The most recognizable symbol for Scorpio, the Scorpion is but one of three symbols associated with Scorpio, reflecting the ever shifting and changing spirit of this sign. They know what they desire and that’s that. The core of the Scorpio experience is transformation. When talking about the physical traits of a scorpio woman, note her eyes as it is one feature that usually stands out. There is a misconception about Scorpio and intimacy. That’s why relationship astrologer, Anna Kovach created the ultimate guide to attracting a Scorpio man, getting him to commit and making him fall in love. However this sign has a tendency to live up to their mysterious reputation, so it’s only the chosen few that make it into their trusted circle. Their eyes often blaze with feelings that words never express, making it hard to tell when there’s a storm of some kind brewing. In Scorpio we find one of the most mysterious and misunderstood of Signs. This zodiac sign takes full effect between October 24th and November 22nd. Which is the distance from  A Scorpio woman is intuitive and astute. A Scorpio’s passion is fiery and constantly burning in an oftentimes cool, calm, exterior. Perhaps Scorpio must journey across one form to another, or through one form to another. While a Scorpio knows when to fight their battles and chooses them wisely, the biggest issue this pair has is a fight for power in the relationship. Scorpios in their life are very enthusiastic and strong in multiple areas. Scorpio Men - 15 days. Scorpio natives often have thin lips that are firmly pressed. The penetrating gaze of a Scorpio can catch you from across the room, and it’s a highly concentrated energy that can be expelled your way if Scorpio so chooses. Mysterious. Scorpio is a water sign, and it is governed by Pluto. From ancient times the scorpion has been associated with the hidden aspects of life. If they stare at you it means they wanna have sex with you. And Scorpios will often have these type of experiences in their life . or maybe it just means they have mysterious eyes.. Whilst the eagle-type Scorpios have fixed, thoughtful, intense and mysterious eyes, the scorpion-type ones have eyes that have something sinister about them. Scorpios have a mysterious aura about them. The thing is with Scorpio is if they do choose you then you are in… for life. I have always been drawn to Scorpios—male or female. Magnetic and mysterious, Scorpio is drawn toward dark, taboo, or occult subjects, and are curious about the hidden facets of life that others may shy away from. And it's not the actual physical eyes themselves that this refers to. It is fused with a lethal spirit that dwells in the shadows of human existence. The care and feeding of the mysterious scorpion. You know they are watching you, but they give away absolutely no clues about what they are thinking. 17. You have a mystique that is hard to ignore, and other people so easily fall under your spell. Scorpio doesn’t operate in the light, for everything about Scorpio is hidden or dark. And know that no one will love you deeper than a Scorpio let‘s just hope you have the constitution for it. Scorpio eyes: Have a piercing quality. Yet, those that fall on the cusp cannot escape some remnant effects of this really powerful and strong astrological presence in the heavenly skies. Demystify the Mysterious Scorpio: Know Their Personality Traits. They are intimate. It is a fixed, water sign and if this is translated into any earthly language, it would mean that Scorpio is a ‘deep, emotional, and secretive’ (water), ‘stick it around till the end kind of planne… What zodiac sign does she sound  most like? In this article, you will learn about some unique Scorpio characteristics and traits. Scorpios have played a big part in my life. It refers to the overall "mood" of that Scorpio Ascendant. You can sign in to vote the answer. Even for eagle-type Scorpios it’s hard to forgive, not to say this about the scorpion-type. Venus in Scorpio is in a very strange position, because this is the sign of its detriment, so it may cause some problems in creating a happy relationship and building financial scurity. So if … In the world of glamour, strong Plutonian energy is seen in Jodie Foster (stellium of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Neptune in Scorpio) whose quietly intense disposition, abyss eyes and mysterious combo of cold detachment and passion tells the story. There is no particular ethic or moral code implied in this term. She knows that and is proud of herself. They are unique and hypnotizing. The Face of Scorpio Scorpio faces come in two forms; pert and delicate or substantial and solid. In Scorpio we can experience the extremes of human relating. Your personality is like no other and is extremely decisive and emotive. