Don’t fish for a return compliment. Compliment a stranger. Avoid overly familiar compliments, like compliments about their sexual characteristics. Focus on what the writer can do to improve the next draft and you’ll help them create a winning manuscript. Get to the HOOK! One I overheard, he was talking to someone who was complimenting the band just as we were walking offstage, and he said, "yea I love the way my band feels music". Your writing, at its best. If you don’t want to mistakenly give a backhanded compliment, here’s how to give a sincere compliment. I can't tell you my thoughts until I have seen them physically written down. Grab your listener’s attention immediately. It takes careful observation of a person’s character and lots of reading between the lines to come up with the best things to say. Get Grammarly … Forget about the compliment sandwich. I was talking about how, even though it's rather silly, I need to have a guitar that I love the look of. For me, I need writing. It is the sweet part of the song that’s repeated over and over. Imagine you are a dancer, and you are coming out. Two times in 6 years lol. Make a good first impression with the first line of your song. Try avoiding generalized compliments. Good compliments are creative and full of humor. Good job! Spontaneous: This involves giving compliment as soon as you identify something wonderful. The best compliment I ever got was recently. Make a good first impression with first line. Compliment their actions or something you witness, such as after you see them be very nice to a cashier. Don’t waste the listener’s time with extra-long verses. The other player offered, "With the way you play, you don't need to worry about how your guitar looks." I know other writers feel the same, so here are few compliments writers love to … They should let a person know that at the end of the day, they are perfect just the way they are. Compliment things they obviously take pride in, such as a very nice coat, a well-kept car, or a hand-made accessory. Because ultimately, compliments should keep making a person feel good about themselves. Giving Compliments on the accomplishment. They compliment without a second thought and most of them end up saying the same words. A simple compliment is better than an over-complement. Matching outfit I had joined an aerobics class made up … Keeping in mind the tip on making it specific, let him know when his words and actions make you feel safe, respected, beautiful, etc. Praise Uniquely . But the ones that mean the most to me are the 2 compliments I got from my bandleader. Words like Superb, Nice, Good, etc. ... whether that goal was to tell a good story or to write a convincing sales pitch. 5. Tell him how he makes you feel. Specific: Be specific to make your compliment effective. Compliments seem to get lost, but everyone needs a good compliment here and there, not just on physicality from a stranger, but something more deeply rooted, like complimenting good the … In other words, you’ve really got to be present with someone and be paying attention to their nuances to excel. Compliments lose their value when used more. Tips while giving compliments. Sincere: The intended compliment must be sincere and genuine. And everybody is looking at you and complimenting you. And it is one of the best feelings when you reach others with your writing. Don’t pay him a compliment in the hopes that he’ll compliment you right back or tell you something you want to hear.