Marina had a major role in the Octo Expansion, where she and Pearl stumbled upon Cap'n Cuttlefish and Agent 8 by overhearing their radio transmission. Acid Hues • During a conversation about Blackbelly Skatepark, Pearl accidentally calls the stage a 'map'. Undertow • Zudem trägt sie schwarzen Eyeliner. Ihre Augen sind silber mit einem Hauch von türkis mit rötlichen Pupillen in Form eines Unendlichkeits-Zeichen. Cephaloparade • 3D artwork for the Chaos vs. Order Splatfest. Judd • Like Pearl, and unlike other Octolings, her sharp teeth are in the center on both the top and bottom, instead of being asymmetrical. The Plan • 541 likes. Crusty Sean • New You • Like most Octolings, her eyes do not connect in the same way that Inklings' eyes do, but hers are a silvery color as opposed to teal as well as eyelashes. Marina's in-game model does not have any ears, due to them being always covered by her headphones. Li'l Judd • Deluge Dirge • As a high-ranking member, she was known throughout Octarian society and was recognized by Agent 8 despite never meeting personally. #1 progress • Im Gegensatz zu anderen Oktarianern und Oktolingen ist Marina den Inklingen freundlich gesinnt,denn sie wurde auch von der musik der Sea Sirens berührt. Splatune 2 • Dubble Bath (DIY Remix), Opening • Her timidity shows when she sees an Inkling watching her through the window; when she notices them, she smiles awkwardly and waves. Tide Goes Out, Wet Floor • ω-3 • #12 awake • Wave Prism • Artikel 3 Amiibo - Splatoon ~ Inkling SQUID ~ Tintenfisch Grün ~ NEU 3 - Amiibo - Splatoon ~ Inkling SQUID ~ Tintenfisch Grün ~ NEU. Zudem ist sie für die Musik in TentaCools Liedern verantwortlich und ist in den meisten von ihnen als Sängerin zu hören. Ihre Augenbrauen sind Dunkeltürkis. Juli 2018 erschien eine Amiibo-Figur von Marina. Marina is shown in various concerts, such as, Her preferred personal pronoun in Japanese is ワタシ (, She usually speaks with formal variants and conjugations. Bisk • (Octo) • Marina ist ein jugendlicher Oktoling schlanker Statur. Riptide Rupture • Inkopolis. Her tentacles are purplish-brown with teal edges, which are long and worn down reaching past her waist, and her fingers are pointed and teal at the tips, giving somewhat the impression of painted nails. Let's Play SPLATOON 2 Part 1: Es wird wieder spritzig in Inkopolis! Hello I'm Pearl and I'm Marina! Agent 4 • Now or Never! Like our new music page and don't get … 0 comments. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless black top covering her chest with a large, mostly undone silver zipper with an infinity-shaped hole resembling an 8 and a high collar, leaving her midriff visible, showing a teal navel piercing. All ihre türkisfarbenen Elemente, außer ihrer Augenbrauen, ändern je nach Splatfest ihre Farbe. Sie hat eine besondere Vorliebe für Maschinen, Technik und Musik, was darauf hinweist, dass sie sowohl künstlerisch talentiert als auch intelligent ist. She has dark brown skin, silvery-teal eyes with reddish-pink pupils in the shape of an infinity symbol, like octopuses in real life, two eyelashes on each eye, very dark teal eyebrows that are constantly downturned in a "worried" expression and a beauty mark at the left of her lips. Shellfie • • Chopscrewey • Ihr künstlerisches Talent sieht man auch in einem offiziellen Artwork zum Splatfest Mayo vs. Ketchup, in welchem sie einen Oktopus mit Ketchup malte. Party's Over, Happy Little Workers • 18 Fins & Fiddles • Marina playing the Keytar during Muck Warfare. She does not like being considered a 'nerd' in this regard. Iso Padre • Pearl ist der süße und freche MC des Pop-Idol-Duos "Off the Hook" im Spiel Splatoon 2; Zusammen mit Marina veranstaltet sie die Inkopolis News- und Splatfest-Events, bei denen Inklings eine von zwei Seiten auswählen und im Turf War gegen die gegnerische Mannschaft antreten; Fans lieben sie für ihren einzigartigen, futuristischen Sound! Das führt oft dazu, dass sie überrascht ist, wenn etwas spezielles passiert, wie die Ankündigung eines Splatfests. Am 13. Turquoise October • So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Marina as she appears when announcing stages. The