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If you are selected, you are in for transformational experience for sure. Scorpio Moon - 10 months. However, The most challenging task they can confront is typically the choice of which path to follow when it comes to love. Each sign of the zodiac comes under four elements; Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. They don't fall in love easily, but when they do, there's no looking back. This is a person who stands very quietly, sometimes almost "coiled" and looks, absorbs, takes in. This is a person who stands very quietly, sometimes almost "coiled" and looks, absorbs, takes in. The highest  and most sacred of relationship as well as some of the more negative ones,  such as manipulation, vengeance, and jealousy. Sleek body type. They tend to have a certain body type. Of course, it all depends on the entire chart. Nothing escapes the watchful eye of Scorpio. Earth to venus? With this intense demeanor, these Scorpios stand out in any crowd. Could dating someone the same sign as you help you understand yourself a little better? And that is true twice as much in the case of Scorpio woman! in Wareham, in April of 2009. Because they are water signs, the act of physical merging is not simply a biological function (that’s more in line with Taurus) but it is a deeply emotional experience, hence the selective nature of Scorpio. A Scorpio woman in astrology has mysterious eyes and an intense gaze. Glint of wickidness, Be aware of their hypnotizing ability! Scorpio stare - 3 years. She opened. She brings a unique blend of Evolutionary, or Soul Centered Astrology and The Kabbalistic Tree of Life to her readings. Sultry, mysterious and alluring. We know these caverns exist yet we don’t really know how deep they are and there are few brave enough to find out. You are looking into the eyes of a Scorpio Moon woman – a dark abyss of endless depth. This gives them the intensely focused eyes and the facial features of Scorpio. Scorpio the Mysterious. Like a laser, Scorpio will use their eyes to scan everything. Scorpions have a mysterious aura around them, which we will try to simplify for you in this AstrologyBay article. Once a Scorpio man has committed, you can count on him. in 1987. It isn’t easy being incarnated into life as a Scorpio, yet it is part of the human experience we must all eventually pass through. So, the typical Scorpio man is not out to break your heart. The saying goes: "You cannot see inside the watermelon nor the woman's mind". Nothing escapes the watchful eye of Scorpio. They are thinking of ways to take advantage of you. Scorpios aren’t typically described as … And the other symbol is the Phoenix, the bird of resurrection, that is born again out of the ashes of it’s last incarnation. This is something you know only too well about yourself. Get your answers by asking now. Still have questions? One of my best and most valued friends is a Scorpio. Scorpio Stellium - New. This simply means that Scorpions have very piercing eyes or a very hypnotic gaze. Parents take issue with political talk on trans rights, Tim Allen on doing time in 3 federal prisons, Study's striking find on fruits, veggies and lifespan, College fraternity shut down after freshman's death, J.J. Watt puts an end to the drama, reveals new team, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall make surprising claim, Report: Former NBA All-Star 'effectively retiring', Higher wages give Costco 'a significant advantage', Lovato slams 'unrealistic beauty expectations', Chris Cuomo says he 'cannot cover' brother's scandal, 9/11 families push Biden for more Saudi disclosures. Scorpio is famous for being the most intense sign of the zodiac. She began private practice in Massachusetts in 1991. Scorpio’s are known as the most sexual but also the most mysterious sign in the zodiac. These two sides of Scorpio can be seen in the mysterious personalities and facial features of Scorpio Sun Signs Whoopi Goldberg and Joaquin Phoenix. Scorpio Eyes - 2 years. Because of this, a Scorp can be very difficult to figure out. Of course, I am a Pisces so that is not surprising. I have married two of them—including my current (and hopefully last) husband. They are passionate, strong and mysterious souls. A Scorpio can choose to make whatever change of form, structure, or appearance they so desire. I'm a double water sign (Pisces Sun/Scorpio Moon) so I have beautiful and mysterious eyes. Glistening when contented and flaming when disgruntled. You will be outgoing and talkative ... but when you react to something, you tend to react in such a way that others sense there is power behind that casual exterior. Scorpio