I’m pretty sure that’s not good. Why your vagina and period blood smells like death. Most people think of stomach ulcers, but you can also have skin ulcers – basically sores on the skin. It can also be upsetting for your family and friends. I have 3 wounds on top of my foot. The blood fluid leaks out and as it does, it loses blood supply which means it will putrefy (rot). Even very clean individuals can acquire an infection with malodorous pus. Some bandaid type bandages are treated with an antibiotic. If you were sweating, or got it dirty. Unfortunately, I have seen that many times, that goes with living in a particular area with lots of older people, so I have developed my own coping mechanisms. The smell could be strong enough to make you and other people feel sick. The smell might be the most distressing symptom of an ulcerating tumour. Some of that stuff can smell. Just like there is 'that look', and 'that breathing'. When you’re eating animals, you’re literally ingesting the fruits from violence and murder and death into your body. When you notice an unusual body smell, like sweet-smelling urine, it's a potential sign that something is off with your health. Having cancer itself typically doesn’t smell, but having an infected wound related to it can. Yes, there is a smell of death. I wondered if she had developed infections inside. They smell like Dog Crap others can smell it. Hi - its been 6 weeks into my tummy tuck / lipo. The reason your vagina smells like death is because there is an overgrowth of the wrong sort of bacteria, but the cause of that we are not sure of at this point. Maybe you put a tampon in and forgot about it (or put another one in on top – it happens more often than you might think! October 3, 2017 at 5:55 pm. Showed it to my PS and he indicated it will heal by itself. Antibiotics. It could be something that was put on it, like a salve or whatnot. Meaningless finding: Wound odor is meaningless. People are often tempted to more aggressively clean or sterilize wounds that small bad, but this isn’t usually a good idea since abrasive cleansers can aggravate the infection site. That causes odor. 3 weeks into the recovery my wound was seperated (approx 2 inch wide - 1 inch high). My daughter had a sort of sickly sweet medical smell - I think it was from the infection that she had in her wound after the op, and it took me a few days to put my finger on why my mum kept reminding me of my daughter at that time, but I'm sure it was that. I recommend that you contact a certified wound specialist to assess your wound. This is a lot to deal with, but some things can help. No, really! There are several types of ulcers. ). You fart what you eat! Hi Michelle, I am sorry to hear about your wound. Reply. Laurie Swezey says. The smell of pus doesn't generally have anything to do with one's hygiene or cleanliness. Like any bad infection, they can smell terrible with the infected and dying tissue, plus bacteria. If you remember that part of healing is inflammations which includes (swelling).This is caused by fluid from the blood vessels bringing healing blood to the wound. The bandages themselves sometimes smell. Germs (bacteria) cause the smell inside the wound.