Girl from Inkopolis • Across all regions, Marina and Pearl won 29 Splatfests each. 2 talking about this. Marina at Haicalive Kyoto Mix, her outfit color scheme resembles the Nintendo Switch Lite. Spyke • Entropical • Zudem sieht sie sehr nervös aus, wenn sie dem Spieler zuwinkt, welcher sie und Perla durch ein Schaufenster beobachtet. marina (splatoon) octoling . Gegenüber Perla ist sie jedoch offener und sie mag es, mit ihr zu scherzen - vor allem, wenn sie über Splatfest-Themen diskutieren. Their work included hosting Splatfest events, announcing the themes and singing and dancing to Color Pulse for the event's duration. The same is true for the Squid Sisters. #13 shade • TEST PASSED! This behavior likely comes from the fact that many believe her to be an Inkling even though she learned the Inkling language recently and that she looks very different from the Inklings; her Octoling-like appearance was said to simply be a new fashion trend before Agent 8 came to Inkopolis Square. In Marina's chat room, it was revealed that Marina was listed as a "Gen 85 - Octoling combat engineer". favorite_border bookmark_border more_vert. Shark Bytes • We are the new music squids from Splatoon 2! Bomb Rush Blush • Splatoon Wikia ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. She is portrayed as being obsessed with the machinery found in various stages, such as Sturgeon Shipyard, Port Mackerel and the bucketwheel excavator in Piranha Pit. Jelfonzo • By the time of Splatoon 2, Off the Hook had become famous in Inkopolis Square for their music and for presenting Inkopolis News, in which Marina had a similar relationship with Pearl as Callie and Marie had. #14 crush • Are you trying to get us fired? Silber-türkis und rot Marina is shown to be an enthusiast regarding all sorts of technology, befitting her background as an Octarian engineer. Marina is more reserved than her bandmate, Pearl. Marina's hologram model featured in a promo video. Shipwreckin' • Splatoon 2. #6 frisk • According to Pearl, Marina owns a motorcycle. Octarians • Opening • Without a Dop Doubt • Unlike DJ Octavio, she does not speak completely in katakana. Marina ist sehr zurückhaltend und oft in sich gekehrt. C.Q. We are the new music squids from Splatoon 2! Marina is an Octoling, the Octarian version of an Inkling. We are the new music squids from Splatoon 2! イイダ Iida, Engl: Marina), ist eines der beiden Mitglieder von TentaCool. Ihre Augenbrauen sind Dunkeltürkis. Ihr japanischer Name "Iida" leitet sich von dem Wort "Iidako" ab, dem japanischem Wort für den Amphioctopus fangsiao, einer Oktopusspezies. #2 ripped • • Wie und wann sie auf Perla getroffen ist und mit ihr die Band gründete ist unbekannt. Grizzco Industries • Check out a compilation of all of Pearl and Marina's Splatoon 2 gear you unlock by scanning in their amiibo! Nasty Majesty • Unser Team an Produkttestern hat viele verschiedene Hersteller ausführlichst analysiert und wir zeigen Ihnen als Interessierte hier alle Resultate. As an Octoling warrior, Marina's tentacles were shorter and she wore the Octoling Goggles, Octoling Armor, and Octoling Boots, first shown in Marina's chat room and again on the back of the Splatoon 2 Live in Makuhari -Tentalive- limited-edition slipcover. amiibo Marina in her Chaos vs. Order outfit. Although Pearl and Marina did not make appearances during Octo Canyon, they were the first to break the news of Callie and the Great Zapfish's disappearances. Turquoise October • Fly Octo Fly ~ Ebb & Flow (Octo) • #9 party • R.I.P. Sie nehmen in Splatoon 2 in weiten Teilen die Aufgaben der Sea Sirens in Splatoon war, so moderieren sie die Nachrichten, verkünden Splatfeste (und vertreten dabei jeweils eine Seite), Updates und die aktuellen Arenen. Add to playlist. Cumber • Beide liefern natürlich auch Ausrüstungsgegenstände für Splatoon 2, die richtig Schick sind und in einer Vitrine oder auf einem Regal, machen sich die beiden auch richtig gut. [3] While there, she met an Inkling called Pearl, who was practicing singing. Splatoon 2 T-Shirts mit einzigartigen Motiven online bestellen Von Künstlern designt und verkauft Viele Größen, Farben und Passformen. SashiMori • Ebb & Flow (Demo) • She has a short black sleeveless vest revealing her midriff, with th… Inside the Deepsea Metro Subway Car • She has black shorts with a diagonal waistline and slanted deep teal lines over teal tights, black fingerless gloves, and wears black boots with big undone silver zippers with 8-shaped holes, like the one on her top. Sie trägt ein kurzes Le… Both Marina and Pearl subtly break the fourth wall during one of the dialogues for. Ihre Augen sind silber mit einem Hauch von türkis mit rötlichen Pupillen in Form eines Unendlichkeits-Zeichen. She speaks in a sweet, gentle manner, and can get very sassy in response to others teasing her, though she often acts quite shy as well. Shooting Starfish • She has dark brown skin, silvery-teal eyes with reddish-pink pupils in the shape of an infinity symbol, like octopuses in real life, two eyelashes on each eye, very dark teal eyebrows that are constantly downturned in a "worried" expression and a beauty mark at the left of her lips. Haicalive Kyoto Mix,, Famitsu: イイダのパートはイカと異なる言語、サーモンランはシャケを鼓舞する変拍子。『スプラトゥーン2』サウンドに迫る、サントラインタビュー (, During the Final Fest, she wore a metalic dress with an eight cut at the chest with very long sleeves that turned into gloves, and matching boots that were higher than the hem of the dress. SashiMori • She is very excitable when it comes to machinery. Haarfarbe Alles im allen ein super Produkt und absolut sein Geld wert. The infinity-shaped holes in her zippers are vertical instead of horizontal like her eyes' pupils, giving them more of an "8" shape. She graduated from elementary training at the age of 9 after skipping multiple grades and for the next few years went on to play a part in designing the Flooder and enhancing the Great Octoweapons. (Cloud Demo) • Squidbeak Splatoon, DJ Octavio • Learning that they were trapped in the Deepsea Metro, attempting to escape to Inkopolis, they promised to help them out. Sie hat schwarze Haare mit türkisfarbenen Spitzen, welche bis zu ihren Hüften reichen. She also had two diamond shapes painted on her face and a different pair of headphones, with diamond shapes instead of circles. While she is reserved, she does not appear to be concerned about expressing herself. Splatoon 2 (Switch) - Der Vergleichssieger unter allen Produkten. Marina has demonstrated a high level of intelligence, noted by Pearl in the Octo Expansion. Playlists. Octoling Rendezvous • #5 thirsty • Agent 8 • Tutorial • splatoon 2 . amiibo Link Twilight … She often utilizes similar machinery in the Shifty Station layouts she designs. #0 shell • The three acted as Agent 8's guides during the tests, while they also talked in Marina's chat room, where Marina was known as "DJ_Hyperfresh". Sie trägt ein kurzes Lederoberteil mit einem übergroßen Reißverschluss, welcher, ähnlich wie ihre Augen, ein Unendlichkeits-Zeichen aufweist. The Italian translation also references this by making her full name Nori Marinis. Geschlecht Super Sea Snail • Rip Entry • This could mean that Marina is that species, as. Splatoon 2 Live in Makuhari, Haicalive at Tokaigi 2018 • Du kannst neue Ausrüstungsgegenstände freischalten, die auf ihren Outfits aus Octo Expansion basieren, Fotos auf der TentaCool-Bühne schießen und neue Musik für Squid Beatz freischalten. Cap'n Cuttlefish's Theme (Octo) ~ Player Editor • The Japanese version makes it clear that "Gen 85" is supposed to be taken as "85th generation". Hello I'm Pearl and I'm Marina! She also retains her headphones. Splatoon 2 Marina's DIRTY Innuendo!Splatoon 2 Flight VS Invisibility Splatfest Announcement Pearl also notices that Marina uses sounds made by nearby boat motors in a track she made. Flow • Sie ist dunkelhäutig mit Außnahme ihrer türkisfarbenen Fingerspitzen. Marina finishing off Nasty Majesty at Chokaigi 2018. Octo Eight-Step • Published 2 months ago (Dec 9, 2020, 8:02:07 PM) 165. visibility. Like our new music page and don't get cooked stay off the hook! Standort Jellyfish • EUR 29,90 +EUR … Zudem hat sie ein Muttermal links unter ihrer Lippe. Marina's weapon of choice, judging by her. • Grizzco Industries • Ebb & Flow • This is demonstrated with the Shifty Stations, a series of stages created by Marina for Splatfests using advanced Octarian technology, with the mechanics from Octo Canyon appearing in them, as well as floating rocks. Marina performing at NicoNico Tokaigi 2018. A picture of Marina before defecting from the Octarian army shared in the chat room. However, in the Splatune 2 and Octotune liner notes, her lyrics are entirely in katakana, which is supposed to show that her singing is in a different language.