The solution, supported by the Vanderbilt University study and others, maybe to take a supplement containing calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D3 together. It's not a good thing to take unless you absolutely have to. Opinions on this matter differ. However, the bioavailability of compounds, including calcium, can vary within each different food type. Vitamin C. Like B vitamins, vitamin C is water-soluble and doesn’t require dietary fat to be effective. Vitamin D and magnesium are also important. Calcium-rich foods include all dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. In fact, taking magnesium and calcium together can make make matters worse because calcium can interfere with the absorption of magnesium. Magnesium and calcium supplements come both in oral form (taken by mouth, such as tablets and capsules) and transdermal form (absorbed through the skin, such as lotions and sprays). . You’ll find calcium in many different food types, not just dairy. Read more: Do You Have a Calcium Deficiency? so should calcium and magnesium be taken together? But a July 2019 review published in the Annals of Internal Medicine indicates that there is a slight increase in the risk for stroke when these two supplements are taken together. That's because calcium affects the absorption of those minerals. Without magnesium, calcium would become toxic, depositing itself in soft tissue, which can lead to arthritis. Should Calcium and Magnesium Be Taken Together: Supplements for Healthy Bones. If you find yourself having digestive symptoms on a mineral supplement, you can start with a very low dose and slowly work your way up. Avoid taking calcium supplements with very high fiber meals. In fact, you should do the same for iron and zinc tablets. Doctors will agree that this is the healthiest way to get your vitamins and minerals, not to mention the most natural. As discussed earlier, however, taking large amounts of minerals with other minerals will reduce absorption. Talk to your doctor before combining these two supplements. Like many other supplements, they are best taken with food to assist the body in breaking them down. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse Many supplements for sleep contain low levels of magnesium and are intended to be taken at night, just a few hours before bed. Take your calcium and magnesium separately. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM The best time to take calcium, magnesium and zinc is when you're eating a meal. That's because calcium affects the … However, it's also important not to take too much. I separate calcium and magnesium by two hours, which seems to be the minimum amount of time one should wait. … Calcium supplements sometimes contain vitamin D since this. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. If you’re keen to take supplements to help support your bone health, then you may have been recommended calcium and magnesium supplements. I understand why i was t Most calcium and magnesium supplements follow this ratio. How Soon Do You Feel The Benefits of Magnesium? It should not be Ultimately, the supplements you choose to take should depend on your specific needs and deficiencies in your body. So, do you really need that calcium, is the question. So, the answer to â€œShould calcium and magnesium be taken together?” isn’t as simple as you might think. It is one of the most important minerals involved in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Magnesium is a mineral, and thus does not fall under the fat- or water-soluble categories — instead, it is most easily compared to other minerals like zinc and calcium. In fact, you should do the same for iron and zinc tablets. A lot of food items are also rich in magnesium. Therefore, make sure your multivitamin and calcium supplements are spaced apart accordingly. I've been diagnosed as having an under active thyroid. Again, if you are pregnant or lactating, seek further advice. Calcium, just like it is in your bones, prefers to be in crystal form. As such, it’s difficult to make sure that you’re getting enough. You’ll also find it in vegetables such as corn, dandelion greens, dark green veggies, and legumes. The reason for this is that some supplements can exacerbate certain conditions due to your body not processing compounds such as these in a “usual” way. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, 2021 This means that high levels of calcium will decrease the absorption of magnesium. Consequently, it's best to take them at separate times, especially if you need to … High doses of calcium, zinc or magnesium Although they work together to support bone health and healthy immune function, these minerals compete for absorption. She holds a Master's degree in Magazine Journalism from NYU, and she's always seeking out the newest fitness class or the latest green smoothie recipe to try. This will help your body absorb it more quickly and effectively. I take one magnesium tablet of 250 mg and assume I'm getting the rest of the magnesium that I need from food. Total daily dose. Calcium carbonate should be taken with food. Calcium is found in foods such as milk, yogurt, soy and even leafy greens. As long as you're moderating the amount you're taking daily, it doesn't make a significant difference what time of day you choose. Taking calcium with magnesium, vitamin K, and vitamin D is IMPERATIVE if you actually want to absorb the calcium that you take. Copyright Policy Your body uses magnesium to maintain proper levels of many other nutrients in your system, including calcium, potassium and vitamin D. Magnesium is found in various nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables. Magnesium-rich food to look out for includes brown rice, wheat germ and bran, buckwheat, nuts and seeds, and rye. So, if you take 500mg of calcium you should also take 500mg of magnesium. When taken together, calcium and magnesium can sometimes interfere with one another's absorption in the body. The Office of Dietary Supplements does not test or endorse specific brands of dietary supplements, so you'll have to do your research about ingredients and dosage in each supplement brand. