As depicted in Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes, on the day before the one during which the entire action of Antigone takes places, Eteocles and Polynices—Oedipus’ two sons—slay each other in a single fight. ad Eurip. In Greek mythology, Haemon /ˈhiːmɒn/ or Haimon (Ancient Greek: Αἵμων, Haimon "bloody"; gen.: Αἵμωνος) may refer to the following personages and a creature: This article includes a list of Greek mythological figures with the same or similar names. In this tale, Haemon has been a party to Antigone’s burial of Polynices, and so Antigone and Haemon are both sentenced to death. (Apollod. Haemon (mythology) In Greek mythology, Haemon / ˈ h iː m ɒ n / or Haimon (Ancient Greek: Αἵμων, Haimon "bloody"; gen.: Αἵμωνος) may refer to the following personages and a creature: Haemon, an Arcadian prince as son of King Lycaon either possibly by the naiad nymph Cyllene or Nonacris. Her name means "implacable one". In Greek mythology, Antigone (/ æ n ˈ t ɪ ɡ ə n i / ann-TIG-ə-nee; Ancient Greek: Ἀντιγόνη) is the daughter of Oedipus and either his mother Jocasta or Euryganeia.She is a sister of Polynices, Eteocles, and Ismene. But who are the greatest heroes of Greek mythology? Haemon A son of Creon of Thebes, perished, according to some accounts, by the sphinx . cs:Haimón Greek myth name of the Trojan champion who killed Patroclus and was himself later killed by Achilles. Some of these … *models of beauty and love APOLLO: Greek god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more. Creon's wife Eurydice, informed of Haemon's death, took her own life out of grief. fa:هایمون Online version at the Perseus Digital Library, Greek text available from the same website. He accuses his son of siding with a woman over the law and his father. Her beloved, Haemon, son of Creon, committed suicide. When Oedipus stepped down as King of Thebes, he gave the kingdom to his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, who both agreed to alternate the throne every year. (Greek Mythology) Mythological Story: Antigone, A Faithful Daughter and Sister. 1 But, according to other traditions, he survived the war of the Seven against Thebes , and he is said to have been in love with Antigone , and to have made away with himself on hearing that she was condemned by his father to be entombed alive. She married Cadmus, … According to Sophocles' play Antigone (Sophocles), Haemon ("bloody") (or Haimon, Greek :Άιμον Haimon) was the son of Creon and Eurydice. Foreshadowing occurs when the playwright gives a hint pointing forward to a future development. Haemon had reduce her physique down and stabbed himself to dying at her facet.Antigone’s tragic story has impressed authors by the centuries. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. Before the pair can be executed though, the Greek god Dionysus intercedes upon their behalf, with a greater level of success than Heracles, and the words, or threats, of Dionysus are sufficient to have Creon’s order rescinded. Another Greek playwright, Euripides, additionally wrote an Antigone, however solely fragments of that work have survived. A son of Pelasgus (3) and father of Thessalus. According to another version of the story, Creon gave Antigone to Haemon to kill, but he secretly married her and they had a son. Her parentage is disputed; her parents may be Nyx and Erebus, or she may be born from the blood of Uranus when he was castrated by Cronus. Alecto is the name of one of the three Furies of Greco-Roman mythology. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. Creon decreed that she was to be thrown into a cave with a days worth of food, in spite of the fact that she was betrothed to his son, Haemon. The blind prophet, Tiresias, arrived in Thebes and warned Creon that Antigone could not be imprisoned under the ground and Polynices must be buried, or a great curse would befall the city from the gods, and from all of Greece. sr:Хемон After the first year, Eteocles refused to step down and Polynices attacked Thebes with his supporters of the Argive (the Seven Against Thebes). Creon is pitted against Antigone who holds up the will of the gods and the honor of her family above all else, and thus he appears to be against these values. Besides her older sister Megara, Pyrrha has three brothers with the names: Menoeceus (Megareus), Lycomedes and Haemon. In Greek mythology, Haemon /ˈhiːmɒn/ or Haimon (Ancient Greek: Αἵμων, Haimon "bloody"; gen.: Αἵμωνος) may refer to the following personages and a creature: