Best: There's not really a single instance I can point to, but I've made most of my friends when hypo. The best thing I've ever done was nearly shave my head and walk to church 3 miles in 5 degree weather. Somehow he forgave me, but if I'm being honest, I have never forgiven myself. That includes trying to commit suicide, breaking off relationships, moving out of my house when I was 16, trying to destroy my relationships with my parents (who are amazing people), shoplifting, spending obscene amounts of money, drugs, alcohol, and everything in between. Worst: Manic as fuck. Worst thing you've done @ while working in the service industry? Worst: got my gf pregnant Best:.. don't rush me... BEST: Got into bodybuilding and went from 150 to 180lbs at 8%bf, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. P.S. Best, spend an entire day exercising and reading in the sun. Re: Craziest Thing You've Done While Manic by voracious_lemon » Tue May 17, 2016 1:01 pm Last September I drove 500 miles and overdosed on a lithium/clozapine combo which started WHILE DRIVING because I was seeing dead dogs everywhere and I was chosen to … Edit: hey! For me, the worst thing I've done while drunk is not knowing my limits. Me too. … I ended up driving for something like 24 hours straight only stopping to put gas in the tank, and to grab a quick meal. I didn't know why I was doing it back then but it makes sense now. For 2 weeks I would get maybe a 15 minute nap here and there. Worst: Packed a bag at 2am after not sleeping at all for two days and only a couple hours a night for a month prior, stole a car, and took off driving across the country without telling anyone I was leaving. She woke up and came and cut the leash. I lose interest in things super quickly and can’t concentrate no matter how hard I try. Re: Craziest Thing You've Done While Manic by elizabethKay » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:41 pm I stayed up all night once scrubbing a linoleum floor in our kitchen, breakfast area, and entryway on my hands and knees and then waxing it. I dated a guy for a year and in that time I cheated on him with 5 different guys. He assaulted me in my vehicle. 54. She started crying a lot about her broken crayon, so I looked her dead in the eyes and said ‘I … I had a bad manic episode last month and during the course of it decided it would be a great idea to pay someone to write my all papers for my classes this semester. Yes the productivity is really nice, but this dumb dangerous decision is still the best thing I think I could have done since I didn't know what was going on with me and I didn't know I needed help. Thus, without any meds going in, my mind was all over the place. Link to post Share on other sites. kind of guy who couldn't tell the difference between cannabis and heroine, to a pot grower in just a few days. “When I was in 1st grade, I accidentally stepped on and broke a crayon this girl had while she was coloring on the ground. Not really that bad I guess shrugs this in my younger days. While I can’t speak for everyone with manic depression, bipolar disorder, ups and downs or whatever you choose to call it, I believe we have some things in common. Yes the productivity is really nice, but this dumb dangerous decision is still the best thing I think I could have done since I didn't know what was going on with me and I didn't know I needed help. I just saw you on that AskReddit thread! ... 696 friends 157 reviews Sooo what is the worst you've done seen or heard to really pay back the jerk offs who make working the service industry a nightmare? I also was grocery shopping once and saw a printed hand out about how blueberries help with depression. It’s something I have to live with until it grows back. Be a part of something that cares about who you are. Cheated on boyfriends all the time. Yes, forgetting things you've done while manic is very common. Answered before lol dated Aryan Disciple. Bought a brand new car, because I didn't realize I was manic. I met my last girlfriend while I was hanging out in the undergraduate library trying to meet girls. once my cloak of invisability was negated i just gave … I find it embarrssing looking back when I am more down to the earth a bit kinda weird an adult who likes skipping at work during the high times. Definitely more pissed about the portfolio chance, though... Decided I was transgender. I thought that was how far away the airport was. That includes trying to commit suicide, breaking off relationships, moving out of my house when I was 16, trying to destroy my relationships with my parents (who are amazing people), shoplifting, spending obscene amounts of money, drugs, alcohol, and everything in between. WhT are some of the things you e done help me to feel like I'm not alone. Worst/dumbest/most wtf thing you've done while manic Throwaway because I'm vaguely paranoid about this for some reason. I sink into an extremely deep depression with fatigue/lack of energy, lose all interest in doing things I love, struggle concentrating and sometimes deal with suicidal thoughts. :( I hate myself for it. I was going to fly to Hawaii to see my sister. For manic episodes in particular, medications exist that can both treat and prevent these episodes, while other types only work to prevent a manic … A safe haven for bipolar related issues. It is the letting down of those who truly care about you for what will always be seen as a selfish pursuit (even when it is not) if you do not explain it clearly enough. (We were about an hour from where we all lived.) I also tend to write a lot while manic. Flat screens and video games for my druggy friends. I thought my chances of evading whoever was following