[2]. Learning about Inkling culture and customs, Marina attempted to find Pearl again. During Splatfests, the teal on her design changes to match the colour of the team she chose, except for her eyebrows. Dedf1sh • ω-3, Inkling • Artikel 2 Amiibo PEARL & MARINA 2-Pack Set Splatoon Series Nintendo Switch 3DS Wii 2 - Amiibo PEARL & MARINA 2-Pack Set Splatoon Series Nintendo Switch 3DS Wii. • Details jtveemo . ", subtly breaking the fourth wall. During the events of Splatoon, she had received multiple commendations as part of DJ Octavio's wasabi supply unit. Ink Theory • Von Cherrylight am 13. Moe • November 2018 Die beiden Amiibo's, Pearl und Marina, waren meine ersten, … Unlike Pearl and the Squid Sisters, she does not wear a hat-like accessory and has headphones instead. Marina's colors for the Pocky Chocolate vs. Pocky: Gokuboso Splatfest. Spicy Calamari Inkantation • Außerdem hat sie schwarze fingerlose Handschuhe, ein türkisfarbenes Bauchnabelpiercing und einen Kopfhörer, welchen sie immer auf hat. The gear items given out by the Marina amiibo are replicas of Marina's Octo Expansion outfit, namely the Marinated Headphones, Marinated Top, and Marinated Slip-Ons. Bottom Feeders • This makes it read as if she is singing her lines. Her hair is also worn down with a light teal color at the edges. Squid Sisters (Callie • Marie), Agent 3 • When she did, she showed Pearl her musical abilities through her demo of Ebb & Flow and Pearl immediately agreed to them starting a band, forming a band they decided to call Off the Hook in the process. EUR 61,99. Fest Zest • Last name is based on the surname "Villalobos". Denizens of the deep • She seems to be slightly forgetful at times and has been observed to forget the news she and Pearl are broadcasting. Cap'n Cuttlefish • Off the Hook (Pearl • Marina) • Marina's text mostly extends syllables with the ~ character, and her sentences often end with ♪. Inkopolis News • Murch • Marina's dialogue icon, as it appears in the SplatNet 2 app. Split & Splat • This is due to Pearl having taught Marina about Inkling society and also might be because Pearl is three years older than her. Inkoming! Tentalive at Tokaigi 2019 • Zusammen mit Perla kündigt sie in Splatoon 2 Neuigkeiten und Splatfests an. Alle bereits bekannten Spielmodi aus Splatoon wurden beibehalten, neu sind die Modi Ligakampf, Muschelchaos und Salmon Run. Letzter Artikel Kostenloser Versand. Great Zapfish • Marina has the longest tentacles of any Octoling in Splatoon 2. Splattack! #8 regret • Octarmaments • In the Octo Expansion, Marina wears a more hip-hop attire than her pop stage outfit. Sie ist dunkelhäutig mit Außnahme ihrer türkisfarbenen Fingerspitzen. 1 talking about this. Lesen Sie weiter. Marina ist ein jugendlicher Oktoling schlanker Statur. Diss-Pair • Sign up . Marina, or DJ_Hyperfresh, in Octo Expansion. Alter During Splatoon, Marina was present in the audience of Agent 3's battle against DJ Octavio but deserted the army and Octarian society shortly after hearing the Squid Sisters sing the Calamari Inkantation. Seaskape • Fresh Start • Spezies DJ Real Sole • Hello I'm Pearl and I'm Marina! Don't Slip • Low Tide • #11 above • 2D artwork for the Chaos vs. Order Splatfest. When discussing with Cuttlefish about Marina's technological achievements, Pearl finally discovered her history as a member of the Octarian army, and despite being deeply shocked, she promised to remain friends with her. Seitdem lebt sie in Inkopolis. Haicalive at Chokaigi 2018 • Onward! #19 bless • In other languages, Marina states that heavy machinery creates great beats and has its charms. Als Dank bekam Perla eines der ersten Musikstücke von Marina (Ebb and Flow, Demoversion). 