___ 1. contains chemoreceptors . Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disorder affecting the neuromuscular junction, which causes muscle weakness. • Central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord; sensory information comes into central nervous system, where it is processed; motor messages then exit central nervous system carrying commands to muscles and glands • Nerves of peripheral nervous system are cranial nerves and spinal nerves; sensory nerves carry information to central nervous system This document features 4 main sections: (1) an introductory page on the basics of medical terminology; (2) a table of esse Contents Functions of the Nervous System About Neurons Nerves, Neuroglia, and Ganglia The Spinal Cord The Brian The Sensory Systems The Autonomic Nervous system (ANS) Roots, suffixes, and prefixes Cancer Focus Related Abbreviations and Acronyms Further Resources Functions of the Nervous System. The basal ganglia are the sections of gray matter containing cell bodies within the cerebral hemisphere. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the conservation and restoration of energy stores. The nervous system crossword features terms for diseases, disorders, and conditions of the nervous system, plus … 3. The autonomic nervous system provides the nerves to the parts of the body that is involuntary and not under conscious control. Below are some suffixes that can be used for the medical terminology of most systems. Some of the worksheets displayed are medical anatomy and physiology the language of anatomy introduction to anatomyand physiology work anatomy of the reproductive system anatomy review respiratory structures human anatomy review work exam i due day of exam essentials of exercise science review work answers. Internal control of the body is handled by the _ nervous _____ system and the _____ endocrine __ system. Suffixes can indicate a condition, disease or procedure. 10th ed. The autonomic nervous system is also responsible for maintaining a stable internal environment. Nervous System Terminology. Medical Terminology- Nervous System. The Nervous System Terminology Quiz results can be emailed to anyone by you in 3 easy steps by taking a … A magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides information about the chemical composition of tissue by measuring wavelength of rays in a spectrum. Longitudinal refers to the measurement of the long axis of an object. There was an error submitting your subscription. Neurons: The primary nervous system cells; Glial cells: A type of nervous system cell, other than a neuron, that forms myelin which is the covering or sheath over parts of the neuron; Synapse: The point at which neurons gently touch each other to send or receive a nerve impulse or message. Cortex refers to the outer layer of a structure. The cerebrospinal fluid is a clear fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord. A coma is a prolonged state of unconsciousness characterized by the inability to arouse the person. Please try again. More information Medical Terminology Nervous System 2 … Subjects: Vocabulary, Anatomy, Biology. Be Careful with Axons are the long projections of the cell body that carry the nerve impulses away from the cell body. Medical word definition: study of the nervous system 12. aphagia Suffix and its meaning: (phagia) to eat, swallow Prefix and its meaning: (a) lack of Medical word definition: Loss or lack of the ability to eat or swallow. -ectomy refers to an excision (surgical removal or cutting out). A brain injury is an injury to the skull or brain such as a blow or penetrating object that is severe enough to interfere with normal functioning. First things first - you’ll need to know which organs the endocrine system is comprised of! Nodes of Ranvier are the gaps along myelin sheath that facilitate the transmission of impulses. The occipital lobe is one of the four lobes of each cerebral hemisphere located behind the parietal and temporal lobes. nervous system cardi(o)- pertaining to the heart hemi- half noct- night cephal(o)- pertaining to the head hem(o)- pertaining to blood olig(o)- little, defi cient cerebr(o)- pertaining to the cerebrum, a part of the brain hepat(o)- pertaining to the liver oophor(o)- pertaining to the ovary cervic(o)- pertaining to the neck or the uterine cervix Neurons receive information and transmit messages from one cell to another, throughout the body. This article will begin with a review of the basic prefixes and suffixes that can be used for all body systems. The complex activities of the body are controlled jointly by the Endocrine and the Nervous systems. The peripheral nervous system contains the cranial nerves and spinal nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. An MRI is a procedure used to produce an image by the creation of a magnetic field to give detailed information about nervous system abnormalities. The motor and sensory nerves running throughout