me would increase if I just started driving. While I was institutionalized I asked a Muslim girl to spell Muhammed for me, because I didn't want to spell it wrong, I then without thinking immediately followed it up with "I just don't want to get blown up for this" (this being the amazing prophetic writing I was doing) I've never experienced someone getting anywhere near as upset as that comment made her. And during the same manic episode, but a few weeks earlier, was drinking at a club with two full car loads of people. While I can’t speak for everyone with manic depression, bipolar disorder, ups and downs or whatever you choose to call it, I believe we have some things in common. My last really bad hypomanic state was a couple weeks ago. What's the most messed up thing you've done only because you were horny? We're still working on our relationship. Somehow he forgave me, but if I'm being honest, I have never forgiven myself. Best: Gave a homeless guy a grand of my money during the swing. Best was surprisingly when I went hitchhiking alone after being triggered by my brother passing away. Re: Craziest Thing You've Done While Manic by kenny66 » Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:19 pm last admission, i was totally convinced my invisibilty would stop me from being detected from escaping from said ward. Planned suicide by electrocution at work. Worst: Nothing as dramatic as some. If I hadn't done that I wouldn't have ended up getting the help I needed. It can get intense, man. Over 250 self-help support groups and discussion forums for people who need emotional support, help with a mental health, relationship, parenting, or sexual problem, and mental illness support. Now I'm 23,000 in debt, for a car I didn't really need. I have found that sharing what i have done is very therputic. This isn’t the worst thing but one time I stole an unlocked bike from a middle school bike rack ‍♀️ sorry to that lil girl I’ve been trying to stick to my @ccellofficial bellos these days. I do miss that. Felt so annoyed even more when it happened. If I could take away one thing that happened while manic I would choose the cheating over the assault. (Un)fortunately my SO had access to all of my bank accounts, created an account that I couldn't access, drained all of our money into the new inaccessible account, and shut down all of my credit cards. Everything life-altering and life-changing (in a bad way) I've done while manic. Followers 0. Press J to jump to the feed. She got pregnant. Hospitalization cost me my job and a shit ton of friends. Things you've done while manic Sign in to follow this . Looking back, I can say a made a complete fool of myself. I consider this worse than a violent sexual assault that happened to me while manic. Had twelve grand. I consider this worse than a violent sexual assault that happened to me while manic. My mania always makes me want to try things I know I shouldn’t, whether … Bipolars only, what is the wildest or strangest thing you've ever done while manic? The impression people get a work I am just really happy person though they have no idea whats going on in my head. I had a seizure and was flapping (like a fish out of water from what I was told) against a shared wall to the master bedroom, where my wife was. I am bipolar and have done some wild things while manic. It went about as well as you would expect. I've done so much damage and destruction while I've been hypomanic and on xanax. Agreed to create a website for a girl in one of my classes (for free... thanks, me from the past). adel_khanmohammadi. 11/28/2009. Lost the plot at my kid's birthday party, screaming and sobbing about my mother in law being an ignorant bitch. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I was an idiot in college. Me too. Was homeless on/off and would just do all kinds of crazy stuff. My wife texted me and said she was leaving me so that set things off all over again. Recommend to … Report as inappropriate. I had finally had enough of it and figured the only way to fix things was to kill myself, so I hung myself in the bathroom with a dog leash (I figured it wouldn't break). 1 Quote; Share this post. Quit my great job and decided I needed to drive cross-country. 0. I've still never spoken to her again which is such a shame because I found her so fascinatingly awesome. I'm a Jew. In fact, it led to my diagnosis. The one and only time I got utterly rat arsed was when I was 18 and it was my first time at night club and I can't even remember how much I drank but it must have been a lot and I got home and sat on my mum's knee and broke my heart and told her to never die and that she had to promise me she wouldn't and she said she couldn't, which sober me would totally completely … The company had been bleeding money left and right for years, and I quickly brought about record profits and filled all the bank accounts to the point where the company can pay everyone's salaries, pay all the monthly bills, and taxes for something like 15 years even if it never makes another cent. Prostituted or attempting suicide or OD'ing on Benadryl every night for several weeks to get high. Worst: Drank two fifths in one night, got arrested because I was underage. Worst? That manic swing lasted almost a year in a half. Depression: I written a suicide note once. I had a great time reading up on all the important things and building my setup.After a while I realised I should probably stick to the occasional beer instead and threw it all out before the harvest. Longest drive of my life. I did the exact same. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Suicidal and homicidal intentions3. deleted_user 08/11/2010. 