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This way, they don’t compete with each other in your body for absorption. For people whose bodies are naturally low in certain nutrients, taking calcium pills and magnesium can help maintain strong bones and muscle function. These two minerals also work in harmony to help regulate your heartbeat, aid muscle tone and contraction, and nerve transmission. Whether you are taking magnesium supplements due to a deficiency or for an experimental migraine treatment, magnesium can usually be taken safely with food and other minerals. Read more: What Is Chelated Magnesium and Is It Right for You? How much to take. In general, it's best to consume calcium with meals rather than taking it as a calcium pill, but some people may want to supplement this mineral at the request of their doctor. Read more: How Soon Do You Feel The Benefits of Magnesium? The necessary amount to take also varies based on age and sex — 30 milligrams daily for babies, up to 420 milligrams per day for adult men. Unless you have any pre-existing medical conditions, a good rule of thumb is to use a ratio of roughly 2:1, calcium to magnesium, although more exact amounts are listed below. It's best to take supplements only when you know you are lacking the specific nutrients they provide. Your body will absorb less calcium than it would if you take each separately. In certain cases, it may be appropriate to take both — but this should be reserved for people with severe deficiencies. Most nutrition experts recommend taking a one to one ratio of magnesium to calcium. The recommended amounts change again for pregnant or lactating women, so they should seek further advice. So if you take a calcium supplement, take it at a different time of day than other mineral supplements or a multivitamin/multimineral supplement. Zinc is another mineral that can interfere with calcium and magnesium absorption. Postmenopausal women, amenorrheic women, vegetarians and those with a lactose allergy are at higher risk of calcium deficiency than others. After that, I emailed the maker of my supplement and THEY responded that calcium and magnesium SHOULD be taken together in ratios of about 2:1, just like lilrayosun says. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. Therefore, you can take calcium and magnesium together so that the magnesium can help you maintain the proper balance of calcium and avoid other potential health issues. I recommend magnesium and calcium citrate as the preferred form. Find more of Sarah's work at her website: For adults, 300 mg (men) or 270 mg (women) of magnesium is the daily limit. Calcium-magnesium-zinc supplements may offer a host of benefits. Should i see an endocrinologist? Vitamin C can interfere with your ability to absorb B12, so it’s best to take these separately. You take magnesium because vit D and magnesium work together and taking vit d will therefore lower your magnesium level if you don't take any, and you're probably deficient in magnesium anyway - most people are. Vitamin D facilitates calcium’s absorption, and magnesium helps keep calcium out of the soft tissues and in the bones where it’s needed most.*. Consistency is key to helping your body adjust to supplements and ensuring you develop a routine. But some doctors recommend that maybe it’s not the best idea to take them at the same time, just to ensure you take enough of both each day at different times. , I was also told to take crestor zyrtec, and prevacid. What Is Chelated Magnesium and Is It Right for You? and Unfortunately, calcium and magnesium are two such minerals. Taking calcium and magnesium together can lead to constipation and other stomach problems, and it might make both supplements less effective. It’s also been found that low levels of magnesium increase calcium absorption. It’s also found in soy and almond milk products, tofu, beans, nuts and seeds, black-eyed peas, broccoli, figs, oranges, leafy greens, and canned fish with bones, to name a few. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health warns that taking multivitamin pills can sometimes increase your chances of getting too much of certain vitamins and minerals. If you want to start supplementing magnesium and calcium pills, look first to ensure you're buying from a reputable brand. but should magnesium be taken with calcium? With the way calcium and magnesium work together, you must get enough of both of them for them to be effective. If you believe you might be deficient in magnesium, I suggest taking magnesium citrate alone (without any calcium) for one to three months. I will continue to take my supplement as I believe it is made by a well known, reputable company. Some vitamins and minerals should be taken separately from others. Terms of Use If you do have pre-existing medical conditions, always seek advice from your doctor before taking supplements. Magnesium can also be taken as a sleep aid. Magnesium. For best results, though, you should aim to take them at least two hours apart. Calcium citrate can be taken with or without food. Vitamin C. Like B vitamins, vitamin C is water-soluble and doesn’t require dietary fat to be effective. So, we know they work together, but should magnesium be taken with calcium? The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University says you should limit your calcium intake to less than 500mg at one time. Read more: Is It Safe to Take Vitamin C and Calcium