the body make up the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). Finally, there is a list of some diseases and conditions related to the nervous system. The cerebellum, located posterior to the brainstem, plays an important role in sensory and motor coordination and also balance. Nervous System Terminology. A nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers in the PNS. The glial cells (neuroglia) are specialized cells of the nervous tissue. Creating medical terms properly is vital to diagnosing and treating patients, and these quiz/worksheet tools will assess your knowledge of how to correctly form medical terminology. A nerve tract is a bundle of nerve fibers in the CNS. Guillain-Barre syndrome is an autoimmune disease which attacks the peripheral nerve myelin. SympatheticVsParasympathetic A brain abscess is a cluster of infectious material within a portion of the brain. Intracranial pressure is pressure exerted by the volume of the intracranial contents within the cranium. From this activity, the students will learn about the parts of the nervous system and the function of each part. There are numerous textbooks on medical terminology for those students desiring a more complete study of the subject. Success! Abbreviation Worksheet Medical Terminology Persuasive Writing . By Shellye's Health Sciences . A neurosurgeon is a physician that specializes in the nervous system and operative procedures. It allows nerve impulses to travel to and from the brain. There is temporary lose of neurological function with no apparent damage. A patient has an altered level of consciousness when they are not oriented, do not follow commands, or needs persistent stimuli to achieve a state of alertness. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. a. central nervous system ___ 2. contains thermoreceptors . Ganglia or ganglion refers to a knotted mass of nerve tissue. The vertebrae of the spine encase and protect the soft neural tissue of the spinal cord, just like the skull protects the brain. It measure metabolic activity of the brain to assess cell death or damage. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained is provided for educational purposes only. Prefixes are used at the beginning of a word to modify or vary the meaning of the word. A cerebral angiography uses serial x-rays to visualize intra and extra cranial blood vessels. A chemical structure on the surface of a cell that is sensitive to stimulation. Seizures are abnormal electrical activity of the brain resulting in involuntary contractions of muscle groups. The arachnoid space is a delicate middle layer that follows the same contours as the dura mater in the brain. The nervous system is an extensive, intricate network of structures that activates, coordinates, and controls the functions of all other body systems. A nerve tract is a bundle of nerve fibers in the CNS. This branch of the nervous system is mediated by acetylcholine. Digitized clinical data in electronic medical records can be effectively used to develop machine learning models to identify patients at risk of... | Critical Care, Complicity and Respiratory failure | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. It is used to study disorders of the nervous system including brain diseases, brain tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, seizure disorders and multiple sclerosis. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM TERMINOLOGY Worksheet Write the meaning of each term in the spaces provided below . Interneurons carry information between neurons. Nervous System Worksheet (DOC 61 KB) Spinal Cord & Reflex Act Worksheet (DOC 5.30 MB) Structure of the Brain Worksheet Concept Mapping the Nervous System Worksheet (DOC 12 KB) Nervous System Reinforcement Worksheet (DOC 666 KB) Nervous System Worksheet (DOC 42 KB) Organization of the Nervous System Worksheet (DOC 61 KB) Spinal Cord & Reflex Act Worksheet (DOC 5.30 MB) Structure of the Brain Worksheet (DOC 24 KB) The Nervous System Video Worksheet (DOC 3.18 MB) Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membrane which covers and protects the brain and spinal cord. Paresthesia is the sensation of numbness or tingling, also known as a feeling of “pins and needles”. The following terms are commonly used in descriptions of nervous system features: A nerve fiber is an axon or dendrite. The cauda equina is a group of spinal nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord beginning at the lumbar to the coccygeal nerves. The pia mater is the innermost layer of the three meninges. This procedure is used to detect vascular lesions and tumors. Review Of The Cell And Its Organelles. Meningo- means membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. Status epilepticus is an occurrence of multiple seizures in which the patient does not experience recovery time in between seizures. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord B. Our Nervous System: The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and a network of nerves. During this procedure electrical activity of the brain is recorded by scalp electrodes to evaluate seizure disorders, cerebral disease, and brain death. Multiple sclerosis is an immune disease that causes the demyelination or destruction of the myelin sheath. Chapter 11 Medical Terminology Worksheet. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Cushing’s triad refers to three classic signs including bradycardia, hypertension, and bradypnea when there is pressure on the medulla usually due to herniation of the brain stem. Nervous system terms Cephal/o Head Cephalgia (a headache) Encephal/o Inside the head (brain) Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) Anencephalic (born without a brain) Mening/o Membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord Meningitis (inflammation of … Nervous system worksheet from Nervous System Worksheet, source:dentisty.org For a cerebrospinal fluid analysis, cerebrospinal fluid is aspirated by needle insertion between the l3-l4 or l4- l5 intervertebral spaces. A longitudinal fissure is the largest and deepest depressions between the cerebral hemisphere. The Wernicke center is a section of the posterior temporal lobe where the sensory speech center is located. Cerebrospinal refers to the brain and spinal cord. Pertaining to the Nervous System and Psychiatric Disorders .....93-100 2-47 Section XII. Dysphonia is difficulty speaking due to voice impairment or altered voice production. A fissure is a deep depression on the surface of an organ such as the brain. Surgeon means a physician that treats deformities, injuries and diseases using operative procedures. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by paroxysmal transient disturbances of brain function, resulting in convulsions and loss of consciousness. Apraxia is an inability to perform purposeful acts such as the manipulation of objects on a voluntary basis. The lateral horn is a small horn-like projection of gray matter into the white matter of the spinal cord between the anterior and dorsal horn. LEGAL ETHICAL CONCERNS AND MEDICAL OFFICE 30396, Central Georgia Technical College • LEGAL ETHICAL CONCERNS AND MEDICAL OFFICE 30396, cardiovascular abbreviations and nonconstructed, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles • PSYCHOLOGY 190. Flashcards. 1. Efferent neurons (also called motor neurons or output neurons) carry and transmit impulses from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to muscles and glands. The medulla oblongata is the lowest portion of the brainstem. A computed tomography is a technique that uses radiography to produce an image of the cross section of tissue. This is a list of specialists that diagnose and treat conditions related to the nervous system. acapnia hypercapnia hypocapnia -pnea breathing . STUDY. Sample de-identified nursing note from critical care. It’s time to familiarize yourself with medical terminology for the nervous system. 2. https://www.coursehero.com/file/19539828/Nervous-System-Worksheet-6A-1-1 This space lies between the dura mater and the pia mater. It can be grouped into two main divisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). 40 More Inspirational and Motivational Quotes for Nursing Students. Prefixes are used at the beginning of a word to modify or vary the meaning of the word. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord and is the control center of the body. It also helps the body return back to normal from a sympathetic response. A spinal cord injury is an injury to the spinal cord, vertebral column, and supporting soft tissue. Decerebrate posture is an abnormal body posture, usually in a comatose patient with a severe brain injury, in which the arms are extended and internally rotated and the lower extremities are extended with the feet in the plantar flexion position. Health Care Reports and case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to job-like situations. Once you know which organs are which, you can start the business of learning exactly what it … There are two cerebral hemispheres divided by a longitudinal fissure. This is a list of word roots with their combining vowels used for the integumentary system. ABOUT THE COURSE. medical field. The subdural space is below the dura mater and above the arachnoid space. A craniotomy is a surgical procedure which involves entry into the skull. During a myelography, a contrast medium is injected into the subarachnoid space and an x-ray of the spinal cord and vertebral column is performed. The following terms are commonly used in descriptions of nervous system features: A nerve fiber is an axon or dendrite. hypoxemia hypoxia, anoxia oximeter oximetry oxyhemoglobin -capnia carbon dioxide . These cells are the support cells of the nervous system. The action potential moves from neuron to neuron in an electrical synapse thereby allowing an electrical current to flow between neurons.