10 Surprising Things People Do When They're Manic When you hear someone describe bipolar disorder “mania,” what do you immediately imagine? It can last for days, weeks and once in a while even months.” — Katy L. Best: Don't know yet; still waiting. not necessarily hypomanic, but beautiful. Tried to hang myself in the ER after the cops brought me there. Not big deal really "happy" days I jump & skip around at work. Just hyperfocusing on cleaning, I guess. I pushed one of the buttons that caused her to be in the same place that I was. Hang in there. 36. The worst thing about admitting to anyone you have experienced mental illness is ‘really nice person’ syndrome. Worst: OD'd on Vyvanse whilst having a manic episode which ended up becoming a psychotic break. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Bipolar 2 / Rapid Cycling / Mixed Features. 4 Answers. 42w. I went from a "Why would anybody even wanna do drugs?" Me-- Cut someone off on the highway pretty badly w If you could take back the #1 worst thing you did when manic, what would it be? Inspired partly by this thread, and partly due to sheer boredom, I thought I'd create a thread where we can share stories about our worst experiences while drunk and, in particular, the worst thing you've done while drunk. I feel kinda bad because I've done a lot of things here while not at all manic. Hypermanic or Mixed states: Angry I nearly walked out on my only job tell my abusive bully boss to stick it. Best: Got the best job I've ever had which I still have today and do really well at. She got kicked out of her apartment by her dad. I've only had one episode but damn it was a hell of a ride. Sponsor this series: Pong is now a game! Bipolar people- what is the worst thing you have ever done when you were manic or depressed? Everyone has different things they do while manic. Also, hypo me is just more able/willing to go out and meet people. cresteddad 08/11/2010. Ruined a chance at a good portfolio item, as well as a potential relationship. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. We asked some of you the freakiest thing you’ve done in bed, and this is what you said: Alex I met on a girl on my gap year and told her when I was single we will have sex. Share this quote: Like Quote. What’s the worst thing you’ve done while drunk? Dominique Zamora ... Don't make me stand there for 5 minutes while you pretend that you're just a second away from making a decision. If people don’t know, they are … Leave A Reply. If I hadn't done that I wouldn't have ended up getting the help I needed. Distortion of the truth2. (Interpret 'worst' however you want.) I'm not sure it will ever really be the same though. It usually happens when the person is more delusional. My friends figured out I wasn't with either of them. As I posted below, I did the same thing! Guilty of killing a child when I'm already a father sent me into a massive down swing. I think she handled that situation in a very impressive manner. Since I've been with my boyfriend, the worst thing he's done while manic was attempt to punch me in the face because he was hallucinating, and I was trying to calm him. I thought people (mainly the FBI) was out to get me. I paid for the abortion. We are a community here not just a help page. I got this great idea to buy blueberries for everyone in my life that I thought was depressed. “The crash after manic episodes. I came to realize it is more than that. That was definitely the height of my mania. Also did your restructuring of that company result in large fiscal gains for yourself as well or just the company? Distortion of the Truth. I also didn't go home to my kid (12 years old then) because I thought I was being stalked and didn't want him to be in danger. I made out with my friend's ex & then 10 minutes later went home with a guy I didn't even know. I wanted to be more encouraging, but I really have no clue how to deal with the aftermath. Traded in my car and bought a Mercedes... At midnight. I threw my mother through a glass door and our relationship has gotten better. I sat in a chair in front of a window all day watching to see if people or cars were spying on me. I bought all the blueberries in the store and made copies of the flyer from the store and hand delivered them to anyone who looked sad. I came very close to ending up in jail. We smoked weed everyday for a year. The best thing I've ever done was nearly shave my head and walk to church 3 miles in 5 degree weather. I experimented with acid and had a transient global amnesia episode ( didn't even know my name) two days after the come down. I've heard descriptions saying that they've lost weeks of their life while manic, and only remember bits and pieces here and there. 35. Wound up in the hospital with my diagnosis of bipolar. I intentionally broke a girl’s crayons while she cried. Resulted in four weeks of inpatient, a Prozac-induced hypomanic episode, diagnosis of BP2, and a year of court-ordered rehab. :( If I knew then what I know now... What is the gates of hell on 50 Xanax??? Read more quotes from Bryan Stevenson. RAWRRitsSARAHxx. i actually nearly got away with except having nothing on the upper half of my body and no shoes drew too much attention from my gaolers. Now that's the kind of crazy awesome shit I was hoping to hear! tags: justice. Best: This online company that I work for was failing so I got root access to all their servers, declared myself CEO basically, and began rewriting all of the underlying system software. Almost went through the whole process. And the experience made me even more manic! However, the three worst things that bipolar disorder causes are: 1. 