented by temptation: in general, The initial act that frustrated so many Achaeans’ homecoming He submits to it when he reveals his name Copyright © 2016. Homer is fascinated Under the guidance of Athena (who also guides his father), he matures and gains confidence. Odysseus believes one of the suitors, Amphinomus, is blameless. … Athena once again intervenes and advises Odysseus to disguise himself as a beggar in order to help his wife fight off the suitors and protect his son. Odysseus does (2016, July 28). (1.1). act of impulse, impiety, and stupidity brought the wrath of Athena A distinguishing characteristic about him is that his mental skills are just as strong as his physical strengths, and this ability helps him escape some dangerous situations. the Odyssey focuses on a “man of twists and turns” The Phaeacians not only give their guest Odysseus shelter, they restore all his lost wealth and give him direct passage home to Ithaca. Once disguised as a beggar, Odysseus visits the palace to see what has been going on since he’s been gone and to determine how to best rid his wife of those unwanted suitors. turned Odysseus’s homecoming into a long nightmare. There is no way for them to know that by doing their duty and helping a guest they are offending Poseidon. to Polyphemus, bringing Poseidon’s wrath upon him and his men. What the suitors don't know is that by night she undoes the day's work, which means that the shroud will never be finished. As goddess of wisdom and battle, Athena naturally has a soft spot for the brave and wily Odysseus. His assertiveness upsets the suitors, who have only seen him as a little boy up until the time covered by the narrative. control it. 2021. a ripe old age and is destined to die in peace. unimportant figure not to be confused with the “Greater” Ajax, whom Course Hero, Inc. As a reminder, you may only use Course Hero content for your own personal use and may not copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit it for any other purpose. Similarly, Odysseus knows that he is no match for the Odysseus’s encounter with Historically, hospitality towards foreigners and guests (Hellenes not of your polis) was understood as a moral obligation. even if he were able to do so, he wouldn’t be able to budge the Telemachus is Odysseus's son, and the two have not seen each other in 20 years, since Telemachus was a baby. The first was Metis (Wisdom), whom Zeus swallowed just before she gave birth to Athena because he knew that her second child would dethrone him. She also helps Telemachus, because he is Odysseus's son. sweet song, is saved from folly only by his foresighted command being the only man who can string the bow. Throughout the poem, Zeus punishes anyone who violates this code. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. the Odyssey is motivated by such an event, for With their ears plugged, the crew members sail safely Yet in order to allow Athena to live, as Metis' firstborn, Zeus (in some Greek sources) had Hephaestus take an axe and cleave his forehead open, and from Zeus's head sprang Athena, fully armed. Scylla and Charybdis Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. This makes Zeus's decisions complicated at times and unpredictable for Odysseus. Odysseus’s men die when they ignore the commands of Odysseus and the gods not to kill the Cattle of the Sun. Odysseus even risks blowing his cover to warn Amphinomus about the danger to his life: “I say he’s right at hand—and may some power save you.” Nevertheless, “Athena had bound him fast to death,” so Amphinomous is murdered along with the rest of the suitors. By the end of the epic, he is confident and cunning, like his parents, practicing prudence and restraint in order to defeat the suitors. It’s debatable, however, whether the murder of the suitors is just. by the Sirens’ island, while Odysseus, longing to hear the Sirens’ If the Iliad is about strength, the Odyssey is about cunning, a difference that becomes apparent in the very first lines of the epics. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. In other cases, The Odyssey shows unambiguously that the gods place their personal pride ahead of justice. Course Hero. Athena speaks on behalf of Odysseus, pleading with Zeus to free him from Calypso's grasp. In assuring justice to his fellow god, Zeus denies justice to the innocent Phaecians. Athena, a favorite of her father, Zeus, is the goddess who appears most often in the epic. The Odyssey Summary Years after the end of the Trojan War, the Greek hero Odysseus still hasn't come home to Ithaka. But he relies much more She is often in disguise and will usually direct Odysseus to people who can help him rather than help him herself. She does this by claiming she will choose a husband as soon as she finishes weaving a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. Remember that your research paper, Read Auden's poem, "The Shield of Achilles" and compare it to the description of Achilles' shield in the Iliad , book 18, using plenty of specific details from both versions. In Hesiod & Homer. Explain why you think Aud. of his other strength—his wits. Course Hero. Odysseus is on the long journey home from taking part in the Achaeans' victory in the Trojan War, depicted in The Iliad. She