isn’t locked into one level of being, most morph and evolve from one level to another, not necessarily in any order, throughout their lives. There is probably no more mysterious sign than that of Scorpio. So despite their enigmatic nature, Scorpios, like all signs, what to be loved. Often a person gets a feeling that … Although, don't be fooled by their dreamy persona and sleepy ocean eyes. Hypnotic. I can't go one day without someone complimenting me on my eyes. Are you finding this a bit paradoxical? And it's not the actual physical eyes themselves that this refers to. In fact, the eyes are very reminiscent of shards of glass because of their mirror-like reflection. Dr. Scerbo practices Chiropractic, Craniosacral Therapy and Astrology at her Center. This gaze being intense, it tends to unnerve people around them. Saturn transit Ascendant and Health issues such as Month long period for women and fatigue and tiredness what is a remedy for Saturn. She will control her wish to dominate and will let a man lead in a relationship, atleast during courtship. Scorpio Women - 1 year. Scorpio Personality: Astrology Analysis, Traits And Horoscopes Scorpio natives, you are born between October 23 to November 21 and are one of the most complex and mysterious signs of the zodiac. Scorpio's can literally put you in a trance with just one look. Scorpios are incredibly sensitive, intuitive and driven people. And just when you think you’ve got a Scorpio figured out, they turn around and do something to remind you that you will never 100% understand them. virgo and scorpio - … Scorpio and Leo Compatibility: In a relationship a Leo needs to be in the spotlight and the Scorpio does let them have it. A Scorpio woman in love is anything but simple; she displays a plethora of obvious and clear emotions in those mysterious eyes! Transform in Webster’s is defined as changing form, appearance, or structure. Women born in Scorpio are proud and mysterious. It is one of the most powerful and intense characters among all zodiac signs, and they have a lot of emotional energy. Scorpio is a water sign, meaning it is driven by its emotions. Other Scorpio men who are alluring yet mysterious include Bill Gates and Joaquin Phoenix. This is not a sign to be toyed with and God forbid you betray them, that my friends is an unenviable position. There is very little middle ground in Scorpio as they tend to stay on one side of that fence or the other. ​. aquarians man can i get some advice to attract you? If you have a Scorpio Ascendant but 4 planets in Gemini, you will not be watchful or reserved. The Scorpion tends to be fearless in the dark, avoided, and mysterious inner depths of the psyche, and potent realities of life like death and transformation. Articles written by Dr. Victoria Scerbo were published on Awakening People with her explicit written permission. Her state of mind is ruled by Mars, the God of War, and Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. They may give off an aura of power, of being a snob, of support and strentth, of threat, or of mystery. Becareful they are studying you if u feel it lol. Well, that is what she’s all about, my friend! Highly sensitive and extraordinarily secretive, there is a depth to Scorpio that is unfathomable. We intrigued each other from the moment our eyes met. Can you usually predict what someone is going to say to you? It refers to the overall "mood" of that Scorpio Ascendant. Depends on how the other person interprets the Scorpio Rising "mask". Mysterious. They always win. Scorpios are deep! That's the first facial feature people compliment me on. So Scorpios come into this life destined to transform. The beauty of a Scorpio woman is exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic. Both Eagle-eyed men found the women they wanted to be with. I’m a Scorpio Moon female with the love of my life, a Scorpio sun male, for almost 18 years. Hidden in the dark caverns under the earth. Most Scorpios are wonderfully loving and generous yet even the ‘good one’s can err on the side of possessiveness. This applies to Scorpio rising (being born at a time and place when the sign of Scorpio was rising in the eastern horizon) ... it doesn't really apply at all to people who have Sun in Scorpio (born between Oct 23 and Nov 22). And it’s not about fearing Scorpios, it’s about respecting them. In Scorpio we … The phrase associated with Scorpio is I desire and so Scorpio is famous and infamous for it’s desirous nature. The phrase ‘Still water runs deep’ is a phrase that describes the Scorpio to the T. ​. Scorpio individuals have a very hypnotic feel to their personality. You know they are watching you, but they give away absolutely no clues about what they are thinking.