2 decades ago. I have never regretted something so much in my entire life. Re: Craziest Thing You've Done While Manic by leanandserene » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:12 am Climbed a mountain in the Andes only to be stuck on a ledge alone - after being rescued and deciding to go home (minnesota), was told that I was "You're too weak of the mind. Would sleep around a lot. I stopped immediately when she started making sexual advances towards me during the subsequent depressive period. Sponsor this series: Pong is now a game! The worst thing I ever did was thinking that neglecting social life for the sake of entrepreneurship is only a common sacrifice for every entrepreneur. Anger again thrown my art work on the ground smashed it. They were pretty mad and thought it was more of an attention thing. I cussed at her and I ended up scaring her pretty bad. - r/Askreddit What's the worst thing you've ever done? Craziest/stupidest things you've done while manic? She was bp1. I'm still pretty young and have only had a couple manic episodes that I can identify. I was taken to the hospital where I was kept in the mental ward (again) for a week. Things you've done while manic. Worst, suicide attempt after breaking things in my house. Started a relationship with a woman I barely knew after getting sober. Honestly speaking, my most threatening manic episode happened before I was diagnosed. DUI, shoplifting, few other misemeanors. Favourite answer. It’s a literally manifestation of my mania that I can touch and feel. If I could take away one thing that happened while manic I would choose the cheating over the assault. I guess I'm more fun and interesting when I'm up like that. “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.” ― Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. Um, I think you're best needs a little more explanation. I've done some really bad and even weird things during manic periods. But $36k car. Most involve risk to some degree or another, whether it is sex, playing chicken in traffic, or drugs and alchol, it is a very real part of this desease/disorder. I can tell you this one thing when I went up to a girl at a party and told her to her face that "I really like you" she said "You are a creep!" The worst thing I did was I almost punched my mother. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance of the brain, and when those chemicals are misfiring, it leads to a thought imbalance as well – a distortion of the truth. 20 Waiters Reveal the Worst Thing Their Customers Have Ever Done. O.O, Worst and best: dropped out of college, went on an adventure for 1 week before getting sick and having to go home. I pretty much warped my entire life during that thing. Found cheap motel, making the depression worse, and started driving home the next day. I can tell you this one thing when I went up to a girl at a party and told her to her face that "I really like you" she said "You are a creep!" My (now ex) wife, she wasn't doing much to help (maybe she didn't know what to do?) We are a community here not just a help page. Now, this is very tame to the very awful and crazy thing I have done, but this is so “permanent”. When I was 15, I ran away from home and tried to live on the streets in NYC. How did the people who recived the blueberries react? Not a manic episode but a hypomanic one. How did you magically by yourself make tons of money while manic? My best is when I'm super motivated to clean. Be a part of something that cares about who you are. I don't know what he's done before I was with him though, and he's known he's bipolar since I met him. I know this question has been asked before but they were years ago. Ended in a bunch of stuff being thrown and IT certifications being destroyed. A safe haven for bipolar related issues. As a junior in college?!! I used to have so much "promiscuous" sex when I was manic. She told me never to speak to her again and wouldn't even let me apologize. The navigation said .03 miles, but that was just until the next turn. Hypomania + Xanax. I don’t care about the repercussions of my actions and have a ‘what’s the worst that can happen’ attitude. Life moves so fast for them that mania is just like flashes of color and sound. I'd gone to a mates house party in Birmingham. Relevance. What was the worst thing you've done manic? 5. If I agreed to turn on GPS tracking on my phone and continue in the direction of home my family would then put enough money into my account to fill the tank once at a time until I made it back home. None of them really knew I was bipolar or knew much about it. As soon as I got out, I packed my shit in my truck and drove non-stop from North Carolina to Texas. Lots and lots of cocaine. TL;DR: Drug OD led to Psychosis led to Suicide attempt led to Divorce. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I live in crazy old Florida and made it to Arkansas before the mania spiraled into debilitating depression. Everything life-altering and life-changing (in a bad way) I've done while manic. That was a year ago and I'm almost back to normal, hopefully I'll be able to live on my own soon. Are you still with that SO? Sure, we might think we know what mania is really like — feeling super happy, or having a ton of energy — but in reality, mania and hypomania are far more complex than society believes. Answer Save. I have bipolar 1. I went to go get her. Def all my crazy impulsivivity and drug binges back in my youth. Now, I’m quite curious as to what others have done while they were having a manic episode. I had terrible hallucinations, mainly auditory with the occasional visual. Destruction of families. I told both drivers I was getting a ride home with the other and navigated my way to the airport on my phone.