Also, the manias have gotten worse in the past couple of years (which actually led me to get the diagnosis last year at 42); I get aggressive, I spend too much money, I do drugs. Once I filled a composition notebook with every detail of buying and owning a home overnight. Instead I am trying to see all my symptoms on a continuum. I was extremely funny, and surprised at my own wit (which seemed to have come out of nowhere). Just a hypomanic depression. I was suicidal for a few weeks, now I'm "just" completely numb and have serious anhedonia. And my brain just shuts off, I feel stupid. A major part of living with bipolar 2 disorder is hypomania. I don’t think euphoria in bipolar hypomania feels like extreme happiness. I have deep conversations with people I hardly know and, most often, will never see again. Maybe that was normal? Thinking the title should be Rising Phoenix, Fiery Rage etc... New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the BipolarReddit community. Does that make sense? A manic episode can cause a person to feel uncontrollably elated and very high in energy or extremely irritable or agitated. During these times, I don't eat or sleep. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s leaving bars with people you don’t know, and doing things you wouldn’t normally do. Interestingly enough, I don't do drugs or engage in reckless, impulsive behavior. These symptoms can last for a week or more. In between these two extremes, a person will have periods of normal mood. Thanks for sharing. I come up with jokes super easily, my imagination is THROUGH THE ROOF, so much so that everything just comes to life around me, I’ll start imagining mini skits in my head with inanimate objects(people get weirded out but I fucking love it) i get a reel of movie references and random songs constantly replaying in my brain and hilarious scenarios happening and laughing to myself. A new psychiatrist is currently re-evaluating my diagnosis. This mood state is typically associated with bipolar disorder. Basically, i can't stay idle. It actually may feel pretty good because your mood is up and you have more energy than usual, but it’s not out of control. I do a lot of projects half way. I move. Sorry if this is asked a lot, I just want to know what other people experience. I use the word “euphoria,” which does mean “extreme happiness” but the word only partially fits my experience (Bipolar Mania and the Impact of Manic Symptoms).). And I find to be helpful this survey result of what patients said they found helpful to manage their bipolar disorder: Bipolar disorder is separated … I do a ton of housework, take my husband and daughter on adventures (parks, museums, etc, sometimes 4 places in a day). But her disorder doesn’t look like what many people expect; in fact, her symptoms of hypomania are different from the stereotype, and she often feels alienated from others who experience more common mood symptoms. I didn’t get any sleep last night. Although the symptoms of hypomania are subtle, they can … My (hypo)manias feel fantastic - most of the symptoms you describe also apply to me. The latest episode last fall almost cost me my relationship of 20 years and my job of 13. The alarm goes off. I hold my similar set close to my heart, and though I'm careful to observe and regulate (to the best of my ability) my mood states, I fully embrace the good stuff and don't see it as disease. That I dont sleep and let the fire grow. I am more impulsive, more exhausted, and just not a pleasant person. (I usually have social anxiety and am introverted.). I forget to eat but crave sugar like mad. Like im too fast or talkative for the people around me. I felt very connected to others. I love my hypomania, but I don't let it define me. You don't want to lose impulse control when you're depressed. I feel smart, funny, energetic, attractive, creative. Like you, I'm one of the lucky ones for whom hypomania is mostly a very good, enjoyable state. I'm climbing out of a depressive hole that's the result of an extended manic period. ~Danny Devito~ This is a cumulative commentary of episodes I have experienced while manic and hypomanic or in a mixed state. I can't just sit and watch a television show or browse reddit, I have to be researching or studying or shopping or fucking or getting fucked up or going out dancing or whatever other random thing I decide is all-consumingly important. For those of you who are bipolar 2, what does hypomania feel like for you? Not sure if this counts as mixed, but I often spend any time I don't fill up with activities thinking about suicide. The difficulty comes when I engage in self-destructive actions with little or no regard for the consequences. But I regard the diagnosis as a tool, as a rough framework - a useful thing but not the ultimate truth of me. Its validating to hear the specifics of people's experience, and see the common threads. It’s racing thoughts, it’s tossing and turning in your bed. I am just more socially oriented, I think. So, we asked our bipolar disorder community to describe to us things they do when they’re hypomanic. I've never hurt myself, but soem people in a mixed state do. During hypomania, Rumpel feels so creative and energetic that she becomes overwhelmed. Nothing helped to stop the shit storm in my mind. Mixed? Those with bipolar disorder type II will experience bouts of depression, which are then followed by hypomania. (For me, impulsivity mainly involves spending beyond my budget.). The list you present above describes a set of wonderful gifts that the world has given you. Hypomania is much harder to recognize for me... and is when I'm the most destructive. I see friends, I go out, I exercise. I wanna go, I wanna do.I have a hard time sitting still. How do you know whether you're hypomanic? Shy people become more outgoing and quiet people become more talkative. Still retain anxiety, suicidal ideation, self-hatred. Hypomania is a very elevated mood, the ‘up’ part of bipolar disorder although it is not just about being very happy. I AM stupid. Neglect showers and housecleaning. So my point really is that you don't need to fully reject or fully accept your diagnosis. I just can't seem to relate to anyone about staying up and doing a bunch of projects and such. During the beginning, I'm sweet as pie. It’s a less severe form of … 7 a.m. I got blacked out drunk 5 nights a week. I was diagnosed with bipolar seven years ago, after it was thought I had hypomania, followed by a mixed episode.