Which Mass Fulfills My Sunday Obligation? The land was donated to build the church by the Pastor. Is it illegal for a Pastor to sell a church building and put the money into something for his own profit? Maybe you could even just give it to them, or let them take over the mortgage. You may think you understand the buying and selling in your church house, but, I can assure you, the unsaved DO NOT understand it. Secondly, the canon mentions that the diocesan bishop must hear the presbyteral council. Sometimes a congregation decides to sell all or part of its property because it needs the money. The diocesan council set up a property commission last year to look at St Michael’s and commissioners reported back … It is good to fellowship, but not to sell. Still others give the money or the building to their denominational bodies to be used by the wider church. Fourthly, the bishop must obtain the consent of those who could claim lawful rights over the church building. Still, bishops do have room for discretion; and sometimes there is going to be honest, legitimate disagreement among Catholics about the way such a church will be used in the future. How do these accounts apply to selling … Topical Bible Verses. Of particular relevance to us are the Final Recommendations, especially paragraph 7 on the last page: As far as possible and compatibly with the original intention of the building, it is desirable that when it can no longer be maintained as a religious building as such, an effort be made to ensure a new use, whether religious (for example, entrusting it to other Christian communities), cultural or charitable. In considering your ministry’s long-term mission, it’s important to realize that your legacy isn’t necessarily bound up in a physical property but the lasting impact you are able to leave on their members, the community and beyond. Must the church pay the federal "unrelated business income tax" on the sales proceeds? Re-post: Confession and General Absolution. Find out who owns your church building. Enter your contact information below to download this guide to learn how education leaders can help ease the burden of housing for teachers. Check your state's laws. Click here for more information. But at the end of the day, if the bishop and the presbyteral council disagree, the priest-members of the council cannot force the bishop to side with them. The neighbor has agreed to our price, and he has ordered a survey. However, churches that belong to a denomination might not own the building and must work with the appropriate denominational bodies and follow internal legal governing rules to sell the building. I supported going ahead with the process to discern the will of the congregation … Matthew 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and … Many churches sell dinners and such in their kitchens. Lots of Catholics would instinctively hold that handing a Catholic church over to a heretical group of non-Catholic Christians—so that they can use it to worship according to their own beliefs, denying the Sacrifice of the Mass, the veneration of the Virgin Mary, etc.—would be an outrage, and thus amount to “sordid” use. We have here an example of the kind of judgment-call which is not specifically addressed by the Code of Canon Law. Denominational bodies will usually not allow you to sell a property and use the proceeds for operating expenses. Taking time to listen to the church’s needs and respond within budget is perhaps one of the best ways companies can serve churches well. Share All sharing options for: A Bronx Pastor Bargained for a New Church in Selling His Congregation’s Land. How Many Masses Can a Priest Say on Sundays? An incorporated church generally can transfer title to church property, following authorization of the transaction pursuant to the church's governing document, by means of a deed that identifies the church by its corporate name and that is signed by one or more authorized officers. So, to invent an imaginary example, let’s say that a bishop has only had the care of his diocese for a year or two; and some member of the presbyteral council, who has been a priest of the diocese for 50 years, might point out that the church in question is the oldest one in the diocese, and thus has some historical value which perhaps the bishop knows nothing about. We have a tax exemption status, but have been paying a mortgage on the parsonage. Is this permitted, or does it constitute a violation of the law? Sometimes an auction is held. Churches, religious orders and faith-based organizations are indispensable to any close-knit community, which makes real estate questions even more complex. Starting with a focus on strategic discernment will help ensure your short-term objectives are met while maintaining the long-term goals of your ministry. What Happens When a Religious Who’s Vowed Poverty Becomes a Bishop? It helps to have someone act as your owner representative, reviewing all the documents, contracts, permits and agreements to ensure a smooth outcome.