comes to Odysseus's aid time and time again throughout The Odyssey, though not always directly. what Odysseus does, but only Odysseus’s strategic planning can bring about With this setup, strength by exploiting Po1yphemus’s stupidity. Penelope proves herself to be just as shrewd and smart as her husband throughout the epic. In many ways Telemachus's journey as a character is as important as his father's. Odysseus 's wife and Telemachus 's mother. boulder from the door. In that time her home has become besieged by suitors who take advantage of her hospitality and wait for her to choose one of them as a husband. The suitors gave Odysseus his reward for his victory: scraps of meat from their plates. But while bathing him his old nurse, Eurycleia, recognized him by a hunting scar he had acquired years before, so he made her keep silent. decision-making and careful navigation. What Zeus does to punish Odysseus's men for killing the cattle of the Sun. She seems to have a great fondness for Odysseus, in part because they are so similar—prone to cunning and deception. It is an institutionalized relationship rooted in generosity, gift exchange, and reciprocity. . Polyphemus is blinded after he kills several of Odysseus’s men. No one can resist and deceptions, he arranges a situation in which he alone is armed They think that Odysseus may be a god in disguise. She is the patron god of Athens. angers the gods or distracts Odysseus and the members of his crew She is often in disguise and will usually direct Odysseus to people who can help him rather than help him herself. Aristotle once said that "the man who is incapable of working in common, or who in his self-sufficiency has no need of others, is no part of the community, like a beast or a god." cannot be beaten, but Odysseus can minimize his losses with prudent Course Hero. such a sure victory. In addition, Athena appears frequently throughout the poem, often as the character Mentor, to provide aid to Odysseus … What makes Odysseus “the man of twists and turns”. Zeus says that Poseidon may “Do what you like” to punish the Phaeacians. flocks, and they eat the fruit of the lotus and forget about their When The Odyssey opens, she has been waiting for Odysseus to return for 20 years. Web. and the suitors are locked in a room with him. Odysseus spends the last third of the poem disguised as a beggar, both to escape from harm until he can overthrow the suitors, as well as to test others for loyalty. Athena asks assistance from Zeus when she needs it, and one reason she may not intervene more obviously on Odysseus's behalf is because she is afraid to incur the wrath of the god Poseidon, who is angry at Odysseus. Achilles’ superb talents as a warrior would enable him to accomplish lovely melody by having his crew tie him up. Retrieved March 2, 2021, from Have study documents to share about The Odyssey? from their journey: they yield to hunger and slaughter the Sun’s In disguise as an old friend of Odysseus', Athena travels to his manor in Ithaca, now overrun with noisy, lustful suitors intent on marrying Odysseus' wife, Penelope. She also helps Telemachus, because he is Odysseus's son. Still growing up when the story begins, he must learn to take charge and find the courage to dispel the hoards of suitors who have besieged his home and his mother. She does very little but lie in bed and weep. story of the rage of Achilles, the strongest hero in the Greek army, That Odysseus and his men want very desperately to complete their nostos, or homecoming, but this desire is constantly at odds with the other However, he does also give aid to the Trojan hero Aeneas in order to escape from the fearsome Achilles. Step by step, through disguises Even Odysseus’s hunger for kleos is to his crew to keep him bound to the ship’s mast. He thus schemes around his disadvantage in have extraordinary strength, as he demonstrates in Book 21 by Odysseus meets in Hades) raped the Trojan priestess Cassandra in upon the Achaean fleet and set in motion the chain of events that July 28, 2016. Yet a part of her still hopes that Odysseus will return, and she uses ploys as deceptive as her husband's to fool the suitors into waiting longer and longer. the case of the Sirens, the theme is revisited simply for its own When Poseidon complains to Zeus that the Phaeacians have offended him by extending hospitality toward Odysseus, however, Zeus does nothing to protect these excellent hosts. Submit your final research paper to your mentor. Get the eBook on Amazon to study offline. He is by turns cunning, deceitful, clever, prudent, wise, courageous, and impulsive. Odysseus had Telemachus remove the weapons from the great banquet hall. about cunning, a difference that becomes apparent in the very first The god is a major protagonist in the Trojan War of Homer's Iliad, where he supports the Greeks and gives them either encouragement with rousing speeches, often in disguise as various Achaean personalities, or actually leads them in battle with flashing sword. She helps him out of many tough situations, including his shipwreck in Book 5 and the mismatched battle of Book 22.She does not merely impart sense and safety to her passive charge, however. Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty. a kind of temptation.