Together? The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. Vitamin D and magnesium are often combined together in supplement form, in part because magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D in the body. interfere with calcium and magnesium absorption, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Read more: Potential Benefits of Multivitamins. Claudia has a PhD in Physical Activity, Nutrition and Wellness and is a Registered Dietitian. The National Institutes of Health warns that overly high levels of magnesium are associated with diarrhea, nausea and abdominal cramping. Harvard Health Publishing suggests caution when taking calcium with other supplements. Calcium and magnesium can compete with each other for absorption. Those at risk for magnesium deficiency include men over 70 and teenage girls, and the effects of low magnesium include heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and migraines. Magnesium is an important mineral that your body needs for a variety of functions, from building strong bones to regulating your heart rate. Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones, nerve transmission and muscle development. Similarly, magnesium is an essential nutrient that helps your body with functions such as blood sugar levels, blood pressure and muscle movement. The reason for this is that some supplements can exacerbate certain conditions due to your body not processing compounds such as these in a “, Separate Your Supplements To Support Bone Health, “Should calcium and magnesium be taken together?”, Best Full Spectrum Vitamin E Supplements of 2021: Complete Reviews With Comparisons, Megafood Blood Builder Dietary Supplement Review, Best‌ Iron Supplement‌ for Anemia Without Constipation ‌of‌ ‌2020: Reviews‌ ‌With Comparisons, L’il Critters Calcium + D3 Dietary Supplement Review, Best Calcium Supplement for Kids of 2021: Complete Reviews With Comparisons, What Vitamin Is in Milk: Cow’s Milk Nutrients 101. However, when you look more closely, the world of supplements can be a minefield. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bodies, with the majority being found in our bones. While it might make sense to take magnesium and calcium together, they can actually interfere with one another's absorption in the body. For older people, ensuring that you are getting enough calcium in your daily diet can help prevent bone loss by a massive 30 to 50 percent. magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D, National Institutes of Health: "Magnesium", Office of Dietary Supplements: "Frequently Asked Questions", The National Academies Press: "Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D", BMJ Open: "Modifying Effect of Calcium/Magnesium Intake Ratio and Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study", Harvard Health Publishing: "What You Need to Know About Calcium", The Journal of the American College of Nutrition: "Inhibitory Effects of Zinc on Magnesium Balance and Magnesium Absorption in Man", National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: "Vitamins and Minerals", North Dakota State University: "Do You Need a Dietary Supplement? While these two minerals are similar in many ways, you may not always want to take magnesium and calcium together. So, you’d think that these two minerals should be taken together, right? With dietary supplements, it’s easier to make sure that you’re getting your recommended daily allowance. Stomach acid produced while eating helps your body absorb calcium carbonate. Claudia is an expert at intuitive eating, nutrition science, and removing diets from your life. Take your calcium with meals and your magnesium 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. If your calcium supplement and the amount of calcium in your multivitamin add up to 500mg or more, don't take them together. My naturopath also recommends taking them together, for what it's worth. Magnesium also plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones. The intake guidelines for calcium pills, as laid out by the National Institutes of Health, vary based on age and biological sex. Adequate amounts of calcium in your diet can help reduce bone loss by 30 - 50 percent! If you have a magnesium or multivitamin supplement, it’s best to take it first thing in the morning, followed by your calcium supplement mid-morning. Not only is it important to make sure that you’re taking the right amount of each. While research on the combined supplement is lacking, studies on the individual minerals are clear and well established. Many vitamins and minerals compete with others for absorption, meaning one is absorbed in another's expense. … Calcium and magnesium together can sometimes be useful, but they should be taken with caution. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the body and most of it is found in our bones. That's because women are more prone to osteoporosis after menopause. Leaf Group Ltd. A rule of thumb often used is a ratio of one part calcium to one part magnesium. Don’t take more than 500 to 600 mg at a time – your body is not able to absorb much more and it will be excreted in the urine. But that is only part of the story. For years, calcium by itself has been portrayed as being the key nutrient for bone health. Most nutrition experts recommend taking a one to one ratio of magnesium to calcium. So, there’s no doubt that you need both for healthy bones and teeth. Can you take zinc and magnesium together? Calcium, just like it is in your bones, prefers to be in crystal form.In fact, taking magnesium and calcium together can make make matters worse because calcium can interfere with the absorption of magnesium. This finding was based on data from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), a long-term national health study that included more than 160,000 women. It’s