Tongue piercings are done with a large needle (10 to 14 gauge). 1,2,3. To get a feel of where it is, simply close your lips and stick your tongue straight upward in front of your teeth. A reader asks: "Will piercings really help to enhance the sexual experience?" It is because a smiley piercing can be one of your tini-tiny secrets unless you want people to view it. 2-properly it relies upon on a thank you to take the discomfort, some human beings can take it and a few human beings can no longer. Proper aftercare must be observed during the healing period. During the healing period, it is important for you to wash your mouth at least twice a day with a mouthwash. The healing time for smiley piercing commonly takes one to three months. Source(s): The pressure from the lips may knock the piercing which shouldn’t be … Smiley piercing is also known as scrumper piercing. All types of kissing could potentially cause your smiley piercing to have issues while healing. There is already harmful bacteria in your mouth without adding even more from your partner. After getting your smiley piercing, your mouth will be sore for a while. During the initial healing, you cannot kiss with a smiley piercing. Smiley Piercing. You should avoid anything that can cause your jewelry to move or be jostled including kissing. Lip Kiss Smiley. Smiley Piercing The technical name for a Smiley Piercing (or sometimes called scrumper) is an upper lip frenulum piercing. Smiley Piercing Aftercare Instructions. You have to pay special care and attention while you are brushing the teeth or while biting hard with incisors (front teeth). Smiley piercing has become popular since its introduction decades ago and it provides a little secret for you that you can decide when to reveal it – people only see it when you smile. Swelling and soreness can last for three to four weeks. The subtle surprise makes this piercing a fun choice for those who want an oral piercing. this sort of body piercing goes through the tiny thin tissue that connects your upper lip to the center of your gums. I'm getting my Superior Fraenum aka "smiley" pierced soon, and I wanted to know before hand what I should do for aftercare and what to expect once I get the piercing. A smiley piercing or tongue web piercing should heal in about four weeks if you're healthy and do proper aftercare.However, healing times can vary widely per person. A smiley piercing is very often called a lip frenulum piercing. 0 0. The smiley piercing also known as the frenulum piercing, pierces the flap of tissue that connects the inside of your upper lip with your upper gum. It is a piercing located on the flap of the tissue which connects the inside of your upper lip with your upper gum. one million-A smiley piercing takes some million-2 weeks to heal. Also, if you have your "smiley" done how bad was the pain on a scale of 1/10. If you want to be an outer goddess with an inner demon, smiley piercing is for you. Smiley piercing is more of a short-term piercing; keeping the jewelry attached to the frenulum for a long period can cause gum recession or wear out of tooth enamel. The smiley piercing is so-named because it won’t be seen unless you smile. this is often a quite popular piercing to possess, it does, however, accompany some unique risks. thanks :) 4 years ago. Anonymous. Once your piercing has healed you can kiss as much as you like. The pain from a smiley piercing will generally last 3-4 weeks. Smiley piercing is a Unicorn if all the other piercings are horses!