I think my budgies are either fighting, or my female is hormonal and is ready to breed. She is about 6 months old. Grew up with a lovely male budgie and now me and my wife have a female. So, here is a list of five possible reasons that your budgie is biting you and what you can do to fix it. Possible contributing factors include: Hand-raised cockatoos are put into a breeding situation, but never had the benefit of observing natural breeding / mating behavior; Stress brought on by noise or visual eye contact made by other males of the same species. She runs him off away from the food bowl, but then she'll sit really close to him. Just leave them to it ! How to Stop a Budgie from Biting. I don't understand this behaviour but I guess a have alot to learn, but I also have another female with still 2 chicks to still raise in the nestbox. Anyway just let them get on with it because the female always wants to be the bossy one and wants the cage to her self but you won't have to put them in diffrent cages . Birds can even court their human owners. But now I … Your budgie is still scared. I have a cat toy which is a stick with feathers at the end and i use it as a whip until the dummy is on my shoulder. Hello I have a male budgie, around 2-3 years, and bought a female budgie which is around 8 months, they never preen one another, however ive noticed she is attacking … Courtship isn't necessarily just about male-female. theyll learn to get along. My story is almost the same. Have not tried the avicalm. Hi I breed budgies in an aviary in Australia and I have currently 4 adult budgies (2 female and 2 male) and 5 baby budgies (3 baby's have fledged) but recently 1 of the female budgies is attacking the others in my outdoor aviary. So that may not be a reliable clue. About 2 months ago, we decided to get a male and he`s now about 4 1/2 months old. Why Is My Budgie Biting Me? My female budgie continuously bites my male budgie in the face, and pulls out his feathers. 1. its just the female teling him whats up and that this is her home, for her nest and her babies, not his. unless your male budgie is loosing his down, or is looking injured they should be fine. She was fine for about a year and now the thing will not shut up. And even if your female budgie lives without a male budgie, hormones may still trigger her to lay eggs—if she doesn’t have access to a nest box, she’ll make due. Hello everyone. However, budgies go for the sparse look and don’t shred materials for a nest box. my budgies were like this. Budgies bite for a variety of reasons. My little female`s name is Limonade. females tend to beat males up. my girl buudgie pig, used to beat up winston, the male, all the time. Budgies are very sociable, people-friendly pets. It can be male-male or female-female. How long have you had them ? This is especially the case if you just purchased your budgie and brought it home. I didn`t know she was a female at first because I was very new to budgies. He will just sit on the perch or the swing, and my female will jump up next to him and squawk before biting him in the face. It simply means "I love you, fellow feathered creature"! its a territorial thing. No need for clipping the wings. This answer assumes that you added the female to a cage that the male had already occupied for a time. Parakeets don't have presents like rings or flowers to bring their loved ones. So they bring them food. However, occasionally budgie owners have to deal with behavioral issues like biting.