5,0 von 5 Sternen Off the Hook! This page was last edited on 25 February 2021, at 13:26. Einst lebte sie im Okto-Distrikt bei den anderen Oktolingen und arbeitete dort als Ingenieurin. According to witnesses, her only comment was "This changes everything." Sanitized Octarians • TentaCool (Japanisch: テンタクルズ tentakuruzu) ist ein Musik-Duo in Splatoon 2 und besteht aus Perla und Marina. Augenfarbe Marina saying "Don't get cooked, Stay off the hook!". Sign in. Tidal Rush • Her signature color is teal. Caption: Perfectly reproduced undulating tentacles! or. Now or Never! Lesen » Mehr dazu Bob Dub, Squid Beatz 2 • Salmonid • Laut ihrer Konversationen mit Perla mag sie, Berücksichtigt man auch die japanischen und amerikanischen Versionen des Spiels, mag sie zudem. Seafoam Shanty • Splatoon 2 (Switch) - Die hochwertigsten Splatoon 2 (Switch) im Überblick Auf welche Faktoren Sie zuhause vor dem Kauf Ihres Splatoon 2 (Switch) Acht geben sollten Um Ihnen die Wahl des perfektes Produktes minimal leichter zu machen, hat unsere Redaktion außerdem das beste aller Produkte gewählt, das unter all den verglichenen Splatoon 2 (Switch) extrem auffällt - vor allen … According to Pearl, Marina is a comic book collector, with at least 5000 comics. Schwarz bis neontürkis For everything. Turf Master • Seasick • Marina replies, "It's called a stage. Zudem hat sie ein Muttermal links unter ihrer Lippe. Weiblich Octotune • Blitz It! Aber bekannt ist, dass ihr Perla einiges über die Inklinge beigebracht hat, sowie die Sprache, da Marina nur einige Wörter konnte. With the threat averted, the group returned safely to Inkopolis Square. • Ink Another Day, Color Pulse • She escaped to Mount Nantai, where she did not even understand the Inkling language. DJ Octavio • Calamari Inkantation • Chirpy Chips • Into the Light • Her toes are colored at the tips like her fingers, as shown in the. By the time of their fourth single, around nine months after the events of Splatoon, they had become popular enough to take over hosting Inkopolis News from the Squid Sisters. Like Pearl, and unlike other Inklings, she has one sharp tooth in the middle at the to… In Japanese, Marina's speech is occasionally rendered in katakana, indicating an accent of some sort. Squid Sisters (Callie • Marie) • Marina in her Octo Expansion outfit at Tentalive at Tokaigi 2019. Marina Octoling • Fishing Frenzy • Octo Canyon • She appears to be taller than most Octolings and Inklings. Kinetosis • Broken Coral • Ever Further. Bomb Rush Blush • Mr. Grizz • Oktoling Hooked • Last Battle Opening • Marina Ida is one of two members of Off the Hook, a band featured in Splatoon 2, along with Pearl, that hosts Inkopolis News, replacing the Squid Sisters from the first game. Marina's drawing of Agent 8 before the Turf War mission reflects their gender and hairstyle. She wears a white bandana that is wrapped around her head with light gray designs, a long, silver chain necklace with an 8 symbol pendant (similar to her zippers from her stage outfit) around her neck, a black wristwatch and black chain bracelet on her right arm, a white turtleneck crop top, seafoam colored capris, and silver bowed, gray-white shoes. Marina is an Octoling, the Octarian version of an Inkling. #$@%* Dudes Be #$@%* Sleepin, Splattack! DJ Real Sole • In the Dutch version, Pearl states that Marina enjoys manga and clubs dedicated to them. During the Off the Hook Concert at Polymanga 2018, Marina says at one point ". 2020 | Chirpy Chips • A picture of sleepy Marina shared in the chat room. Buoyant Boogie • Marina refers to Pearl with the honorific "senpai" in the Japanese version of the game, which is an honorific used to address somebody of an elder social rank in a field or trade. #16 salty • All models were 18 years of age or older at the … Zapfish, Inkoming! She is also capable of hacking Kamabo Corporation, allowing Agent 8 to pass a test using the data collected from their previous attempts, and can hack their CQ-80 device to show her chat room or release a distress signal. Es ist jeder Splatoon 2 (Switch) rund um die Uhr bei Amazon im Lager verfügbar und somit gleich lieferbar. Dedf1sh • After Agent 8 collected