recommended that you take your magnesium and calcium supplements at least two hours apart. The recommended daily allowance for magnesium is also different for men and women. As you get older, you may be considering taking supplements to help delay or prevent the onset of osteoporosis. Magnesium works to regulate the level of zinc in your body, which in turns helps your body absorb magnesium more efficiently. While calcium and vitamin C may play complementary roles in your skeletal system, they have different effects on iron absorption that further add to the reasons why these two compounds should be taken together. Ask your doctor about whether combining these two minerals will help your body function at its best. ", Magnesium Research: "Biorhythms and Possible Central Regulation of Magnesium Status, Phototherapy, Darkness Therapy and Chronopathological Forms of Magnesium Depletion", MMW Fortschritte der Medizin: "Long-Term HRV Analysis Shows Stress Reduction by Magnesium Intake", The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association: "Role of Magnesium in Vitamin D Activation and Function", Colorado State University: "Fat-Soluble Vitamins", PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. That's because calcium directly or indirectly competes with magnesium for absorption in the intestine. It is most often recommended as a supplement to children to promote healthy bone growth, women over the age of 50, and men over 70 years old. For example, magnesium is needed for calcium absorption since it aids your body’s transportation of calcium ions in and out of cells. diagnosis or treatment. Here's How to Tell. Instead, it would become toxic, leaving calcium deposits in soft tissues, kidneys, arteries, and cartilage, eventually resulting in arthritis. Is It Safe to Take Vitamin C and Calcium Together? Taking calcium and magnesium together can lead to constipation and other stomach problems, and it might make both supplements less effective. It helps increase bone density and can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis. For people whose bodies are naturally low in certain nutrients, taking calcium pills and magnesium can help maintain strong bones and muscle function, Do You Have a Calcium Deficiency? Copyright © What is the general rule of thumb for … Do Calcium and Magnesium Compete for Absorption? Supplements can help us live our best lives by boosting our overall health and reducing any dietary deficiencies. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, adults need between 310 and 420 milligrams of magnesium daily. Our bodies evolved to absorb multiple minerals and vitamins from our food, digest them, and deliver the absorbed portion to the cells and tissues that need it. Is it better to refrigerate probiotics, fish oils, and flaxseed oil? Calcium should also be taken separately from iron and zinc for similar reasons. It’s easy to see how closely they work together and that is why you should make sure to always take calcium and magnesium together. But to ensure they work as expected, should magnesium be taken with calcium or should you take them separately? Because magnesium and calcium work so closely together, it’s important to take them in the correct amounts. Most studies have found a combination of bone health nutrients to be … Doses of magnesium can also be relatively large and should, ideally, be taken apart from other minerals. I (usually) suggest taking magnesium at bed time. People who are breastfeeding need elevated levels of this mineral for optimal health. How much magnesium and zinc should I take? Also, the co factor to absorb magnesium is Vitamin B6. Zinc is another mineral that can interfere with calcium and magnesium absorption. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. Privacy Policy Fiber can bind with calcium, reducing the amount available to your body. At very high concentrations, calcium can interfere with magnesium and vice versa, the dosages on most supplements are moderate and, under the RDA, so you can safely take them together. Leading Vitamins is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means it remains in the body for longer than water-soluble vitamins and can be toxic if consumed in excess quantities. We will answer this question and more to explain the complex relationship between these two essential minerals. For children, the recommended daily doses are lower and depend on age, as the following table shows. It’s recommended that you take your magnesium and calcium supplements at least two hours apart. When Should I Take Calcium and Magnesium? Without magnesium, the calcium in your diet wouldn’t be deposited in the right places, such as your bones. Your health care provider can do a blood test to better understand what nutrients you are lacking. In certain cases, it may be appropriate to take both — but this should be reserved for people with severe deficiencies. Though it is found in many places throughout the body (primarily the bones and teeth), humans cannot produce calcium on their own — it needs to be eaten in food or taken as a supplement. Most calcium, magnesium and zinc tablets contain all three in low enough amounts that they will not significantly impede one another's integration into the body — but you shouldn't take them just because. The recommended daily allowance for men and women is slightly different and changes with age. Babies need only 200 milligrams of calcium per day, while adults over 71 years old require as much as 1,200 milligrams daily. The calcium needs the acid from stomach juices to break it down. In general, I eat only whole grains, fruit, vegetables, beans and fish as well as low-fat dairy products. Sarah Ellis is a wellness and culture writer based in New York City whose work has been featured in Elite Daily, Greatist, and Rewire.News.