Gold Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin) Standard Vivarium Label. Wir halten eine Zuchtgruppe von 1,2 dieser tagaktiven, agilen und munteren Eidechsenart aus Japan, die uns regelmäßig mit Nachwuchs beglückt. T. smaragdinus Looking for people who are working with these guys and might have CB young for sale at any point. Reptiles And Amphibians. 67063 Ludwigshafen. Green Long Tail Lizard – adult Males only. Prehensile Tail Skink – babies. The emerald grass lizard / Takydromus smaragdinus is a beautifully colored, long tailed, lizard species endemic to the Japanese Riukiu islands. Blue Tail Skink. Nattern der Art weltweit) aus Loei/ Thailand und sind F1-Nachzuchten der ursprünglichen Zuchttiere von Klaus D. Schulz, also genetisch ursprünglich. Grundlegend wichtig ist eine gute Versorgung mit Nährstoffen und Vitaminen und ausreichend UV-Beleuchtung insbesondere bei Jungtiere und ♀♀. [Wanted] Green Grass Lizards - Takydromus smaragdinus or dorsalis: chipojo: Other Lizards: 1: 02-26-2016 01:40 PM [For Sale] CB Takydromus dorsalis - $100 per juvenile: jaswa: Other Lizards: 0: 05-31-2015 01:52 AM [For Sale] CB Takydromus dorsalis juveniles 0.0.3 - $500 shipped: jaswa: Other Lizards: 0: 09-30-2014 02:06 PM Das Tropenparadies has built up a fantastic breeding stock and is able to offer you captive born animals in the finest quality. Previous. Reptiles And Amphibians. Greer’s Earless Skink – babies. Mammals Lizard ... with a portion of each sale being donated towards the protection and care of animals. 0621-54589428. 2019 Abgabebereit. Takydromus smaragdinus Smaragd-Langschwanzeidechse Familie: Lacertidae. African Fire Skinks – Adults. Dalmatolacerta oxycephala. Takydromus smaragdinus Category: Skinks & Miscellaneous. Ahaetulla nasuta/Asian Long Nose Vine Snake $35 each. Related Products. Takydromus sexlineatus/Long Tail Lizard $8 each INCLUSIVE to me Rhacophorus leucostymax/Gold Tree Frog $15 each. Haltung und Nachzucht von Takydromus smaragdinus, Takydromus sexlineatus ocellatus, Takydromus septentrionalis, Opheodrys aestivus, ... For sale by Fen Dragons And More, an African Fire Skink (Lepidothyris fernandi) hatched 13/10/16. Norbert Ehritt. Seen a few for sale in shops but all WC and don't see a reason to encourage that when I know there are people in the UK producing CB nowadays. Next. We breed a fine selection of reptiles and amphibians: Sale price $5.00 Sale. FEEDERS (shipping to me is $7 per 10 or $50 per 100): Hemidactylus frenatus/House Gecko $3.50 each Occidozyga lima/Floating from $5.50 each Microhyla pulchra/ Pigmy Frog $5.50 each Regular price ... Green Grass Lizard (Takydromus smaragdinus) Standard Vivarium Label. Archaeolacerta bedriagae bedriagae CAMERANO, 1885 . Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi ENZ (Thailändische Bambusnatter). Green Grass Lizard (Takydromus smaragdinus) Standard Vivarium Label. Tier Fotos. Takydromus smaragdinus BOULENGER, 1887 . Dalmatolacerta oxycephala (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1839) Archaeolacerta bedriagae bedriagae. Asian Forest Scorpion – adult. Lizard Species Green Iguana. … Unsere Zuchttiere stammen (wie übrigens alle (!) Gold Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin) Standard Vivarium Label.