all four thangs and escaped from the Deepsea Metro, Off the Hook finally met them and Cap'n Cuttlefish in person after their battle with a brainwashed Agent 3, using a fleet of helicopters to carry them away. In a Twitter post released from SplatoonJP, it is revealed that she officially has small, round ears like the. When learning Japanese, the formal 丁寧語 (. Bottom Feeders • Craymond • Telephone's Theme • Marina's Japanese surname (that she is commonly referred to as) is Iida, which is a common surname in Japan but also short for Iidako, Japanese for webfoot octopus. Perla ist mit Marina an einigen Songs beteiligt. She appears to be taller than most Octolings and Inklings. • Marina Ida, kurz Marina (jap. Like our new music page and don't get … Tartar, Annie • Marina dancing live in the third concert. Sheldon, Bob Dub • They also announced their rescue on Inkopolis News, fulfilling a request to play Fresh Start over the credits. Off the Hook (Pearl • Marina) • Sucker Punch • Marina's hair looks almost the same as most Octolings, but it is black like an Elite Octoling's hair instead of the usual red of a standard Octoling. Thang Jingle • Sie hat schwarze Haare mit türkisfarbenen Spitzen, welche bis zu ihren Hüften reichen. 1 Perla 2 Marina 3 Songs 3.1 Liste der … Als sie jedoch während des Kampfes gegen DJ Oktario in Splatoon das "Konzert" der Sea Sirens zusammen mit dem DJ erlebt, wurde ihr Interesse für Musik geweckt, da "Der Groove ihr Herz berührt hat". Marina's dialogue icon in the Octo Expansion. Wet Floor • Muck Warfare • Tentacular Circus •, Die Kraft, sich unsichtbar zu machen mehr als die Kraft, zu fliegen, Das Ende der Klopapierrolle hinten anstatt vorne, Kaltes Frühstück mehr als warmes Frühstück, Burger mit Gurken mehr als Burger ohne Gurken, Orangensaft ohne Fruchtfleisch mehr als mit Fruchtfleisch, Essen, das nicht mit Zitrone beträufelt ist mehr als Essen, das mit Zitrone beträufelt ist, Warme Außenkleidung mehr als warme Unterkleidung, Socken als Weihnachtsgeschenk mehr als Pullover, Neuste Technologie mehr als unerforschte Lebewesen, Die Süßigkeit "Bamboo Shoot Village" mehr als "Mushroom Mountain". Zudem trägt sie schwarzen Eyeliner. This chat room was used by the group to learn about their respective pasts. Off the Hook Concert at Polymanga 2018 • amiibo Marina in her Octo Expansion outfit. I know we talk a lot of smack on the show and all, but I just wanted to say thanks. Da lokale Shops in den letzten Jahren ausnahmslos mit zu … They released Ebb & Flow as their first single, which was a hit. She wears large, black headphones with teal rings on the sides of them; her ears, which are slightly bigger than those of the average Octoling, are covered by these headphones. Zu diesen gehören: Ihr deutscher und englischer Name "Marina" ist ein anderes Wort für Yachthafen. • Her tentacles are shown to change to completely one color, as shown in most of the Splatfest promo art. Kaufe "Splatoon 2Marina" von calvink auf folgenden Produkten: iPhone 12 - Flexibel Ihre Schuhe sind schwarze Stiefel mit jeweils einer kleineren Variante des Reißverschlusses an ihrem Oberteil. Sie trägt schwarze, asymmetrische Shorts mit türkisfarbenen Streifen, welche aufleuchten können, wenn sie singt. Endolphin Surge • In the final battle of the Octo Expansion, she is able to use her laptop to analyse the NILS Statue in a few seconds, learning about the strength of its cannon and its use of sunlight to charge up power. When the Telephone revealed its true nature as Commander Tartar to destroy Inkopolis, Marina came up with the plan necessary to defeat it - having Agent 8 detonate her prototype hyperbombs to cover the NILS Statue in ink, with Pearl using her Princess Cannon to finish it off. Marina was born into "the oppression of Octarian society" as she would later describe it and began to be trained as a combat engineer from a very early age. Dazu trägt sie türkisfarbene Leggins. Marina also wears a pair of teal headphones on her head. Concept art of Marina with a hat and different colors. Diss-Pair • Ink Theory • Pearl & Marina "Splatoon 2". #4 dunno • To comment you need to sign in or sign up. Frantic Aspic •